Men’s Cosmetic Surgery on the Rise – 5 Procedures to Consider

Introduction to Mens Cosmetic Surgery on the rise

Men’s cosmetic surgery procedures are becoming more popular than ever before. No longer are cosmetic surgical centers populated only by women. Now, men in their thirties, forties, fifties, and older are seeking out procedures to help them reclaim a youthful appearance.

While many of the top surgical procedures are still dominated by women, men’s cosmetic surgery has risen by 28% since the year 2000. One reason for the shift is that cosmetic surgery is becoming more affordable for men and women alike. And, let’s face it, both genders want to look their best and stave off age as long as humanly possible.

According to the latest statistics, the most popular cosmetic surgeries for men include liposuction, male breast reduction surgery, eyelid surgery, nose surgery, and tummy tuck. Here are the details of those procedures, including the benefits, results you can expect, risks, and the cost.

If you are interested in one of these cosmetic techniques, schedule a consultation by calling Moein Surgical Arts in Los Angeles, California.

Top Cosmetic Procedures for Men


Liposuction for men in LA

Liposuction, otherwise referred to simply as lipo, is a method for removing stubborn fat from various locations around the body. The technique is not used to lose weight. Rather, the idea is to recontour the body to make various areas slimmer when diet and exercise alone fail to deliver results.


Male liposuction can help men achieve a toned and slimmer appearance on stubborn areas, such as the stomach, thighs, and buttocks. The techniques involved with lipo are consistently evolving, making the procedure effective and comfortable.

One prime benefit of male lipo is that it works to remove cellulite. Many incorrectly think that cellulite only affects women. Around 10% of men can develop cellulite. Liposuction can help to make the skin smoother, which can reverse or at least mask the appearance of cellulite on the skin.

In addition to a slimmer and smoother appearance, liposuction for men can improve self-esteem. Health can be improved, as well, as excess weight is associated with several health conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis. Having liposuction performed can help men see improvements with these conditions or prevent them from developing in the first place.


Male liposuction and the high-tech alternative HD-lipo allow the cosmetic surgeon to sculpt the man’s physique. The result is a leaner and more toned appearance. The technique can also rid the body of love handles and that layer of fat that prevents muscles from showing through the skin. The effects of male lipo are more prominent with a healthy diet and exercise program.

Read our article: Liposuction vs. HD-Lipo: What’s the Difference?


Every medical procedure comes with some level of risk. When you choose a board-certified cosmetic surgeon, the risks of male liposuction remain low. The liposuction procedure carries a risk of infections, but these are easily treated. In rare cases, the procedure can cause fat embolisms or heart and kidney problems. However, these can be avoided if you have been medically cleared to undergo male lipo by your cosmetic surgeon and follow the aftercare instructions given to you by your surgeon closely.

The Procedure

Male lipo targets fatty deposits under the skin in areas such as the chest and abdomen. During the procedure, the surgeon removes these areas of fatty tissue using a thin tube called a cannula. A small incision functions as an entry point for the tool before the fat is suctioned out.

The procedure involves general or regional anesthesia and is considered an outpatient surgery, which means you can usually go home the day of the procedure.


According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, theaverage cost of liposuction is $3,637. Health insurance is not likely to cover the procedure, since lipo is considered elective surgery.

Nose Surgery

Rhinoplasty or nose job refers to the reconstruction of the nose. Men who opt for the procedure may use it to reshape the nose or improve breathing function, or both.


Male rhinoplasty aims to help the nose complement the rest of the facial features, including the chin, cheeks, and eyes. The surgery can help to balance facial symmetry and minimize the appearance of imperfections that may be present on the bridge of the nose, as well as eliminate a bulbous tip.


The desired result of men’s rhinoplasty is to make the nose prominent and powerful with distinctive features. The surgeon strives to make the nasal tip less rotated so the angle between the lip and nose falls within 90 to 95 degrees.


The risks of complications associated with men’s rhinoplasty include ongoing nosebleeds, swelling, scarring, numbness, and difficulty breathing through the nose. You can minimize risks by collaborating with a cosmetic surgeon who specializes in rhinoplasty procedures for men.

The Procedure

There are three possible approaches to male rhinoplasty. These include open surgery, closed surgery, and nose narrowing.

With open surgery, an incision is created between the nostrils. This allows the surgeon to alter and reshape the tips of the nose.

Closed surgery, which is the most common, involves incisions that are hidden on the inside of the nose. This also helps in hiding any scars that develop after the incisions heal.

The third method involves a narrowing of the nose. With this method of surgery, the nasal bones are altered in shape to artistically match the face for a natural appearance.


Rhinoplasty can cost between $5,000 and $15,000, depending on what needs to be altered and the methods used. Insurance is unlikely to cover this elective cosmetic surgery.

Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid Surgery for Men in LA

Otherwise referred to medically as blepharoplasty, male eyelid surgery helps to reverse the signs of aging on the eyelids. This technique is typically chosen by men as they reach their mid-thirties but can be performed at any age onward.


Male eyelid surgery helps to remove excess skin and fatty tissue from the eyelids and surrounding areas. The procedure can make the man look youthful beyond his years, as well as rejuvenated and alert. In some cases, the procedure can enhance the man’s eye shape.


Having male eyelid surgery performed gives men a lifted and youthful appearance. There won’t be puffiness, loose skin, or excess tissue that we typically associate with age. The eyes will appear alert and healthy with a dramatic effect on the rest of the face.


