Do I Have a Dad Bod? introducing the Daddy Do-Over
More men have been asking that question lately.
It’s easy to see why.
With our sedentary lifestyles, processed foods, and high-stress lifestyles, it’s no wonder obesity is a common problem around the world.
Men who gain weight can begin to look older than their chronological years.
And while childbirth and breastfeeding do wreak havoc on women’s bodies, men are not immune to the body-destroying nature of raising children. Men with children often have expanding waistlines and form male breasts, otherwise known as gynecomastia, as they grow older.
Men who don’t have children experience these same things, so don’t think you need to have children to qualify for a daddy makeover.
That’s right. We are here to discuss the options you have of regaining your lost youth.
Instead of looking like you have a basketball under your shirt, cosmetic surgery can give you the slimmed-down figure to look great on the court, even during a game of shirts and skins.
Imagine not having breasts anymore and being able to swim at the beach without a shirt and feeling great about yourself in the meantime.
Whether you call it a daddy do-over, daddy makeover, or head-to-toe transformation, it’s time to consider the possibilities. What would you change about yourself if you could with one or more cosmetic surgeries?
Women have the mommy makeover and now men have the daddy do-over. Here’s what a surgery like that entails.
Cosmetic Procedures to Boost Your Dad Bod

Cosmetic surgeries exist to keep you from appearing middle-aged before your time.
Using the right procedures, you can remove the spare tire from around your waist.
Those undereye bags that make you look like you haven’t slept well in weeks? They can become a thing of the past as well.
Cosmetic surgery can make you appear slimmer, more alert, and rejuvenated. Like you just came back from a relaxing vacation in a time machine.
A daddy do-over is a grouping of procedures aimed at helping you achieve tighter, more toned skin and more youthful features.
By having several surgeries at one time, you drastically reduce the risk that comes from using anesthesia multiple times, and you only have to endure one recovery period.
These are only some of the benefits a daddy makeover can yield. The biggest benefit is that you get to look in the mirror afterward and see a million bucks staring back at you
When it comes to boosting your youth and attractiveness, here are a few options to explore.
Facial Surgeries
Otherwise known as eyelid surgery, blepharoplasty is a popular cosmetic surgery for men.
The procedure removes the fatty deposits from underneath the eyelids. You won’t have that puffy look any longer, nor will you have those heavy undereye bags.
The upper lids can also be reconfigured during eyelid surgery to repair droopiness, making you appear younger and more awake.
Neck Lift
The neck tends to show your age more than any other body part, aside from the face.
As we get older, the thin skin of the neck becomes thinner, leading to a loss of volume, fine lines, and wrinkling.
A neck lift aims to remove excess tissue and tighten the entire neck area. The procedure can erase years from your appearance while smoothing away thin skin folds and wrinkles.
Just like the neck lift, the facelift involves the removal of excess skin and the tightening of all facial areas, from forehead to chin and around both ears.
Some say the facelift can erase decades from one’s appearance. Fine lines and wrinkles can disappear instantly after facelift surgery, and the results can last a lifetime.
What Are Some Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation Options?

For men not ready to commit to surgery, there are several med-spa therapies that can be added to a daddy do-over procedure.
These techniques can repair skin damage, erase blemishes, and contour body areas without surgery.
VelaShape Body Contouring
This FDA-approved technique can be used on all skin types. The treatment recontours problematic areas such as your abdomen, upper arms, or upper thighs.
To qualify for VelaShape, your BMI should be below 30, which indicates you are close to your ideal weight.
The body contouring treatment uses a combination of four separate mechanisms to reduce the circumference of the treated area and tighten the skin. These include vacuum suction, infrared light energy, radiofrequency energy, and mechanical massage.
Each session takes up to forty minutes and leaves you with fewer body toxins, fewer fat cells, an increase in lymphatic drainage, and improved blood circulation.
The results will also leave your skin smoother, and the treatment area slimmer, with no downtime. You may need multiple sessions to achieve your body shape goals.
Renuvion Skin Tightening
This non-surgical treatment is useful for making the skin tighter from nearly head to toe.
Renuvion can be used above the shoulders to treat jowls and a saggy neck.
Renuvion is also useful for wrinkles, age lines, uneven pigmentation, acne scarring, and melasma (a skin condition characterized by grayish patches or multi-freckled spots).
Laser Resurfacing
CO2 fractional laser resurfacing is used to rejuvenate your facial appearance and restore a youthful glow.
The technique uses laser technology to delve deep underneath the skin to repair the damage, minimize scars, treat discoloration, and diminish wrinkles.
Fractional lasers treat the skin in tiny areas. The laser heats and leaves a pattern on the skin, which allows the skin to slowly regenerate on its own. By invigorating collagen production, the skin that grows back is more youthful and firmer to the touch.
Dad Bod Surgeries
Male Liposuction
When belly fat and excess fatty tissue in other locations plague you, liposuction can slim you down.
Problem areas like your abdomen, arms, thighs, buttocks, and love handles can be significantly improved with male liposuction or HD-liposuction.
Both techniques effectively suction fat from the treatment area, leaving the area recontoured with a healthy glow.
Traditional liposuction uses a saline solution combined with an anesthetic to emulsify the fat before it is broken up and extracted from the body.
HD or VASER Lipo uses radiofrequency energy to melt the fat, making it easier to remove.
Liposuction is a highly popular daddy do-over procedure, as it can easily be combined with other cosmetic surgeries, such as the tummy tuck.
Male Tummy Tuck
The tummy tuck is useful for erasing hanging belly fat from the abdomen. The technique, also referred to as abdominoplasty, can also be used for stomach wrinkling.
Tummy tuck surgery aims to recontour the midsection by removing excess skin and tightening the abdominal muscles. The surgeon must recreate a natural belly button before the skin is tightened, leaving you with a flatter midsection, and surging self-esteem.
Male tummy tucks that are part of a daddy do-over are also geared at achieving the ideal male form. With stronger abdominal muscles, you may even be close to achieving a six-pack. Your results may vary.
Gynecomastia Surgery

Enlarged male breasts can make you feel self-conscious, hindering your quality of life.
Gynecomastia surgery can be added to a daddy makeover procedure to help you achieve a flatter, more masculine chest.
Through tiny incisions, liposuction is first used to suction out fatty tissue.
Excess skin can then be removed before the chest is tightened and recontoured for the final result.
Are You a Good Candidate for a Daddy Do-Over?
You don’t necessarily have to have a dad bod to have a daddy do-over.
One doesn’t even have to have children to have this procedure.
You merely have to be a man who is unhappy with one or more of their body parts.
You can choose procedures that address your specific concerns, such as wrinkles on your face and fatty deposits on your upper arms.
The suite of procedures can be carefully customized to the severity of your symptoms, your personal anatomy, and your body shape goals.
The best way to determine if you are a suitable candidate for a grouping of these male-oriented cosmetic procedures is to schedule a consultation with a board-certified cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Babak Moein of Moein Surgical Arts.

Schedule a Consultation for a Daddy Makeover by Calling Moein Surgical Arts
Are you a man in need of improving the appearance of your face and/or body? Most importantly, would you like to discuss liposuction, a facelift, or gynecomastia surgery with an experienced and highly trained cosmetic surgeon? Would you also like to ask about insurance, fees, and the risks involved with an all-in-one procedure?
Contact us in Southern California and explore the options available to you as a daddy do-over candidate. Dial now to get started (310)694-4486.