Eyelid Surgery

Refresh and rejuvenate your appearance with face procedures at Moein Surgical Arts. Restore a more youthful glow with minimally invasive facial plastic surgery in Los Angeles. Face procedures can be performed alone or combined to create a personalized treatment plan.


Are you self-conscious of bags under your eyes? Wrinkles in your lower lids? Drooping upper eyelid skin that makes you look tired and maybe even gets in the way of your vision? If so, eyelid surgery may be your perfect solution. This procedure can correct bags under the eyes and hollowness, eliminate fine wrinkles on the lower eyelids, and tighten loose skin on the upper and lower eyelids, providing you with a refreshed, more youthful appearance.

Eyelid surgery is a popular option available at Moein Surgical Arts to revitalize your look. Treat the fatigued, stressed, or aged appearance and call to schedule your consultation.



  • Babak Moein is board-certified in comprehensive cosmetic aesthetic surgery and minimally invasive surgery, and general surgery and has years of experience helping men and women throughout the Los Angeles area and beyond achieve their body and beauty goals.
  • Moein is the only surgeon in Southern California dual fellowship trained in minimally invasive surgery as well as cosmetic aesthetic and body contouring surgery.
  • At Moein Surgical Arts, our main focus is to provide excellent service and optimal results for every one of our patients. Dr. Moein and his highly trained surgical team will provide you with individualized care to ensure you get the results you are looking for.

To learn more about eyelid surgery, contact us online or call our office today at 310-299-9106 to schedule your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Moein.


Eyelid surgery, also known as eye lift or blepharoplasty, removes sagging skin above and below the eyelid, revealing a refreshed, more youthful appearance. The benefits of eyelid surgery can be experienced by people of all ages who are not only looking to smooth out their wrinkles or crow’s feet but are seeking to fix drooping eyelids in order to help dispel discomfort and improve their vision. If you feel like your eyes make you look more tired than you really are, or if sagging skin is getting in the way of your vision, upper eyelid surgery may be right for you.

Common issues that can be improved by eyelid surgery include:

Common issues that can be improved by eyelid surgery include:

  • Puffiness caused by fat deposits.
  • Undereye bags.
  • Loose, sagging excess skin can cause wrinkling or even impair vision on the upper and lower eyelids.


Ideal candidates for an eyelid lift are men and women in good overall health but are unhappy with the appearance of unwanted excess eyelid skin and tissue. In order to achieve the best results, it’s best not to smoke or quit smoking at least 6 to 8 weeks before and after your surgery. The best candidates should fully understand the intentions of the eyelid procedure and have realistic expectations for their results.

Eyelid surgery can help men and women achieve a multitude of different goals, from aesthetic appearance to addressing functionality. Whether you want to address aesthetic or functional concerns due to excess eyelid tissue, eyelid surgery can be an excellent choice.

Blepharoplasty treats sagging skin around the eyes. If you have other facial concerns, Dr. Moein may suggest combining your eyelid surgery with nonsurgical treatments like laser skin rejuvenation or dermal fillers to address fine lines and wrinkles. A forehead lift is another common procedure that is often paired with blepharoplasty. Dr. Moein can help you decide on a comprehensive treatment plan for your specific needs.

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To find out more about DR BABAK MOEIN. We advise you to request a consultation online. If you prefer, you are more than welcome to call our office
to schedule your appointment.

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Depending on the condition of your skin, your eyelid procedure may require as little as 1 hour or as many as 3 hours to complete. After the application of anesthesia, there will be two options for your incision for lower eyelid surgery.

The traditional option is a small cut made below the lower eyelid’s eyelash line. If you do not have issues with excess skin but instead are specifically suffering from excess fatty deposits (bags), Dr. Moein can instead use a different incision called the transconjunctival incision. This is created on the inside of the lower lid, a location ideal for hiding any marks that result from the procedure.

Once your incisions have been created, Dr. Moein will be free to alter the tissues in the area and create a younger, rejuvenated look for your lower lids. The incisions are closed using medical stitches or other dressings.

For upper blepharoplasty, IV sedation or general anesthesia is administered. The tissue is recontoured through a small incision will then be created in the natural crease of each of the patient’s upper eyelids. The incision is closed with medical stitches, surgical tape, or skin adhesives. For patients undergoing a combination upper lid and lower lid blepharoplasty, these can be done during the same procedure and typically begin with the upper set of eyelids.


After the procedure, you will need to have a friend or family member drive you home. This person should also stay over through the night to ensure that you’re taken care of. Your blepharoplasty recovery will involve rest and limited activity for 7 to 10 days. You'll need to be gentle with the areas to help them heal faster and reduce the risk of complications. After this brief recovery period, most patients resume their regular schedule. Avoid your normal exercise routine until Dr. Moein has approved it. Sunglasses are important to protect incisions from the sun and other elements during your recovery.

Although recovery and results vary from person to person, there are a few things you can do to encourage better healing and results. Make sure that you follow Dr. Moein’s post-operative instructions carefully, as well as avoid partaking in activities that could put pressure on your incision sites. Light walking is also an excellent tool to help you speed up your recovery.

You can expect some mild swelling and bruising to peak on the first day following surgery, then gradually subside as you continue to heal. To help combat these side effects, we recommend you relax and apply cold compresses to the eyes and face for the first 24 to 48 hours following surgery. In 3 days to a week after the eyelid surgery, you’ll be able to come back in to get stitches removed. By the 2-week mark, most patients find the majority of the bruising and swelling is gone.

Dry eyes are a common side effect of blepharoplasty and can be treated with lubricating eye ointment. While you’re healing, stay away from extended periods of television watching, computer use, and reading since these can dry out the eyes. The rejuvenating effects of your blepharoplasty can stay fresh for a full 5 to 7 years. Following a healthy diet and exercise plan can help you maintain the longevity of your results. As you continue to age, you may experience the effects of natural skin laxity. Typically, eyelid surgery is a one-time procedure, and other facial cosmetic procedures are better suited to address subsequent age-related changes.


Upper blepharoplasty typically runs between $3,800 and $4,800. Lower blepharoplasty, which is slightly more involved, costs around $6,000 in most cases. At Moein Surgical Arts, Dr. Moein and his surgical team will discuss your financial options with you. We take great care to ensure you understand the cost of your procedure with zero unexpected expenses.


To discuss eyelid surgery in greater detail with an experienced cosmetic surgeon, contact us online or call our office today at 310-694-4486 to arrange a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Babak Moein.

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