20 Cosmetic treatment Non-Surgical and Surgical
As much as we try to convince ourselves looks don’t matter, they do. A lot. Looking your best influences the way you feel about yourself. Having an aesthetic exterior fortifies your self-esteem. Your best outside helps you get respect at work and is key when attempting to win over the object of your affection.
Everyone wants to look good, and there are many ways we can make that happen. Changing your hairstyle, stocking your closet with fashionable new clothes, and wearing makeup can improve your appearance drastically. Unfortunately, there are some parts of yourself that you cannot change so easily.
The shape of your nose, the size of your breasts, and skin issues like sag due to age can diminish your appearance and negatively affect your self-esteem. Cosmetic surgery helps you correct the irregularities you dislike about yourself so you can look and feel better.
If there are areas of your body that cause you distress, don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and schedule a consultation at Moein Surgical Arts. The following 20 cosmetic surgery and non-surgical treatments are all the rage in helping people glam up one surgical session at a time.
At Möein Surgical Arts, we offer a wide variety of non-surgical options for aesthetic rejuvenation at our med spa. Many people often wonder if non-surgical options can provide them with the results they are looking for. Although non-surgical options cannot correct the severe aesthetic issues that plastic surgery can handle, it is an excellent choice for addressing mild to moderate aesthetic flaws with ease.
We offer products like Botox and dermal fillers that can easily treat fine lines, moderate wrinkles, and harsh folds. The injection process is easy and quick and produces minimal discomfort. We also offer non-surgical body-contouring treatments that can trim those extra inches off of your figure.
1- Liposuction
Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure that involves the suction of fat from key areas of your body. Lipo is one of the most common cosmetic procedures. The surgeon sometimes performs it in conjunction with other cosmetic surgeries, like the tummy tuck as part of a mommy makeover. More on that transformative cosmetic surgery later.
Liposuction involves tiny incisions that are used to insert a cannula, a thin rod that acts as a suction device for removing stubborn pockets of fat. The fat is first emulsified using a saline solution that also contains numbing agents. The surgeon uses the cannula to break up the fat underneath the skin while separating it from the connective tissue. The results are permanent if you maintain a stable weight. Popular areas for liposuction on the body include the chin, cheeks, chest, back, flanks, abdomen, buttocks, upper thighs, even the ankles. Didn’t know you could have lipo performed in so many areas, did you?
2- Vaser Lipo

A high-tech take on one of the world’s most famous cosmetic surgeries, VASER Lipo, as the name implies, is also used to remove fat from the body. A key distinction is how the fat is broken up. Instead of using a saline solution and the cannula to melt and break up the fat, VASER uses ultrasound energy to melt the fat underneath the skin. And since this is a form of liposuction, the fat is sucked out, leaving the area more defined.
While lipo can make areas thinner, VASER Lipo can reveal the musculature underneath your skin. The cosmetic treatment is popular with men and women who like to show off their hard work at the gym. VASER Lipo can be used anywhere on the body liposuction is used and is sometimes used with other cosmetic treatments like natural breast augmentation.
3- Tummy Tuck
Abdominoplasty, or the tummy tuck, gets rid of saggy and hanging skin on the abdomen. You get a trim tum with this cosmetic treatment, which is only one of the supreme benefits of the tummy tuck. Often, during childbirth and sometimes due to age, your abdominal muscles can weaken. This can lead to a host of issues, such as pelvic floor issues, back pain, and incontinence.
The tummy tuck strengthens the abdominal muscles. If you didn’t have abs before the tummy tuck, you might have them after. Liposuction or VASER lipo can help reveal your abs also. Another little-known benefit of the tummy tuck is that stretch marks may be removed as a byproduct of the surgery. The tummy tuck involves the removal of excess skin and fat, while the abdominal muscles are tightened. If the skin that gets removed held all your stretch marks, you may find yourself free of your tiger stripes following an abdominoplasty.
4- Butt Implants
Plump behinds are all the rage, and you can’t always get them from doing squats. Some people are simply born with a narrow and thin behind. For these volume-deprived individuals, butt implants can make a sizeable difference to their derrieres.
