The new millennium is here and we’re seeing more and more people desiring fuller, rounder backsides. Enter the butt lift, Brazilian butt lift and Sculptra butt lifts, but what are these strange sounding procedures?
Both men and women are opting for these customizable cosmetic procedures, and they all have the same goal, which is to enhance the appearance of their figures.
If you are considering cosmetic surgery and you have your eyes on these gluteal maximizers, it helps to know all the specifics so that you can become a more knowledgeable consumer.
Here is a breakdown of these three popular treatments for securing a better-looking butt.
But first…

Why Are There Three Different Types of Butt Augmentations?
Buttocks enhancements are becoming increasingly popular throughout the country. Cosmetic surgeons have come up with three separate procedures because each one helps the patient achieve a different goal.
Whether you have lost a significant amount of weight, have weight to transfer to your buttocks, or you want to go the non-surgical route, there is a buttocks-enhancing treatment that’s perfect for you.
When you want more size to your backside and a better shape, you have a big decision to make. Here are three cosmetic procedures explained so that you can discuss your options with your surgeon during your initial consultation.
What is a Traditional Butt Lift?
A traditional buttock lift, also referred to as a belt lipectomy, is designed to improve sagging butt and thigh skin that may have developed as a result of aging, weight loss, and/or genetics.
The effect of the procedure causes the buttocks to appear less saggy, dimpled, and wrinkled.
Who is the Typical Candidate for a Traditional Butt Lift?
The typical patient for a traditional butt lift is one that has undergone significant weight loss in the recent past. An example is someone who has had weight loss surgery and has gone on to lose 75 pounds or more. These patients have too much sag that can’t be readily overcome with fat grafting alone.
The Procedure Explained
The standard butt lift is essentially the posterior version of the tummy tuck. The surgery involves the excision or removal of excess skin, which usually occurs after a patient has lost a significant amount of weight.
The goal of the treatment is to lift the butt, but also make it rounder and fuller. This is done by removing the outer layer of excess skin, which is a process called de-epithelializing. The underlying tissue remains and is tucked down into the buttock to add volume.
The butt lift will leave a scar at the top of the buttocks, but any evidence of scarring is usually hidden by underwear or a bathing suit.
Not many patients know this, but the traditional butt lift can be combined with other procedures like the tummy tuck. When these two procedures are combined, surgeons refer to it as the Circumferential lift.

What is a Brazilian Butt Lift?
Aside from breast augmentation and liposuction, the Brazilian Butt Lift is quickly becoming one of the most requested cosmetic surgeries. The procedure is an excellent way to obtain a curvy and more sensual body profile, as well as a more youthful and lifted backside.
Some patients opt for this treatment after they have lost a significant amount of weight, which leaves them feeling as though their butt is shapeless and deflated.
Who is a Candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift?
You might be an ideal candidate for the BBL if you feel your butt is too small and flat, and you have a few extra pounds to spare for the fat transfer procedure.
Women with good quality skin that isn’t too loose around the buttocks area also make great candidates.
The Procedure Explained
The Brazilian Butt Lift involves the removal of fat from other parts of the body, where it is then injected into the buttocks. By using fat, the surgeon is able to sculpt the backside so that it looks proportionate and perfectly contoured.
Most surgeons will remove fat from a few different areas, including the upper and lower abdomen, love handles (flanks), and the tailbone. Some may even take fat from the upper back area.
The surgeon may also use liposuction on the buttocks region to further lift and contour the backside. The overall effect is a more contoured all-around body profile, ensuring you look terrific from all angles.

