Tips for Maintaining Your Liposuction Results

Liposuction is a popular cosmetic procedure that helps to remove stubborn fat and create a more sculpted physique. But what happens after the procedure? How can you ensure that you maintain the best Liposuction results for a lifetime?

Liposuction gives you a chance to attain the body you want. Since you cannot spot reduced fat, liposuction could be the answer to a flatter tummy, slimmer arms, and a tapered waist. Going from bulky to slim down in a single surgical session can open new doors and improve your self-esteem. The results are immediately noticeable and improve over time as swelling and bruising from the procedure subside.

Since liposuction removes fat cells permanently, the results from the procedure can last for life. However, it is up to you and your lifestyle habits to maintain your stellar results. The advice in this post will help you do just that.

Within the following paragraphs, you will learn more about the liposuction procedure and how it is performed. We will delve into the results you can expect and how to preserve those results for many years to come.

If you don’t want to wait until the end, call Moein Surgical Arts to schedule a consultation. Doctor Babak Moein specializes in a wide range of aesthetic techniques, including Liposuction and HD-Lipo. Dial (310)694-4486 to start on the path to removing stubborn pockets of fat from your body once and for all.

Liposuction Removes Stubborn Pockets of Fat

Liposuction (lipoplasty) is the surgical method for extracting pockets of fat from strategic areas of the body. This cosmetic procedure is one of the most common aesthetic techniques performed all over the world. In the year 2020, over 211,000 liposuction procedures were performed in the United States alone.

Believe it or not, liposuction’s roots can be traced back to the 1920s. That was when French surgeon Charles Dujarier introduced the concept of body contouring and permanent fat removal. The modern version of liposuction first took root in 1974 when doctors Arpad and Giorgio Fischer developed the blunt tunneling technique in Rome, Italy.

Lipo became popular in the early 1980s when French surgeon Doctor Yves-Gerard Illouz developed the Illouz Method, which involved suctioning fat cells from the body. The Illouz Method also involved the use of cannulas to inject fluid into the tissue to break up fat deposits, which were promptly suctioned from the body. The results displayed excellent results and could be reproduced easily with low morbidity.

The techniques used in liposuction have continued to improve since those early days. Today, liposuction is considered a safe and effective method for getting body contouring for improved confidence.

How is Liposuction Performed?

Liposuction in Los Angeles CA

Before we get to the tips for maintaining your results, it is important to understand the steps included in the liposuction procedure. The moment you arrive at the cosmetic surgeon’s office, you will be prepped for surgery. This involves the surgeon marking your body with various lines and circles, which act as targets for incisions and the insertion of the liposuction surgical tools. Photos are also taken at this time so that they can be compared to the after images once the fat has been extracted.

The steps involved with the actual procedure vary depending on the treatment area and the type of liposuction used. The types of lipo commonly employed include tumescent liposuction, ultrasound-assisted liposuction, laser-assisted liposuction, and power-assisted liposuction.

Tumescent Liposuction

Tumescent liposuction is considered the most common type of liposuction. During the procedure, the surgeon first injects a sterile solution into the treatment area. The solution is composed of a mixture of salt water and anesthetic. The former aids in fat removal, while the latter is mostly lidocaine and epinephrine, which relieves pain. Together, the fluid mixture causes the treatment area to stiffen and swell, making the fat extraction process easy and painless.

The surgeon makes small incisions in the treatment area. These cuts function as insertion points for a thin tube called a cannula. Once inserted under the skin, the cannula is used to suction fat cells and fluids from your body. To make sure you remain hydrated, your body fluid may be replenished through an intravenous (IV) line.

Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction

This form of liposuction is sometimes used alongside tumescent liposuction (traditional liposuction). During ultrasound-assisted lipo (UAL), the surgeon inserts a metal rod under the skin that emits ultrasonic energy. The energy ruptures the walls of fat cells, which breaks the fat down. The broken-down fat is then easy to extract. A new generation of UAL is referred to as VASER-assisted liposuction (Vibration Amplified of Sound Energy at Resonance). VASER uses a device that emits radio frequency energy that not only extracts fat but also improves skin contouring around the treatment area.

Read our article: Liposuction vs. HD-Lipo: What’s the Difference?

Laser-Assisted Liposuction

Laser liposuction uses high-intensity laser light energy to break down fat cells for easier removal. During LAL, the cosmetic surgeon inserts a laser device through a tiny incision which then emulsifies fat deposits. The fat is then removed with a cannula similar to tumescent lipo.

Power-Assisted Liposuction

This type of lipo uses a cannula that is moved back and forth by the surgeon once placed under the skin. The cannula vibrates, which breaks up the fat before the broken-down fat cells are suctioned out. PAL is known for causing less pain and swelling than other lipo types. PAL is commonly selected if large volumes of fat are present or if you have undergone a previous liposuction procedure.

Liposuction Benefits and Risks

The most important benefit of liposuction is that you can safely remove fat in select locations on your body. The fat cells are permanently removed by the procedure, which means they can never grow back. By having fat removed from certain areas, such as your stomach, you can actually improve your health. While liposuction should not be thought of as a weight loss procedure, you can lose around four pounds or more per treatment area, providing you with overall improved health. And, of course, liposuction can improve your appearance and the way others perceive you.

As with all surgical procedures, liposuction does have risks. These include anesthesia risks, bruising, deep vein thrombosis, fluid accumulation, persistent swelling, poor wound healing, and the need for revision surgery. Your cosmetic surgeon will discuss these risks with you during your initial consultation.

Read our article: Top Questions to Ask During a Cosmetic Surgery Consultation

How Do You Maintain Your Newly Slimmed Down Figure?