You may already know how breast implants work to enhance the bust. Butt implants work in a similar fashion. Made of saline or silicone, the implants are placed underneath the muscle using incisions that are hidden within your natural body folds. The results give you more size and volume where it counts.
5- Brazilian Butt Lift

A Brazilian butt lift has become a popular surgery all over the world. The cosmetic technique uses your own fat to give you a rounder behind. The fat is extracted from another area on your body where you have excess fat to donate. Example donor sites include your abdomen or inner thighs. While the donor site gets the added benefit of becoming slimmer, your bust gets a noticeable size increase using a series of fat injections.
The fatty tissue taken out of your body is spun in a centrifuge and purified before it is injected into your buttocks area. Your cosmetic surgeon uses artistic skill to get the size and shape dimensions just right. The results come out looking natural as can be and can last for years with proper weight maintenance.
6- Arm Lift
There are some situations where waving your arm in the air is appropriate. Scoring at Bingo, hailing a cab, and seeing your loved one across a crowded airport are a few such instances. For some people with excess skin on their upper arms, that skin continues waving even when their arms stop moving. This extra skin is sometimes referred to as Bingo Wings or Bat Wings and suffering from the condition can cause you to become self-conscious about waving your arms at all. You might even forgo wearing short-sleeved shirts or any clothing that accentuates your lax arm tissue.
An arm lift removes the excess fat and skin along your upper arm to make your topmost favorite limbs smooth and streamlined. The procedure involves a long incision that runs from armpit to elbow. There will be a scar, which will fade with time. The results are dramatic and can make you feel more comfortable in short sleeves once again.
7- Thigh Lift
A thigh lift is another common procedure that targets excess skin and fat along the upper thighs. No matter if your legs are moving or at rest, there’s a slight jiggle on the inside of your upper legs. Some people call this having Thunder Thighs. A thigh lift can correct this problem by removing the excess tissue altogether, which leaves your legs slimmer with an attractive contour.
With all that excess tissue removed, you’ll have greater mobility and may be more apt to show your legs off in shorts or bathing attire.
8- Body Lift
We’ve discussed lifts for the arms, thighs, and tummy (abdominoplasty). Now it’s time to cover the excess fat and skin that can sag and hang from your upper or lower body. An upper or lower body lift can remove excess tissue while leaving the remaining tissue youthful and taught. A body lift can help you slim down and become more comfortable in clothes (and without).
The upper body lift targets the breast area, neck, arms, and back while the lower body lift works on the abdomen, waist, buttocks, thighs, and hips. Just like the arm and thigh lift, the procedure involves a series of long incisions that are used to cut away excess skin. Liposuction is often paired with the body lift to remove excess fat. The results leave you with an improved silhouette and the ability to wear tighter clothes without the excess tissue showing through.
9- Breast Implants

Breast implants have been in use to augment the female breast since the 1960s. There are three types of implants commonly in use: Silicone, saline, and gummy bear implants. The implants themselves are prosthetic bags shaped in such a way as to provide more volume and size to the existing breast tissue.
Silicone implants used to be controversial but it’s the most popular option today. The silicone gel feels more like a real breast. The surgeon will place saline implants inside the breast empty and then fill them with a saltwater solution. Gummy bear implants use a silicone gel that is said to give even more realistic results.
The surgeon places the breast implants underneath the muscle and through the armpit in most cases, though some surgeons choose to place incisions in the natural folds underneath your breast, which also hides the scars.
Breast implant surgery can also include nipple surgery to correct inverted nipples and asymmetric areolas. You can go large with breast implants, though the trend today is to be more subtle. Smaller and perkier are what most women ask for when going to their cosmetic surgeons for a pair of breast implants.
10- Natural Breast Augmentation
Implants aren’t the only way to increase the size and shape of your breasts. Another method uses your natural fatty tissue to purposefully swell your breasts to increased size. The results look as if nature gave the boost to you.
The procedure begins with liposuction to remove the necessary amount of fatty tissue from your body. The donor site for the extraction happens anywhere you have fat to contribute. Your back, buttocks, upper thighs, and upper arms are common areas where fat can be sucked out. The process of removing fat with lipo creates a liquid that then gets put into a centrifuge and purified before it is injected into your breasts. The injections of fat are placed all around your breast to create an even and natural increase.