Risks to men when having eyelid surgery include a detached retina, glaucoma, dry eyes, and other eye issues. Your cosmetic surgeon will discuss these risks before clearing you up for surgery. You should also ensure you are working with a cosmetic surgeon who specializes in men’s blepharoplasty.

The Procedure

Eyelid surgery for men can be performed in different phases. For the upper eyelids, the surgeon aims to remove excess fat and skin. A small incision is created inside the natural folds of the upper eyelid. This hides scarring and allows for the removal of excess skin along with pockets of underlying fat. Once the skin and fatty tissue are removed, the incision is closed and hidden inside the upper eyelid fold.

The male version of blepharoplasty allows for contouring of the incision so that the lid has less skin and fat removal. This is a distinct difference from the female version of the same cosmetic surgery to provide a more masculine appearance.

Lower eyelid surgery seeks to repair under-eye bags that can make the man appear overly tired. During this phase of the procedure, fatty tissue and excess skin are removed from the lower eyelids. In some cases, fatty tissue is transferred to certain areas of the lower eyelids to repair hollowed-out areas (volume loss) that can result from age. This provides a more natural contour.

Read our article: What You Should Know Before Eyelid Surgery


The average cost of eyelid surgery is $4,120, with insurance unlikely to cover the cost because the procedure is considered an elective.

Male Breast Reduction

Also known as gynecomastia surgery, this procedure aims to remove excess fat and glandular tissue from the chest. The procedure can also correct puffy nipples and oversized or asymmetrical areolas.

Read our article: Are You a Good Candidate for Male Breast Reduction Surgery?

Read our article: What Men Should Know Before Gynecomastia Surgery


Gynecomastia, the condition that leads to excessive glandular growth, can mimic the appearance of female breasts. While the condition is unlikely to cause discomfort or pain, having male breasts can be embarrassing. Thus, the man’s self-esteem can take a hit. The man may also be selective of the clothes he wears and may avoid certain situations, such as swimming with his shirt off.

After gynecomastia or male breast reduction surgery, the man has an opportunity to show off his flatter and more sculpted chest. He is also likely to experience a surge of self-esteem, which could open new doors personally and professionally.

Read our article: How Does Cosmetic Surgery Build Self-Esteem and Confidence?


The results of male breast reduction surgery are immediately noticeable, though some swelling may be present after the procedure. In a few weeks, post-surgical swelling will resolve, and incision lines are likely to fade. The final results of surgery can take up to six months to achieve, with the chest appearing flat and masculine in appearance.


Common risks of gynecomastia surgery include bleeding, fluid collection, bruising, loss of nipple skin, scarring, numbness, and loose breast skin. You can reduce your risks of complications by working with a gynecomastia surgeon with a solid track record of positive results.

The Procedure

The typical male breast reduction surgery involves liposuction and surgical removal of glandular tissue and fatty tissue. During the procedure, incisions are made near the nipples, which hides scarring after the incisions have healed. A liposuction cannula is inserted into the incision to suction fat from around the chest. Glandular tissue, excess fat, and excess skin are then removed to achieve a flat, masculine physique.


The average cost of gynecomastia surgery is $4,239, with insurance unlikely to cover the costs.

Tummy Tuck

Male Tummy Tuck in LA

A male tummy tuck aims to remove loose skin and saggy skin around the abdomen. Like liposuction, the technique is not used as a method to lose weight. Instead, men’s cosmetic surgery is meant to recontour the body to develop a leaner physique.


There are multiple benefits for men who choose to undergo a tummy tuck procedure, also referred to as an abdominoplasty. The first is that loose skin is removed, which can yield a tighter abdomen. Excess skin due to age or significant weight loss can also be cut away. Stubborn fat is extracted if diet and exercise have failed to yield the intended results. And, finally, a tummy tuck with ab-etching can help the man achieve a six-pack.

Read our article: Tummy Tuck Surgery Provides 10 Life Benefits


Following a tummy tuck, the man’s abdomen can appear tight and toned. Any loose skin that was present before the surgery is removed which can give the man an impressive silhouette.


Possible complications of a male tummy tuck include bleeding, scarring, temporary numbness, and infection. The most serious complication of a male abdominoplasty is a pulmonary embolism, which is a medical term that refers to a clot in the lungs. You can minimize your risk by working with a cosmetic surgeon who specializes in male tummy tuck procedures.

The Procedure

During this popular men’s cosmetic surgery, a lower abdominal incision is created, which is usually hidden within the natural folds of the body. The navel is extracted through the new opening. Liposuction or HD-lipo for ab etching may be used to remove excess fat before excess skin is removed. The incisions are then closed to leave the abdomen flat and firm.


The average cost of a tummy tuck is $6,154, with health insurance unlikely to cover the costs.

Read our article: When Can You Resume Exercise After a Tummy Tuck? (It’s Sooner Than You Think)

Men’s Cosmetic Procedures Now Available at Moein Surgical Arts

With more men choosing cosmetic surgery to return their youthful looks, the time may be perfect for you to do the same. If age is catching up to you and you wish you had a slimmer body and more attractive appearance, a few aesthetic tweaks could do wonders for your self-esteem.

Learn more by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Babak Moein. You can do so by contacting Moein Surgical Arts. Dr. Moein specializes in a wide range of cosmetic techniques, such as liposuction, rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery, male breast reduction surgery, and the tummy tuck. Call today to choose a time that works best for you – (310)694-4486

Babak Moein

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