Liposuction Result

Liposuction can give you slimmed-down features and greater self-esteem. How long those results last are up to you. Here are some tips to ensure your lipo results last for a lifetime.

Eat a Balanced Diet

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is an important part of maintaining your health and liposuction results. You can accomplish this by eating a wide variety of foods in their proper proportions. For example, try to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables daily. Eat high-protein foods like lean meats and dairy products like low-fat milk. Eat beans, fish, and eggs for other protein sources. Consume a moderate amount of starches such as potatoes, rice, and pasta. And try to choose a variety of different foods from the five main food groups to fill your body with a wide range of nutrients.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking lots of fluids is essential for keeping your skin healthy and your vital organs active. Try to drink 64 ounces of water each day (which amounts to eight eight-ounce glasses). You may need more if you are exercising regularly or the weather outside is especially hot.

Added tips for staying hydrated include not waiting until you are thirsty to drink. Flavor your water if plain water tastes boring to you. Eat water-rich fruits and vegetables like watermelon, cantaloupe, peaches, pineapples, celery, cucumbers, and tomatoes. Stay inside when it gets overly hot, and dress for the weather by wearing light, loose-fitting clothes.

Move Your Body Regularly

To stay truly healthy enough to maintain your liposuction results, you should strive to fit at least 150 minutes of moderate activity exercise into your life each week. 75 minutes of vigorous exercise will also work. Unfortunately, too many people fail to prioritize working out. You can ensure you hit your workout goals by following these tips.

Set goals for yourself. Your goal may be to hit a certain number of minutes on the treadmill or to lift a certain number of weights each week. Record your workouts so that you can compete with yourself day-to-day and week-to-week.

Do not overdo it. You don’t have to go hard every workout. It may be beneficial to add high-intensity workouts on some days while reserving low-intensity exercises like walking on other days. Keeping a balance of high, medium, and low-intensity exercises will keep you from growing bored while giving your body a necessary break.

Add friends to the mix. Working out alone has its benefits but working out with others can sometimes be more motivating. When you work out with friends or among other people at the gym, the others working out around you can take your enthusiasm for exercise to the next level.

Keep Up with Follow-Up Appointments

Follow-Up Appointments

Your cosmetic surgeon will schedule a few follow-up appointments. Make sure you show up for these without fail if you hope to maintain your liposuction results. Traditional follow-up appointments are scheduled after five days, two weeks, six weeks, and six months.

During these appointments, your surgeon will ensure that your surgical wounds are healing properly. Any scars that develop can sometimes be treated to lighten their appearance. Your surgeon can also give you the necessary advice for maintaining your results.

Keep Alcohol to a Minimum

One habit you will want to curtail if keeping slim is important to you is drinking. You do not necessarily have to become a teetotaler. But the more you drink, the harder it will be to keep to your post-surgical weight.

Drinking stops your body from burning fat. Alcohol is high in calories and can make you feel hungry. Drinking can also increase cravings for greasy and salty foods. Because of these four factors, abstaining as much as possible is critical if you hope to maintain your liposuction results.

If cutting back proves to be difficult, write a contract and sign it to keep yourself accountable. Do not keep alcohol in the house, and set a drinking limit on how many drinks you will consume during special events. Keeping a diary of your drinking can help you put your habit into perspective. But asking for support and keeping busy are the best ways to guard against drinking temptation.

Keep Close to Your Surgical Weight

It is true that once they are extracted, fat cells cannot return. The caveat is that if you gain a significant amount of weight after liposuction, new fat cells can develop. Even a moderate amount of weight gain can cause you to gain weight all over your body except for the surgical areas, which can skew your overall results. The best course of action is to maintain your post-surgical weight at all costs.

Reduce Stress

Aside from too much drinking, stress remains one of the primary causes of weight gain. Learning to relax can be immensely beneficial for anyone looking to maintain the results of liposuction.

Tips for reducing stress include having a consistent and predictable routine. Stay positive even in the face of adversity. “Think yourself happy” is a useful mantra for this purpose. Explore your spiritual side and meditate often. If all else fails, treat yourself to a massage or slip into a steaming hot bath. It might take practice, but with enough hard work, you can live life stress-free.

How Much Does Liposuction Cost?

The average cost of liposuction is $3,637, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. This is only a base cost that may not include anesthesia fees, hospital or surgical center costs, medical tests, prescriptions, and surgeon’s fees. For an accurate quote, schedule a consultation with a qualified liposuction cosmetic surgeon.

Where Can You Find a Liposuction Specialist In & Near Los Angeles?

By now, you know how liposuction is performed and how to maintain your slimmed-down results.

If you plan to have liposuction, you will want to seek out a highly skilled cosmetic surgeon to perform the procedure. The best doctor is board certified in cosmetic procedures such as liposuction with many years of experience treating patients with your specific concerns.

If you live in Southern California and are looking for the best cosmetic surgeon in the area, you are encouraged to call Moein Surgical Arts. At MSA, Doctor Babak Moein specializes in liposuction and a wide range of other cosmetic procedures. Doctor Moein has decades of training and experience and produces stellar results like these.

Call Doctor Moein to schedule a consultation and start on the path to improving your body and quality of life with the amazing effects of liposuction. Don’t forget to ask about monthly specials and upcoming events. Dial (310)694-4486.

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Dr. Babak Moein

Dr. Babak Moein has the credentials and experience to establish his cosmetic surgeon expertise.Doctor Moein is board-certified by the American Board of General Surgery and a Diplomate of the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery.He also cares about his clients and the testimonials and results that make him the right choice for cosmetic plastic surgery.

CALL US : +1(310)455-8020

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