Also referred to as fat grafting, the natural breast augmentation procedure can increase your breasts up to a full cup size. Your breasts will be largest immediately following surgery, but some fat will be absorbed into your body as part of the body’s natural biological processes. You should see the final size increase after around six to eight weeks, or sooner, depending on how your body heals. The results look and feel as natural as the name of this amazing breast augmentation surgery.
11- Breast Lift
Breastfeeding and age can cause the breasts to droop lower on the chest. When you add in heavy breasts, you have a pendulous mass that can pull on your neck and back muscles. This constant pulling can eventually lead to chronic pain. Breasts that hang can make it difficult to run or exercise. This can negatively affect your health as you grow older. Hanging breasts can also cause skin rubbing against skin, which can cause painful irritations that have the potential to become infected.
A breast lift can remove the excess tissue and position your breasts higher on your chest. The results appear natural in the skilled hands of an experienced cosmetic surgeon, and your back will thank you for having the surgery, that’s for sure. In addition to less pain, a breast lift can improve your posture, your body image, and your self-esteem.
12- Breast Reduction
Breast reduction surgery is ideal for women with overly large breasts. Heavy breasts can cause mobility issues and pain. Breast reduction surgery uses liposuction to remove some of the fat comprising the breasts. The surgeon will remove some connective tissue and skin to accommodate the smaller size. The remaining breast tissue is molded with natural-looking contours before your areolas are repositioned to match your newly configured breasts. A breast reduction can reduce pain, give you greater self-esteem, and make it so you can run and play with much more freedom from the heavy weight than before.
13- Mommy Makeover

Mothers who have decided to stop having children have the option to transform their bodies to a pre-pregnancy state. By combining breast augmentation, a tummy tuck, and VASER liposuction, a patient can come out looking trimmer with attractive curves where it counts. Ask your cosmetic surgeon about combining one or more treatments into a single session. Although, some surgeries necessitate having their own session due to the complexities involved. For safety sake, listen to your cosmetic surgeon’s direction when seeking to give yourself the transformation of your life with a mommy makeover procedure.
14- Gynecomastia Surgery
Men and boys with gynecomastia grow fatty tissue on their chests that mimic female breasts. The fat grows because of hormone fluctuations, in most cases. Gyno is seen mostly in pubescent boys and older men as testosterone battles with estrogen for control over the body. Female breasts can result when estrogen wins out. Hormones are not the only reason for gynecomastia. Drugs – both illicit and prescribed, diseases like testicular cancer, and congenital disorders can all lead to gynecomastia at some point in a man’s life. Nearly half of all men will experience it, and gynecomastia surgery is the most effective cosmetic treatment.
Gynecomastia surgery, that is also referred to as male breast reduction surgery, involves liposuction to extract the fatty tissue from the chest area. When excess skin is present, that tissue will be removed to leave the chest flatter and more masculine in appearance. Puffy nipples and overly large nipples can also be corrected during gyno surgery to match your surgically altered chest. The scars are small and can be hidden within the natural folds of your body. It makes this a popular surgery for men suffering from excessive breast growth.
15- Facelift
Looking in the mirror often shows us an older-looking version of ourselves. When did age catch up with us? Those fine lines and wrinkles appear out of nowhere, and yet they are here to stay. Unless you use cosmetic surgery to get rid of them. This is what a facelift is for.
A facelift makes the skin on your face tighter. It draws the skin back to the edges of your face, filling in valleys and correcting fine lines. The surgery can erase years from your face and the scars are hidden in the natural folds of your face or near your hairline where they will remain obscured once healed.
16- Eyelid Surgery

Age can begin showing heavily on our upper eyelids, where the skin is ultra-thin. Some people have fatty tissue that builds on their lower lids. Others have deep bags under their eyes that make them look dog-tired even if they’ve had enough rest.
Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, can correct droopy eyelids, aging eyelids, and the baggage underneath your eyes. The surgeon will perform this treatment in one session or separate sessions to provide upper and lower eyelid surgery treatments. The results make you look more well-rested and alert, not to mention years younger than your age.
