Introduction: Los Angeles Cosmetic Surgeon Give You Perky Breasts
Perky breasts are a sign of youthfulness, which makes them the aesthetic ideal. For some women, the appearance of perky breasts is more important than size. In fact, the recent trend is to choose smaller breast implants and more subtle fat transfers to create the illusion that your breasts were a gift of nature.
If you want perky breasts, you may wonder if a Los Angeles cosmetic surgeon can give them to you. The answer is: it depends.
Breasts are composed of glandular tissue, fat, and connective tissue. The latter is what gives breasts their shape. The connective tissue is made of tight threads that act as webbing to keep your breast tissue in place while giving your breasts lift. When these ligaments stretch, and as your skin thins as you age, your breasts can begin to sag, causing them to lose their former perkiness.
As a woman, your body goes through many physical and hormonal changes as you grow older. These changes can be caused by:
As your hormones fluctuate during gestation, your breasts can swell in size. When your body returns to normal following childbirth and breastfeeding, you could be left with excess skin and deflated breasts.
Weight Fluctuation:
Gaining or dropping a significant amount of excess weight can stretch your breast ligaments, leading to significant sag.
Having Large Breasts:
Oversized breasts tend to multiply the pull of gravity, resulting in quicker and more significant droopiness.
Getting older causes your skin to become thinner and your ligaments to stretch, leading to a loss of perkiness.
Tobacco smoking attacks your perkiness in two ways. First, your ligaments weaken. Second, your skin ages faster. Both effects can lead to drooping breasts.
While the market is full of products like skin creams and exercise programs that promise to return your breasts to their former perky state, only cosmetic breast augmentation can permanently alter the size and shape of both breasts. In the right cosmetic surgeon’s hands and given a certain set of factors, you can make your breasts perkier.
Here are a few methods cosmetic surgeons have at their disposal to alter the size and shape of your breasts. Some procedures give you lift, volume, and symmetry, but only a select few can give you your perkiness back. Let’s examine these popular breast surgeries now. To discuss breast surgery and what it can do for you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Moein by calling Moein Surgical Arts in Los Angeles, California.
Breast Implants

A popular way to improve the fullness and shape of your breasts is breast augmentation via implants. Breast implants have been in use since the early 1960s. Since that time, millions of women have opted for this cosmetic surgery to improve the size and shape of their breasts while simultaneously boosting their self-esteem.
There are three distinct types of breast implants.
Types of Implants
Modern breast implants are designed to give you natural, beautiful breasts. You have immense freedom when it comes to your choice of breast size and shape and can choose between silicone, saline, and cohesive gel implants.
Silicone gel implants are filled with silicone gel that gives the breasts a natural feel. Women of all-natural breast sizes can benefit from silicone implants. Incisions for this breast augmentation surgery tend to be large size, though they are generally hidden within the natural folds of your skin. Silicone breast implants are lightweight and help to make your breasts perkier when sag has become a concern.
Saline breast implants are filled with, you guessed it, saline, which is a sterile saltwater solution. Unlike silicone implants that come pre-filled, saline implants get placed before they are filled. This lets your cosmetic surgeon adjust the implant volume and size during surgery. The incision is tiny with this surgery and leads to modest scarring, though your surgeon will try to minimize visible scarring as much as possible. Saline breast implants are not for every woman. If you are on the thinner side or underweight, you may experience complications like the rippling of the implant under the skin. Otherwise, saline implants have given millions of women firmer and perkier breasts.
Cohesive Gel
You might also hear these referred to as gummy bear implants. They are composed of a cohesive gel that is a bit thicker than traditional silicone implants. Once placed, they make your breasts look fuller and symmetrical as if nature gave them to you. Unlike traditional silicone or saline implants, there is little risk of rippling or deflation. The incision is placed on the underside of the breasts, so it’s easily hidden. Some surgeons place the cut around the border of the areola. Silicone gel implants tend to weigh less than the lighter-weight silicone breast implants, making them comfortable to wear as they lift and expand your natural breasts.
Will Implants Result in a “Perky” Augmentation?

