Introduction: How to Refresh Your Eyes and Face with Cosmetic Surgery
Do you constantly look tired no matter what you do? If you’re one of those people who could get ten hours of sleep per night and still look like a zombie come morning, there is hope for you yet. When all the over-the-counter creams and potions and even makeup fail to hide your tired eyes, cosmetic surgery could be the answer you seek.
Cosmetic surgery can succeed in making you look refreshed when all the advertised gimmicks have failed. These surgeries for the areas around the eyes and face are proven to work and you may be surprised to find they’re not that expensive.
Cosmetic surgery works over creams and other so-called solutions because surgery treats the underlying causes of your eternally wiped-out look. The reason you appear so tired despite being so well-rested has to do with a few different factors.
As we get older, our skin gets thinner and muscles weaker, leading to skin sag. When it comes to the ultra-thin skin on the eyelids, even a tiny bit of saggy skin can add years to your appearance.
Age is not the only factor that affects how we look. Lifestyle factors like smoking as well as extreme weight loss can also contribute to thinner skin and loss of volume.
No amount of cream, lotion, or undereye serum can penetrate the layers of skin and muscle around your eyes and face to combat these issues, but cosmetic surgery can.
Let’s look at a few popular procedures now.
Cosmetic Surgeries for Treating the Eyes and Face

The best procedure for treating bags under your eyes and saggy eyelids is known as blepharoplasty, otherwise referred to as eyelid surgery or the eyelid lift. The procedure is performed under mild sedation, which means you’ll be conscious for the duration of the surgery. You’ll also likely leave the same day on an outpatient basis.
The procedure offers very little downtime (up to a week tops) and most patients experience mild discomfort if they feel any discomfort at all. If you do feel any soreness the day after surgery, Tylenol or similar OTC medication can treat it. Tell your doctor if the pain persists past a day. You should be back to your normal activities within three to seven days. Having multiple surgeries in one session can lengthen your recovery times. While your face and eyes are healing, avoid sun damage and keep the area protected as your skin heals for best results.
How is Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) Performed?
Eyelid surgery is performed by removing excess skin from your eyelids and before the remaining skin is tightened and resecured in place. The areas treated by the blepharoplasty surgery start under your eyebrows and extend down above each eyelash line.
Lower blepharoplasty is performed beneath the lower eyelid but above the cheekbones. Cosmetic surgery involves the repositioning of fat and muscle underneath the eyes to treat undereye bags. The results leave the skin around your eyes tighter for a face that always looks well-rested and younger than your chronological age.
Rarely are the two halves (upper and lower blepharoplasty) worked on at the same time. In most cases, the upper and lower eyelid surgeries will be scheduled as separate procedures with some downtime in between to allow for proper healing.
Canthoplasty is another eyelid surgery you can request from your cosmetic surgeon. This procedure treats excess skin that has begun to cover the eyelash area and iris. This condition can restrict your vision, which could be dangerous, particularly while driving. Corrective eyelid surgeries like canthoplasty can help you overcome drooping eyelid skin for aesthetic and functional reasons.
Eye Fillers

A procedure known as cosmetic fillers could help you achieve your aesthetic ideal on and around your face. Fillers are used to provide volume to those hollowed out and dark circles on your face that can come with age. The same thing happens to your cheeks and jaw that happen to the areas around your eyes. Your skin gets thinner and muscles weaker, leading to loss of mass and hollowed-out contours. Fillers provide evenness to your face, but they are not permanent. Most filler products will require retreatment in around six months to maintain your newly configured facial contours.
Cosmetic fillers come with a variety of brand names like Juvederm and Restylane. Many contain skin-rejuvenating hyaluronic acid, which stimulates your skin into creating new “glowing” skin cells. In addition to giving your face more attractive features, HA fillers leave your skin looking and feeling younger. The treatments are injected into target areas on your face such as your temples, earlobes, chin, tear troughs, and melolabial folds (the areas between your cheeks and lips).
The facelift is ideal for rejuvenating the skin all over your face. Like fillers that contain hyaluronic acid, a facelift can leave your skin glowing and looking years younger. Unlike fillers, facelift results are designed to last for years.
You are a good candidate for facelift surgery when you find yourself feeling younger than you look in the mirror. Facelifts can correct all the usual signs of aging, like bags under the eyes, saggy cheeks known as jowls, and gauntness. You don’t have to be of any certain age to have a facelift. You only need a recommendation from your cosmetic surgeon after that surgeon has conducted a physical examination during an initial consultation.
The facelift procedure has experienced multiple critical advancements that have revolutionized what it is able to accomplish. Now, the face is pulled upward in a vertical fashion, rather than straight back. The underlying facial muscles are tightened, and any loose or excess skin will be surgically removed. This technique creates a smooth, tight, and natural-looking appearance.
The facelift can be combined with other cosmetic surgeries like facial fillers and fat transfer. This surgery uses your own fatty tissue to fill in the contours of your face.
The facelift (the medical term is rhytidectomy) treats the areas all over your face, including under your chin.
Double Chin Treatment

If fat tends to build up under your chin, giving you more folds than you’d prefer, Kybella double chin treatment can give you a sleeker facial profile.
Kybella is an injectable, FDA-approved treatment that corrects submental fullness. That’s the official term for what is commonly called a double chin. You could experience submental fullness because of weight gain, genetics, and aging.
Kybella is a serum containing synthetic deoxycholic acid, which is a substance that is found naturally in the human body. The serum works to permanently dissolve fat cells upon contact, making it an effective treatment for a pesky double chin.
The Areas Around Your Face and Eyes Are Important
Your face and the areas around your eyes are critical for making the best first impression. Your face and eyes are some of the first things people notice about you. Appear younger and more refreshed by choosing facial and eye cosmetic surgery.
In addition to eyelid surgery, facial fillers, and the facelift, you can also request rhinoplasty (a nose job), eyebrow lift, and neck lift to look and feel your best.
You can learn more about cosmetic surgery and what it can do for you by contacting Moein Surgical Arts. Highly rated Dr. Babak Moein is one of the few surgeons in the country who is dually trained in minimally invasive surgery and cosmetic body contouring surgery. Let Dr. Moein help you achieve your aesthetic ideal by calling our office to schedule a consultation – (310)694-4486.