Which is the Best Buttock Enhancing Procedure for Me – The Butt Lift or Brazilian Butt Lift?

The Butt Lift and Brazilian Butt Lift represent two buttock enhancement cosmetic body contouring procedures that have steadily gained in recent popularity.

Maybe it all started with Sir Mix A Lot singing, “I like big butts and I cannot lie.” Or perhaps it began earlier with the Queen’s, “Fat Bottomed Girls.” Whatever the trend’s origin, prominent posteriors are in, and anyone can get one.

No longer do you need to do hundreds of squats and lunges in the gym. Find the best cosmetic body contouring surgeon near you and you could have a butt lift or Brazilian butt lift that yields amazing results.

Whether your goal is to have a backside with a toned appearance, or you want that rounded butt like J-Lo, a cosmetic procedure awaits you.

Which surgery will you decide on?

To help you make the best decision, it helps to learn the differences between these in-demand cosmetic surgical procedures.

What is a Butt Lift?

When we talk of a regular butt lift, we are usually referring to the traditional butt lift. This cosmetic body contouring surgery is reserved for those with excess skin and fat sag in the backside area. This type of saggy tissue can be caused by extreme weight loss, such as those who have recently undergone bariatric surgery. Skin elasticity issues that result from aging can also cause the type of sag typically associated with the butt lift procedure.

For this buttock enhancement procedure, you will be given general anesthesia, which renders you unconscious for the rest of the surgery. The surgeon will then make an incision that runs from hip to hip along the lower back area. All the excess tissue will be pulled up and cut away before the buttock area is tightened and secured back in place. The entire procedure takes between two and five hours.

What Results Can You Expect from a Butt Lift?

Buttock Enhancement
Buttock Enhancement

The traditional butt lift is not meant to add volume to the backside area. Instead, the surgery is only meant to correct the sag. The area is left taut and toned because the excess will have been cut away. Any scarring that is left behind is typically hidden in the area that is normally concealed by underwear or a bathing suit and will fade with time. That means you are left with a toned appearance and minimal scarring, along with an improved contour and surge of confidence.

What is a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Celebrities, Instagram influencers, and others who place extreme value on their appearance love the Brazilian butt lift. The surgery gives you the firm, rounded backside that normally comes with years of hard work and dedication in the gym.

The belief that a Brazilian butt lift involves using implants to achieve a rounded buttock is false. A Brazilian butt lift does not involve the placing of anything foreign into the body. Rather, the buttock enhancement is performed using your own fatty tissue.

The procedure also uses general anesthesia, which renders you unconscious. The plastic surgeon will first remove your own fat from another part of your body, such as the abdomen. The fat is purified and injected into your buttock area, giving a two-fold effect. Of course, you get a shapelier butt, but the area where the fat was removed will also get slimmer in the process. The effect on your body’s contour is out of this world.

What Results Can You Expect from the Brazilian Butt Lift?

With your own fatty tissue adding volume to your buttock, your backside will appear rounded and natural, as if you were born with a more voluptuous behind.

What are the Main Differences between the Butt Lift and Brazilian Butt Lift?

The primary difference between the two cosmetic body contouring surgeries is the invasiveness. The butt lift involves a long incision and the excision of excess skin and fat. The Brazilian butt lift, on the other hand, is minimally invasive and only involves simple fat transfer injections.

Sculptra Butt Lift Can Enhance Your Buttocks, Too!

Enhance Your Buttocks
Buttock Enhancement

A Sculptra butt lift is similar to a Brazilian butt lift in that it involves injections rather than implants to achieve a voluminous appearance. Instead of using your own fat, you are injected with a non-toxic filler that contains special ingredients to stimulate new collagen production. The result is a more rounded backside and smoother, more beautiful skin.

What About Butt Implants?

It is possible to achieve the desired backside results with the use of artificial implants. The Butt Implant procedure uses silicone implants that add volume and shape to your buttock area. The surgeon will make an incision, whereby your skin and muscle will be lifted to create a pocket for each implant. The silicone used is soft and gel-like that can be positioned to the desired shape before the incision is closed.

What is Recovery Like for the Three Butt Lift Procedures?

With all three surgeries, you can expect some slight swelling and bruising. You should be moving around within a day or two after surgery. You can return to work after around a week. Your doctor will instruct you on how to sit while the surgical treatment area is healing. Follow your doctor’s advice closely, as the tips you are given are designed to maximize results and minimize problems and discomfort.

How much Do These Procedures Cost?

The traditional butt lift costs around $5,000 to $10,000. The Brazilian Butt Lift costs around $13,000, and butt implants cost around $9,000 on average. The average cost of Sculptra butt lift is from $4,000 to $7,000.

Keep in mind that financing is available through companies like CareCredit and Prosper Healthcare Lending. Just as you might finance a vehicle, consider this event as financing your body’s enhancement, which is the major vehicle you use to traverse through life. Don’t you want that vehicle in the best possible (contoured) shape? You will soon pay off the financed amount but the results of the butt lift procedure are definitely priceless.

Which Buttock Enhancement Procedure is Ideal for You?

Which Butt Lift Procedure is Ideal for You?
Buttock Enhancement LA

By now you know the difference between the traditional butt lift, the Brazilian butt lift (fat transfer method), and butt implants. The question remains: Which cosmetic body contouring surgery seems right for you?

It all depends on what result you are looking for. Do you have a saggy behind that makes it difficult to find the right fitting clothes to wear? Do you wish you looked better in a bathing suit? If so, a traditional butt lift may be the best cosmetic surgery decision for you.

Do you have a butt that is flatter than you would prefer? Do you wish you rounded out your clothes more and had more cushion in the seating department? If so, butt implants may be the best choice for your cosmetic surgery experience.

When you want that rounded posterior look that is being made famous by celebrities all the world over, the Brazilian butt lift may be the perfect procedure for you. The only thing left to do is find an experienced body contouring surgeon to clear you for surgery.

Schedule a Consultation with Los Angeles Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. Moein

Do you want a toned buttock? More volume and oomph? Call and get your questions answered during a private and virtual consultation.

Dr. Moeinolmolki of Moein Surgical Arts can help you decide which buttock augmentation procedure would look right on you. Contact us by calling (310) 694-4486 and ask about the butt lift or Brazilian butt lift for your buttock enhancement.

Dr. Babak Moeinolmolki

CALL US : +1(310)455-8020

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