Male Plastic Surgery – Why Not Consider a Daddy Makeover?

Are you tired of having a dad bod? Has Father Time done a number on your fatherly face? You don’t have to take your age progression sitting down. Stand up and take your youth back by choosing a daddy makeover, the latest in male plastic surgery.

What is a Daddy Makeover?

A Daddy Makeover is a term given to a group of cosmetic procedures for men. You may have heard about Mommy Makeovers. These groupings of surgeries often include breast augmentations, thigh lifts, and buttock enhancements.

As the stigma of men having cosmetic surgery lifts year after year, more men are opting for these procedures. You could consider 2021 the year of the daddy makeover, with these procedures only expected to gain in popularity in the future.

If you don’t like something about your face or body, now you can change it. You can do so by visiting your local cosmetic surgeon’s office and asking for the daddy makeover.

What Male Cosmetic Procedures Are Available?

The biggest benefit of the daddy makeover is that you get to choose multiple male cosmetic procedures in a single session. That means you are only exposed to anesthesia once and you don’t have to undergo multiple surgeries, which can increase the risks to your health. Daddy makeovers minimize those risks with shorter recovery times to boot. Here are a few male surgeries (and non-surgeries) that are commonly included with the average daddy makeover.

Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia Surgery for Daddy Makeover in LA, CA

Gynecomastia or male breast reduction surgery is for any man who has developed “man boobs”. Male breast growth can be caused by obesity, genetics, and certain medications. The result of the surgery is a flatter, more masculine chest.


Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the United States. There were 258,000 lipo procedures performed in 2018, which is just behind breast augmentation. With lipo, you can lose the love handles, and shrink the beer gut. Liposuction removes the stubborn fat that doesn’t readily respond to diet and exercise. With lipo, your surgeon can sculpt your body nearly all over, including your abdomen, arms, thighs, buttocks, flanks, chest, chin, and cheeks.

VASER HD-Liposuction

HD-Lipo is for the man who wants a more defined physique. Using ultrasound energy, VASER HD can give you a more toned body, and “ripped” contours, the kind you usually have to slave for in the gym. This technique takes standard lipo up a notch, letting you take your body to the next level.

Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck for Men in LA, CA
Tummy Tuck for Men in LA, CA

Too much belly fat can make you look out of shape and older than your age. A tummy tuck can transform your midsection. The surgical technique can even repair and strengthen your abdominal muscles. During the cosmetic procedure, excess fat and tissue are carved away, leaving a trim abdomen behind. Ask your cosmetic surgeon about the scarless tummy tuck also, which uses skin tightening Renuvion to rejuvenate your midsection without major surgery.

Facelift or Neck Lift

Age tends to show heavily on the face and neck. Some call it wisdom, but you may not see it that way. You want the droopiness gone, and those deep folds erased away. For you, there is the facelift. One in ten facelifts is performed on men, which makes this technique an excellent addition to a daddy makeover. There are several different types of facelifts, including the scarless facelift with Renuvion.


Your eyes tend to show the effects of aging before other parts of your body. To correct saggy and droopy eyelids, your surgeon may recommend blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery. During blepharoplasty, your surgeon will lift your eyelids by cutting away the extra skin around the upper and lower eyelids, and sometimes around both. Puffy eyes can also be corrected by cutting away the extra fat and tissue, leaving your eyes looking younger and more vibrant.


Rhinoplasty for Men at MSA in LA, CA

Nose surgery aims to alter the size and shape of your nose. Rhinoplasty can remove bumps, correct crookedness, and reshape the tip. If there is a problem with the structure of your nose, this surgery can also help you breathe better. Nose surgery can dramatically improve the appearance of your face, though the swelling can take up to a year to subside. Ask about rhinoplasty and any questions you might have during your cosmetic surgery consultation.

Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures for Men

While you’re having surgery on some parts of your body, you can opt for non-surgical techniques on others, such as your face. Here are two to consider.

Injectable Neurotoxin

Millions of people have used injectable neurotoxins to smooth away fine lines, treat migraines, and stop hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating. Botox is one example of an injectable neurotoxin, and the one most are familiar with.

These safe and effective injectable cosmetic treatments can also treat forehead creases, crow’s feet, and muscle spasms around your eyes and in your neck. Don’t let the name keep you from experiencing the amazing power of these treatments as part of your daddy makeover.


As we age, certain areas of the face tend to lose layers of fat, bone, and muscle. This effect can cause wrinkles to deepen, making them more apparent. Injectable fillers add the layers back to your face with instantly visible results. A single treatment can hide your wrinkles, making you look years younger. Many fillers contain collagen and hyaluronic acid, which are compounds that rejuvenate the skin. Fillers can even improve the appearance of scars.

Anesthesia Options

One consideration you will have to make when preparing for a daddy makeover is deciding on the ideal anesthesia for your procedure. Anesthesia is a medication that numbs you during surgery. Once placed under anesthesia, you won’t feel discomfort or pain. Thanks to advances in medical technology, anesthesia is safe and effective. Understanding the options you have available can help to ease your mind.

General Anesthesia

General Anesthesia at MSA in LA, CA

General anesthesia renders you completely unconscious. Not only will you be completely numb, but you won’t remember anything about your surgery. The anesthesiologist will administer the medicine intravenously, in most cases. Some surgeons will use a mask for inhalation. The surgeon will monitor your vital signs throughout the surgery, including your heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure, to ensure your safety.

Daddy makeover procedures can involve several surgeries in one session. For that reason, your surgeon will likely choose general anesthesia for safety reasons. Another option available to your surgeon is to use IV sedation and local sedation at the treatment spot. This is known as “twilight sedation” and tends to be easier on the body during recovery.

Of course, some daddy makeover techniques don’t require anesthesia at all. Examples include neurotoxin injections and dermal fillers.

Schedule a Consultation for a Daddy Makeover – What Do You Have to Lose?

The first step to getting the younger and more masculine body and face you want is to schedule a consultation with the best cosmetic surgeon in your area.

For men living in Los Angeles, Dr. Babak Moeinolmolki is that surgeon. Dr. Moein has an excellent track record of helping men from all walks of life achieve their aesthetic goals. Let Dr. Moein give you amazing results with one or more daddy makeover techniques. Learn more about the male cosmetic procedures available to you by calling Moein Surgical Arts, your home for male plastic surgery – (310)694-4486.

Dr. Babak Moeinolmolki

CALL US : +1(310)455-8020

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