What to Expect After Surgery?
Many patients are shocked to find that their buttocks look shockingly large immediately after surgery. This is known as post-procedure swelling. While this effect can cause the buttocks to appear asymmetrical and cartoonishly big, the swelling will diminish, especially if you follow your surgeon’s recovery instructions.
When injecting the body’s own fat into the buttocks, you can expect around 30% to 40% of the volume to reabsorb into the bloodstream. This is why your surgeon will need to go a bit bigger than the size you’re aiming for.
After surgery, you will be called back to the surgeon’s office for a six-week post-op follow up. This will let the surgeon know how much fat was retained. If you manage to keep your weight consistent during this time, the fat that wasn’t resorbed will remain and the transferred fat will act just like your own tissue.
The recovery process for the BBL is different for every patient. Your surgeon will customize a post-op care schedule that will include wearing a compression garment and other tips, such as sleeping on your stomach for a few weeks and the use of a BBL pillow when sitting for extended periods of time.
You may experience some bruising after the procedure, but any discomfort and skin discoloration will usually fade after a week or two.
Depending on what you do for a living, you could find yourself returning to work in as little as a few days, but it could take up to two weeks, depending on your situation.
In most cases, patients feel back to normal around six weeks after the procedure, after which time you can resume many of your regular activities, including exercise.
What is a Sculptra Butt Lifts?
The Sculptra butt lifts is quickly becoming a popular alternative to both the traditional and Brazilian butt lift. The non-surgical treatment involves the use of Sculptra injections at targeted areas just under the skin. The process causes the skin to thicken in those areas and stimulates deep collagen growth. The result is a firmer and more voluptuous backside with Sculptra Butt Lifts.
Who is the Right Candidate for a Sculptra Butt Lifts?
The Sculptra Butt Lifts is recommended for patients with limited fat that can be transferred to the buttock area. By opting for this procedure, patients of most body types can enjoy fuller buttocks without having to undergo surgery.
If you wish to increase the size, volume, and shape of your buttocks without surgery, and want to enhance the contour of your backside, this treatment may be for you. The Sculptra injections can deliver proportion and contouring to your buttocks, especially to the “hip dip” area.
Benefits of the Procedure
Patients who choose Sculptra Butt Lifts enjoy natural and more subtle results when compared to both the traditional and Brazilian Butt Lift. There is no anesthesia required and both the treatment and recovery process are fast.
Furthermore, the treatment is considered safe, as the Sculptra material is easily absorbed into the body.
Overall, patients can expect the results to last for around two to five years.
The Procedure Explained
Sculptra Butt Lifts were designed to follow the trend of using injectable fillers to enhance one’s aesthetics. Injectables are popular in the face, and even the nipples and earlobes, and now they are being used to enhance backsides like never before.
The Sculptra material consists of a poly-L-lactic acid that plumps the injected area by stimulating the body’s own collagen production.
The non-surgical butt lift involves injections at strategic areas that trigger an inflammatory response in the body. Essentially, the process creates a combination of scar tissue and fresh collagen that delivers the intended effect: which is a plump, firmer, and more rounded derriere.
What to Expect After Surgery?
The prime benefit of Sculptra Butt Lifts is that there is no downtime whatsoever, as there is no anesthesia or surgery involved of any kind. You may experience soreness at the injection sites, but the discomfort will dissipate within a day or so.
Even though there is no downtime, patients should still refrain from exercising for at least 24 hours to be on the safe side.
Which Buttock Surgery is Right for You?
When deciding on a specific surgery to boost your buttocks, it all depends on the look you’re aiming for. As with any cosmetic procedure, it helps to find a qualified and board-certified cosmetic surgeon who is skilled in the surgery (or non-surgery) you have in mind.
If you have lost a lot of weight, a butt lift may give you the butt you want. If you have fat to spare, a Brazilian butt lift may be more your style. Or, you may wish to have Sculptra injections for a non-surgical and temporary backside enhancing experience.
The first step is to schedule a consultation with a board-certified surgeon, Dr. Moeinolmolki, at Moein Surgical Arts.
Dr. Moein has performed thousands of weight loss and cosmetic procedures on patients like you. The doctor is one of the few surgeons worldwide who is dually certified in both bariatric and cosmetic surgery. He will discuss your goals and keep your expectations realistic while helping you find the procedure that works best for you.
Dr. Moein and his staff offer compassionate service and treatments that give you an enviable backside. You can schedule a consultation today by calling 310-694-4486 in Los Angeles, Encino, California.
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Buttock Augmentation Procedures are On the Rise: Which Butt Surgery is Right for You?