17- Non-Surgical Body Contouring
When you don’t want to commit to surgery but still want a body lift, non-surgical body contouring can help you achieve a slimmer figure. The procedure, which is also performed in some med-spas, is called Velashape. It’s non-surgical, so there are no scalpels or scars involved. The procedure is FDA approved and ideal for those who are close to their ideal weight.
The surgeon will use Velashape to reduce the volume of key bodily areas, such as your upper thighs, arms, abdomen, love handles, and back. The procedure shrinks fat cells, reducing the overall circumference of your body. You end up slimmer, lighter, and feeling your best.
Velashape uses a combination of infrared light energy, mechanical massage, vacuum suction, and radiofrequency energy. During a session that lasts at most for forty minutes, the Velashape device will be waved over your skin. The mechanical massage and suction treatment remove toxins and fat cell byproducts while encouraging better circulation. The cosmetic treatment also enacts lymphatic drainage, which improves your health.
This cosmetic treatment then uses infrared light and radiofrequency waves to heat the upper layers of your skin. The heat raises your fat cell metabolism, making those cells smaller. Only the fat and topmost layers of skin are affected, leaving all other tissues untouched. There is little downtime, and the results leave you one to three inches slimmer. There might be a need for multiple sessions.
18- Cellulite Cosmetic Treatment
Velashape can also be used to reduce cellulite from the rear upper thigh area. Cellulite occurs when fat pushes through the connective tissue underneath the skin. The result is the dimpling or waffling we associate with cellulite. The causes for cellulite can be familial, diet-related, and hormone fluctuations in the body. Too much body fat and dehydration can exacerbate the condition. It will lead to the formation of new cellulite, though some women can experience cellulite without much body fat at all. Regardless of the cause or severity, Velashape may be able to reduce or remove the cellulite entirely.
This cosmetic treatment takes around thirty minutes and is warm and comfortable, almost like a massage. The surgeon will move the Velashape device over your skin, which smooths it, using vacuum treatment and massage rollers. The vacuum suction stretches the constricted fiber bands that comprise cellulite. With the bands stretched out, the skin becomes smoother. The massage function of the device drains your lymphatic system, which extracts toxins and increases blood circulation. The results leave you with smoother, tighter skin with visibly reduced cellulite or no cellulite at all. Results can vary.
19- Kybella Double Chin Treatment

Kybella is an injectable double chin treatment that permanently destroys fat cells. The procedure is noninvasive, nonsurgical, and FDA-approved for safety. The cosmetic treatment works to minimize the overgrowth of fat underneath the chin. The fatty tissue in this area can expand on account of weight gain and aging, though genetics largely play a part.
Kybella uses a synthetic deoxycholic acid found naturally in the body to permanently destroy fat cells. By injecting Kybella into the area under your chin, you gain improved contours and a younger appearance.
20- Renuvion (J-Plasma)
We saved one of the best nonsurgical treatments for last. Renuvion uses J-Plasma technology to make your skin tighter while rejuvenating each skin cell from the inside out. The handheld device emits an energy beam comprised of J-Plasma (helium gas passed through radiofrequency energy). The beam both heats and cools the tissue while leaving the surrounding tissue alone. Only the affected area gets resurfaced and rejuvenated for an afterglow effect. The procedure can treat acne scarring, uneven pigmentation, age lines, wrinkles, and many more skin defects. After a short downtime, your skin will appear new and improved in the area of cosmetic treatment.
You now have twenty procedures to consider. No one requires all of them. It may take only one or a couple to completely restore your confidence in yourself, your face, and/or your body. Which will you choose? Of course, you can always ask for the professional opinion of a trained cosmetic surgeon.
You can obtain a recommendation for surgery or merely learn more about the procedure you have in mind by calling Moein Surgical Arts. Located in sunny and beautiful Los Angeles, the accredited surgical center is home to world-renowned cosmetic surgeon Dr. Babak Moein. A short consultation and thorough examination later, and Dr. Moein will recommend one of the above surgeries for you in no time flat. Completely change your appearance or tweak a part here or there. Call Moein Surgical Arts now to explore the aesthetic possibilities – (310)694-4486.