Muscle Definition with HD Lipo VASER Technology
Do you want to get that shredded look?
The one where all your muscles seem to pop, giving you that toned appearance!.
You know, your dream body, where you have curves for days, if you’re a woman.
If you’re a man, you might want your six-pack to show every time you take your shirt off.
Conventional wisdom tells us that, to get a body like that, you have to spend all day in the gym.
Eliminate carbohydrates, restrict meat, or whatever extremes people are resorting today to drop that final layer of fat.
That final fat coating prevents your body’s musculature from showing through.
However, you don’t need to struggle in the gym or restrict your eating to lose those pesky pockets of fat.
A new body contouring surgery can remove the fat like liposuction with a significant upgrade.
The amazing technique is now available at your cosmetic surgeon’s office. The technique is called VASER Lipo or HD Lipo. The ultrasound technology eradicates fat like lipo but gives you greater definition as if you earned it in the gym.

How Does VASER Technology Work?
Using a Vaser Liposuction, a skilled cosmetic surgeon can etch the fine lines around your arms, neck, midsection, and other areas around your body.
Much like a sculptor can make a statue’s muscles stand out, your body contouring surgeon does the same to your body with the VASER device.
HD Lipo strategically removes fat from select places around the body. A pocket of fat here, another over there, giving you the chance to show off the natural structure underneath.
VASER stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy of Resonance.
The ultrasound waves emitted from the device liquefies your fat cells before they are removed from your body entirely.
Prior to your fat being removed your surgeon will apply a tumescent fluid to the treatment area, further breaking down the fat while simultaneously numbing the location.
The surgery is fast, minimally invasive, and effective at making you look absolutely ripped. The Vaser technology and Renuvion J-plasma skin tightening system have revolutionized liposuction to a new level. This is the new era in body contouring and plastic surgery with jaw dropping results.
Once the fat is properly broken down, your bariatric surgeon will remove the fat cells from your body completely, giving you the toned look you want.
What Body Parts Can HD Lipo Be Used On?
The procedure has become so popular in part because it can be used on so many body parts. The body-etching method can be used on the arms, chest, abs, shoulders, buttocks, and inner thighs.
The HD Lipo treatment sculpts the body to its perfect natural shape by removing the fat that’s covering all your best parts.
Use HD Lipo to Enhance Other Aspects of Your Body
Since fat is removed from your body during the HD Lipo procedure, some patients choose to have that fat reinjected into select body parts, including chest muscles and buttocks. Doing so can give your body the best possible contours, especially when you choose an artist as your body contouring surgeon.
Who is the Best Candidate for HD Lipo?
VASER body sculpting may be right for you if you are already healthy but struggle to shed those last layers of fat. HD Lipo can give you that defined appearance that makes all your hard work in the gym worth it, no grueling cardio sessions and extreme dieting required.
You will be the best candidate if you have a solid underlying musculature, good skin elasticity, and don’t have much fat to remove. Your bariatric surgeon will determine if you are a good candidate for this procedure.
How Does VASER Work?

The VASER ultrasound device emits ultrasound waves that loosen and melt the fat. Your surgeon will make a series of incisions near the affected areas to remove the fat pockets. These incision marks are usually hidden in the natural folds of your body and will fade over time. That means you can feel free to show off your new body at the beach, pool, or wherever you happen to be without worrying about blemishes getting in the way.
If you wish to have fat reinjected into other parts of the body, the fat will be liquified before the reinjection process. This procedure is known as “fat transfer.”
Just imagine, your repurposed fat could be used to further enhance your body. Popular procedures for fat transfer include breast augmentations, Brazillian butt lifts, and lip enhancements.
Is General Anesthesia Used?
Just like a traditional liposuction procedure, you will be placed under general anesthesia after being admitted into the surgical facility. The procedure can be short or long, depending on the number of areas being treated. Generally speaking, the procedure can take between an hour or two.
After the procedure is over, you will wear a compression garment designed to circulate your blood, which enhances the healing process. You can expect to return to your job in seven to ten days, whereby you should take the time to relax and recover from surgery.
You’ll be back to your normal activity and exercise routine anywhere from two to four weeks. When four weeks have passed, you should be able to enter the gym and work out as thoroughly as you like. Of course, make sure you are fully cleared by your doctor before you resume your normal workouts.
How Is HD Lipo Different Than Traditional Liposuction?
Standard lipo is a procedure that removes excess fat from select parts of the body. These healthy amounts of fat can shrink the belly, flanks, thighs, neck, buttocks, chest, and arms.
HD Lipo is for individuals who have some muscle definition and only a thin layer of fat is preventing their true musculature from showing through. The HD treatment removes the deepest layers of fat, as well as the subdermal and superficial layers. This is the fat that makes your muscles more visible. By removing that fat, you get to put all your gains on display.
In short, HD Lipo sculpts your body to its best possible shape.

How Much Does HD Lipo Cost?
Since HD Lipo takes liposuction to the next level and takes significantly longer, you can expect to pay around twice as much as you would for a traditional liposuction procedure.
The average cost of the high-definition liposuction procedure ranges from $6K to 16K, depending on the treatment areas and the amount of fat removed, and associated surgical procedures.
Is the VASER Procedure Permanent?
Your body contouring surgeon will provide you with expert advice for maintaining a healthy weight. Keeping your weight steady is critical for enjoying long-term success with the HD Lipo treatment. If you gain weight, lose weight, or get pregnant, you could experience some result changes.
Talk to your doctor about keeping up with a healthy diet and an active lifestyle to achieve the best results once the procedure is complete.
Can HD Lipo Tighten Your Skin?
The HD Lipo procedure can tighten the skin. In fact, this is one of the most sought-after benefits of this fantastic body contouring treatment. Etch your body and tighten the skin to show off more of your hard-earned muscle. What’s not to love?
HD Lipo can even be combined with procedures like Renuvion, which offers further skin tightening, as well as skin rejuvenation, for even greater body-etching effects.
Schedule a Virtual Consultation to Learn More About HD Lipo Today
With the “eye-catching” results you are guaranteed to achieve with VASER technology, you owe it to yourself to schedule a consultation with a body contouring surgeon near you. Dr. Moein of Moein Surgical Arts offers this amazing technology for scarless skin tightening and high-definition body etching. Call (310) 694-4486 to schedule a virtual consultation during a time works best for you.