Vaser Lipo Scars: The Answer to Less Belly Fat without Scars

Vaser Lipo scars refer to the marks or blemishes that may appear on the skin after undergoing Vaser liposuction. This cosmetic surgery technique uses ultrasound technology to break down and remove fat from the body. These Vaser Lipo scars may vary in size and appearance depending on the individual’s skin type and the extent of the procedure.
This cosmetic surgery technique improves the contouring shaping abilities of traditional liposuction, making the VASER Lipo scars treatment ideal for eradicating belly fat (and fat all over).

What is VASER Lipo & How Does it Work?

VASER Liposuction (or HD Lipo) is similar to traditional liposuction. To understand how VASER works, we should compare it to the techniques used with traditional lipo.

You may already be familiar with the way trad-lipo extracts excess fat from various points around the body. In most cases, general anesthesia will be used so that you will be unconscious during the procedure. In some cases, the surgeon will use local anesthesia if the treatment area is small enough.

Once prepped for surgery, the surgeon will make incisions along the treatment area. The areas that respond best to lipo include the buttocks, abdomen, chin, knees, and breasts (which includes male breast removal). The incisions are between 3-6 millimeters and an inch long and will be used as insertion points for a cannula, which is a long, thin tube used for extracting the fat during the lipo procedure.

During regular fat lipo, the treatment area is filled with a solution combining anesthetic and saline. The purpose of the mixture is three-fold. The anesthetic numbs the area and constricts the blood vessels while making the fat easier to break up.

The surgeon will then use the cannula as a suction device, making wide back-and-forth motions. Using this method, the surgeon is able to remove large pockets of fat from the deepest layers. Going to the deep layers is safer and less likely to damage the skin.

After the traditional liposuction procedure, patients are required to wear a compression vest for a short time. The procedure creates tunnels underneath the skin and within the fat. These tunnels will eventually collapse using a compression garment, helping the long-term results look more natural. Swelling and discomfort should diminish within three weeks, usually when you can see the final results.

What Does VASER Stand For?

VASER Lipo uses the same types of incisions and a similar saline mixture to what’s used in regular lipo. The area becomes numb, the blood vessels constrict, and the fat is easier to break up after adding the solution. Next comes the VASER probe.

VASER stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance. This is a fancy term for ultrasound technology. By inserting the VASER probe into the treatment area incisions, a low level of ultrasound energy is used to target and eliminate fat cells.

This technology isn’t necessarily new. Surgeons were using an earlier type of VASER in the 90s. Back then, surgeons couldn’t control the level of energy, which increased patient risks. We are now in the third generation of VASER, and the ultrasound energy is highly controlled. VASER can improve the contours and add a higher level of definition to certain body parts such as the chin, neck, arms, love handles, and thighs.

What is the Difference Between VASER & Traditional Lipo Results?

vaser lipo scars

Traditional liposuction is designed for patients with a higher-than-average body mass index (BMI). It’s for eradicating large pockets of pesky fat. Because the treatment areas are large, you typically undergo fewer procedures. The fat lipo procedure has become the gold standard for producing excellent results. In the hands of a skilled surgeon, you can achieve the desired results in nearly any area of the body.

VASER liposuction gives all the benefits of lipo without downtime. The surgeon will use a local anesthetic as opposed to a general “put you to sleep” anesthetic. You’ll be fully awake for the entire procedure, which takes around an hour. The recovery time is a breeze, and there is also less pain, bleeding, and bruising when compared to traditional lipo.

You’ll still have to take it easy for a few weeks, but the results with VASER are far different than those produced by standard lipo. VASER is known for its body-sculpting effects. VASER will leave your body toned and your muscles more defined at the treatment area.

How Does VASER Remove Belly Fat Without Scars?

Vaser Lipo Scars: A Scarless Procedure

VASER liposuction is minimally invasive. As such, the procedure doesn’t require major incisions. The cuts are tiny and usually placed within your skin’s natural folds. A skilled surgeon can hide those scars so well they are practically invisible once healed.

Useful for Toned Bellies

VASER liposuction is an excellent technique for erasing belly fat that is not only stubborn but located at superficial levels. Once that fat is eradicated, your body’s musculature will be able to show through. This is where you get six-pack abs – or at least greater definition in the abdominal area.

For many people, the fat on the upper and lower belly is the most difficult to eliminate through diet and exercise alone. This is why using VASER on your belly fat works so well and produces the most enviable results. Everyone will think you got a leaner stomach by working hard in the gym. Little do they know, VASER gave you that belly in much less time.

How Much Does VASER Lipo Cost?

Vaser Lipo Scars

The fees associated with VASER come to around $6,500 on average, according to Healthline. The price you pay may vary depending on the size of the treatment area, the amount of fat that needs to be removed, and the number of treatments. The fees also pay for the surgeon’s fees, facility fees, anesthesiologist’s fees, and so on. Traditional liposuction, by comparison, costs $3,500 on average.

Who is a Good Candidate for VASER Liposuction?

You should never substitute VASER liposuction for a healthy diet and exercise program. You should be at or around a healthy weight before considering a procedure such as VASER Lipo. But if you are at a healthy weight and still have pockets of fat, VASER can help you slim down and tone up!

VASER gives the best results when used on patients with good skin tone and elasticity. Your goal should be to add a definition without losing too much weight. VASER can give you that “ripped” look for men or “toned” look for women. The prime areas for VASER include your chin, neck, breasts, abdomen, love handles, back, arms, hips, thighs, knees, and ankles. Yes, virtually all over. But the only way to know if you are a good candidate for this revolutionary fat-busting technique is to schedule a consultation with a qualified cosmetic surgeon.

Dr. Babak Moein of Moein Surgical Arts is an expert at using VASER technology to help patients improve their body contours. Los Angeles, Encino, and Glendale patients know they can turn to Dr. Moein for various cosmetic treatments, including VASER Lipo, for premium body sculpting. Schedule now with Dr. Moein during a telemedicine or sit-down meeting. After a short physical and discussion about your goals, you can find out if VASER liposuction is right for you. Call today at (310)694-4486.

Babak Moein

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