Breast Augmentation Consultation
You’ll likely have a laundry list of things you want to discuss with Dr. Moein during your consultation, but when you’re deciding what to bring to your breast augmentation consult, don’t neglect your wardrobe. Wearing the right clothes can make your appointment a more relaxed and painless affair. Here are some of our top tips for what to wear to your breast augmentation consultation.
Be Comfortable
A breast augmentation consultation should make you feel comfortable about your potential surgery. The clothes you wear to your consult should be comfortable too. Wear an outfit that you feel good in, but you don’t need to dress to impress. You’ll likely be removing and putting on your clothing, so something that’s easy to slip in and out of works best.
Loose, comfortable clothing that you can easily get in and out of works best at a breast augmentation consultation.
Keep it simple, sweetheart! Leave clothing with complicated closures, buttons, ties and zippers at home. You’re going to want to have easy access to your breasts without having to fumble around with your most convoluted bra. Stick with simple options that you can slip on and off.
Come Armed with Options
You know that bikini top (or blouse or dress) stuffed into the back of your closet that you would love to wear if you could finally fill it out? Now’s the chance to dust it off and bring it with you. At your consultation, you’ll likely be “trying on” different breast implant types and sizes and these goal clothes can be a great indicator of what size implant will be right for you.
When you’re preparing what to bring for your breast augmentation consult, consider your wardrobe as well. Wear comfortable, simple clothing and bring along some of those “goal clothes” that you’d love to be able to fit into.