Introduction to 7 Cosmetic Surgeries: Transform and Enhance Your Appearance
For many of us, the act of living a hectic lifestyle can begin to show on our faces. Work, kids, and the overall hustle and bustle of life can leave us feeling overworked and overtired. The results of this often show up as fine lines and wrinkles, saddlebags under the eyes, and droopy skin. Our skin can appear dry and worn out, and this leaves us looking downright exhausted, which isn’t the best look for making a good first impression.
If you are sick and tired of looking so sick and tired, it’s time to beautify your appearance with a few strategic cosmetic procedures. A nip here and tuck there may be just what you need to revitalize your skin, dissolve fine lines and wrinkles, and make your eyes truly pop.
The results of many procedures are long-lasting or permanent and will make you memorable to everyone you meet. You can find these cosmetic surgeries and more at Moein Surgical Arts in Los Angeles, California.
Seven Cosmetic Procedures that Can Give You Revitalized Beauty
1- Facelift Surgery

Beautifying your appearance can be accomplished by erasing the years from your face. A facelift gives you smoother skin and a more youthful appearance for an average cost of $7,467. Here’s how this cosmetic surgery works.
As we age, the quality of our skin diminishes. One of the qualities to fall by the wayside is elasticity. As the loss of elasticity increases, saggy skin can develop. Over time, the loose skin can appear as folds, wrinkling, and loss of volume on and around the face.
During the facelift procedure, the excess skin and fatty tissues are removed before the skin is pulled back and tightened on the sides of the face. Once the facial skin has healed, you will appear younger and more refreshed.
Having smoother, more youthful skin can not only beautify your appearance, but your confidence will soar!
If you have obvious signs of aging, such as bagginess, sagging, gauntness, and jowls, a facelift might be the ideal procedure for you.
2- Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)
The upper and lower eyelids can be adjusted to help you appear more revitalized and refreshed. Known as blepharoplasty in medical circles and merely “eyelid surgery” to laymen, this procedure can completely do away with under-eye wrinkles, saggy lids, and bags under the eyes. It comes with an average cost of $3,282.
The results, which are long-lasting, will make your eyes appear more prominent, drawing more attention to them wherever you go.
3- Nose Job (Rhinoplasty)

Rhinoplasty surgically enhances the nose to make it appear more balanced and harmonious with the rest of your face. Nose job surgery can correct injuries to the nose, nose size, as well as nasal deformities. You can have the tip of your nose rounded down and have bridge angles tweaked to dramatically transform your facial features. Instead of your nose drawing attention, a nose job will improve your overall facial appearance. The average cost of a nose job is $5,409.
4- Laser Skin Resurfacing
Laser skin resurfacing is a cosmetic surgery that comes with an average cost of $2,071. The treatment uses high-intensity (but safe) laser technology to rejuvenate the skin through natural means. The laser heats the outer layer of skin, which destroys the damaged or offending tissue. Your body responds to the laser by producing newer and younger skin cells. In essence, this means the laser forces your body to develop new skin from forehead to chin and from ear to ear, giving you a more youthful complexion.
5- Brow Lift
Are you bothered by the drooping appearance of your brow? This is a common aesthetic issue that occurs as a result of the aging process and various environmental factors. A drooping brow can give you an unflattering appearance and may even droop over your eye, obstructing your vision.
A brow lift is just the thing for forehead wrinkles and sagging eyebrows. By having the brow area surgically lifted, you get a tighter and younger-looking forehead. Not only can this surgery further beautify your face, but you’ll appear well-rested and relaxed. The brow lift comes with an average cost of $3,490.
6- Neck Lift (Platysmaplasty)
The neck is particularly susceptible to laxity and sagging as we get older. Depending on lifestyle and genetics, your neck can develop fine lines, prominent fat deposits, deep creases, and the dreaded “turkey neck”.
The neck lift is the best line of defense for fighting the effects of aging along the neck area and costs between $4,000 and $6,000. The cosmetic surgeon will remove excess skin to leave the neck firmer and more youthful in appearance. The neck lift also gives you a more defined jawline, dramatically boosting your overall look.
7- Kybella Double Chin Treatment

A double chin can be caused by weight gain, aging, or genetics. Kybella is an FDA-approved cosmetic treatment that treats submental fullness, which is the issue that leads to you having a double chin.
The term “submental fullness” refers to fat stored under the chin. Kybella is a synthetic version of a substance that naturally occurs in the body called deoxycholic acid. The synthesized version of this acid, which is formally called Kybella, permanently dissolves fat cells. The treatment eradicates the fullness of your double chin to give you a more contoured appearance. This procedure costs between $1,200 to $1,800.
These are just a few of the cosmetic surgeries available to you. Other ideas for beautifying your appearance include breast augmentation, liposuction, tummy tuck, and lip augmentation.
Many of these cosmetic surgeries take around two weeks to heal, whereby the true results of the treatments are sure to shine through.
The First Step to Enhanced Beauty is to Schedule a Consultation
Moein Surgical Arts is the home to world-renowned cosmetic surgeon Dr. Babak Moein. A lifelong Los Angeles resident, Dr. Moein proudly helps men and women throughout Los Angeles, Encino, and Glendale feel better about their appearance. From Renuvion skin tightening to mommy makeovers and even daddy makeovers, Dr. Moein has the solutions to correct what you might consider to be your aesthetic defects.
Ask yourself this: When you look in the mirror, do you ever wish that you looked younger and more rejuvenated? If so, pick up the phone and call to schedule a consultation with Dr. Moein – (310)597-4976.