Many women want to know if breast implants alone can give them more lift and outward projection. The answer is perhaps. If your breasts have some degree of sagginess, placing a breast implant underneath your breast may enhance the sag, not reverse it. This is because your skin may lack the necessary elasticity and tone due to age, genetics, and other factors.
If you have good skin tone and limited sag, then the answer is yes; breast implants could be an effective technique for improving the size, shape, and perkiness of your breasts.
Mastopexy or Breast Lift
Breast lift surgery is aimed at women who experience droopiness, loose skin, and areolas that point downward. These conditions are a result of significant breast sag, which can make your breasts look older, less shapely, and deflated.
A breast lift procedure can reverse the sag by placing your breasts in a higher position on your chest. The surgeon can reposition your areolas to match them with your new breast position and shape. Breast lift surgery is incredibly common and leads to successful outcomes due to advanced surgical techniques. The surgery involves the removal of excess skin on and around the breasts. Many women are pleased to find that some of this skin removal involves the eradication of a few stretch marks as well. Breast lift surgery also tightens the underlying muscles. The resulting effect makes your breasts look tighter, prominent, and more attractive.
Can a Breast Lift Give You Perky Breasts?
On its own, a breast lift can reverse the sag but is unlikely to give you more perkiness. In order to lift your breasts and give you a more youthful shape, your cosmetic surgeon may opt to combine your breast lift with breast implant surgery. With your breasts lifted and given more volume and an improved shape, a perky appearance could be yours once more.
Breast Reduction
Breast reduction surgery aims to remove excess breast tissue to give you greater mobility and improved quality of life.
A breast reduction procedure could improve the tone of your breast skin and retain some perkiness. But like some of the other breast surgeries, you may have to opt for a combination of procedures, such as breast implants, fat transfer, or both, to achieve a perky look and feel.
Fat Transfer
Autologous fat transfer is a surgical procedure that has become a popular method of giving the breasts additional breast volume. The fat transfer technique can also give you greater shape and lift. Instead of breast implants, your cosmetic surgeon extracts your own fatty tissue from another area of your body, known as a donor site. The abdominal area is a common donor site, where you may have more fat than you’d prefer. The fat gets sanitized before the surgeon injects it into your breasts to enhance your naturally given contours.
Composite Breast Augmentation
Like breast lift, the surgeon can combine fat transfer technique with breast implants to make your breasts perkier. Both breast surgeries allow your cosmetic surgery to artistically mold your breasts to fit the aesthetic ideal.
Scarless Breast Lift
There is one additional breast procedure that isn’t commonly known but that could give you the enhancement you expect. Renuvion isn’t a surgery, per se. It’s a minimally invasive technique that has proven to be a closely guarded secret in cosmetic surgery circles. The breast enhancement technology harnesses the power of J-Plasma, which is a combination of cold helium and radiofrequency energy, to give you a scarless breast lift. J-Plasma produces a powerful yet safe beam that can tighten the skin on and around your breasts without surgery! Nonsurgical breast lifts can restore perkiness to the breast, but only if little to no sag is present.
What is The Cost of a Breast Augmentation Surgery?

The average cost of breast augmentation surgery depends on a few factors, such as the type of breast surgery and the severity of your breast sag concerns. Let’s look at some of these average costs now.
Breast Implants: $3,900 to 10,000
Fat Transfer: $9,200
Breast Lift: $4,636
Breast Reduction: $5,500 to 8,500
Combination Breast Surgery: $6,225
Keep in mind that these are only the baseline costs for the various surgeries mentioned and do not include associated fees such as surgeon’s fees, the hospital or surgical center’s fees, anesthesia, and others. To get a more accurate quote, or to see about combining breast surgery with other procedures as part of a mommy makeover, schedule a consultation with a qualified cosmetic surgeon, such as Dr. Moein of Moein Surgical Arts.
Want Perky Breasts? Get a Physical Exam by a Qualified Cosmetic Surgeon
While there are products and programs that make promises to give you perky breasts, only cosmetic surgery can permanently alter their size and shape. When it comes to restoring youthfulness, a breast lift, breast reduction, fat transfer, breast implants, or a combination of breast surgeries could be your best bet for achieving your body shape goals. Learn more about breast surgery and what it can do for you by contacting Moein Surgical Arts, home of renowned cosmetic surgeon Dr. Babak Moein. Call (310)694-4486.