10 Cosmetic procedure Trends for 2021
2020 is finally behind us. We thought it would never end.
Now, with the pandemic still raging, a New Year has passed. The good news is that, on account of COVID-19, cosmetic surgeons are practicing more safety measures than ever.
That’s good for your New Year’s resolutions of changing that one thing about yourself you dislike.
Your saggy chin, flabby belly, or jiggly thighs could all be a thing of the past. You know which part(s) we’re talking about.
You’ve always wanted to change for the better aesthetically and now’s your chance.
This is the best time to have an aesthetic procedure.
Americans spent $16.5 billion on cosmetic procedures in 2018, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, and numbers only continue to rise.
With modern innovations and technological improvements in the medical industry, procedures are now safer than ever. And affordable, due to the availability of aesthetic surgery financing.
Here are cosmetic procedures we predict will be the most popular in 2021.
What is Cosmetic Surgery?
Cosmetic surgery also referred to as aesthetic surgery, is an elective operation that aims to improve your appearance. There are cosmetic procedures for nearly every part of your body, including your forehead, eyelids, chin, neck, arms, chest, abdomen, butt, legs, calves, and ankles. There are also non-surgical options that can smooth and erase fine lines and wrinkles and enhance areas such as your lips.
The best cosmetic surgeons offer an entire menu of surgical and non-surgical treatments so that you can address your insecurities.
1- Traditional Liposuction

Traditional liposuction is a popular cosmetic surgery for both men and women. Patients appreciate that lipo can be used on a variety of areas on the body.
The most common areas where patients seek to have lipo performed include the abdomen, hips, sides, lower back, upper thighs, and upper arms.
While liposuction should never be used as a weight loss tool, the procedure can remove large pockets of stubborn fat from your body. You would be considered an ideal candidate for lipo if you have tried to lose weight to no avail with diet and exercise. Lipo can remove the fat, making the area slimmer.
During liposuction, general anesthesia is used before a tumescent liquid is injected into the treatment area. The substances in this liquid break up the fat, making it easier to extract. Small incisions are made, allowing your doctor to insert a cannula, or thin metal tube, to extract the fat from your body.
Liposuction can slim down your appearance and give you a leaner silhouette.
There were more than 250,000 liposuction procedures performed in 2018 and we predict the procedure will become even more popular in 2021.
2- VASER Liposuction
VASER Hi-Definition liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that also aims to remove stubborn fat from your body. The main difference between traditional lipo and VASER lipo is the body sculpting results. VASER uses ultrasound energy to break up the bonds that keep fat connected to the surrounding tissues. Once the fat is emulsified, it is removed using a liposuction cannula. VASER is best for removing the deep, superficial fat cells that hide your body’s musculature.
Patients of VASER can see faster results from exercise because they don’t have that pesky layer of fat covering all their hard work. The procedure can be used nearly all over, resulting in a toned and “ripped” appearance.
As more people learn about this cutting-edge HD lipo technique, we expect more patients to ask for a sculpted physique using VASER.
3- Injectables and Fillers

As we get older, our faces begin to develop imperfections like wrinkles, sunspots, and fine lines. You may experience bags under your eyes, which makes you appear eternally exhausted. Aesthetic injectables and fillers can make Father Time stop in his tracks. In some cases, fillers can even enhance what nature gave you.
Aesthetic injectables go by many brand names such as Botox, Xeomin and Dysport, to name a few. These injectable neurotoxins weaken and paralyze specific muscles at the treatment site. By diminishing the muscle action in that area, your cosmetic surgeon can improve small wrinkles and folds, making you look younger and more refreshed.
Fillers are used to fill-in deficiencies or voids in the skin. Age can also produce a sunken effect as the muscles in our face weaken and atrophy. Fillers can support these areas, making your skin look firmer and younger.
Thick fillers are used for deeper folds and creases and to provide lift to the affected area. Thinner filler products are used for finer lines and creases but don’t offer much support.
Both procedures will gain in popularity as people continually want to turn back time and add improvement to their appearances on Zoom and in the real world.
4- Cosmetic Procedures Combinations
With cosmetic surgeons able to perform so many aesthetically enhancing techniques, it makes sense that patients would want to bulk treatments together when they can. We expect more patients will choose this route, which reduces the number of times they are on the surgeon’s table. Instead of having breast implants this week and a butt augmentation a year from now, you can have both treatments performed in unison as part of a mommy makeover procedure, for example.
Combining procedures is a convenient and affordable approach to improving your body. Not all procedures can be performed in conjunction with one another. Ask your cosmetic surgeon for details to begin envisioning the possibilities.
5- Tummy Tuck
A flatter tummy can be yours by opting for a tummy tuck, which is also known as abdominoplasty. This popular cosmetic treatment can help you achieve your fitness goals once and for all. Like lipo, you should make every attempt to achieve your ideal shape with diet and exercise. When those fail to work, a tummy tuck can give you the enviously flat belly you’ve always wanted.
During a tummy tuck, your cosmetic surgeon will remove the excess skin and fat that exists on your abdomen. Your surgeon can also repair separated or weakened muscle tissue, which further results in a slimmer and more defined body shape.
Tummy tucks have always been popular and there’s no reason to believe that the trend will stop in 2021 and beyond.
6- Breast Augmentations

Breast augmentation, which is also referred to as augmentation mammoplasty, is surgery that aims to increase your breast size. It involves the placement of breast implants under breast tissue or the muscles in your chest.
In the past, women opting for breast implants would often choose the biggest and most voluminous implants they could get. The bigger the better. Those days are long gone.
We predict that not only will breast augmentations (and breast lifts and reductions) still be popular in 2021, but the focus will be on smaller, more natural implants.
7- Butt Augmentations
Just like breast implants, more patients will be ordering butt augmentations like the Brazilian Butt Lift. With the BBL, fat is extracted from another area of your body, such as your flanks, before it is injected into your buttocks to give it more shape and volume.
Like breast implants, we predict patients won’t be going as large as they can go, but will want buttocks that are perkier, and more natural in appearance.
8- Scarless Body Lifts (Renuvion Skin Tightening)

Have you heard of the scarless arm lift? What about the scarless tummy tuck or the scarless leg lift?
These procedures are now more popular than ever before. Here’s how they work.
Using a technology known as Renuvion (J-Plasma), your cosmetic surgeon can tighten and repair skin at the treatment area with immediate and long-lasting results.
J-Plasma can treat droopy or saggy skin and can be used on most body parts requiring incisions, including sensitive areas like the neck and face.
“But wait,” you might say to yourself. “If there are incisions, how are there no scars afterward?”
The term “scarless” implies that the scars are nearly invisible once healed. For one, your cosmetic surgeon strategically places the scars within the natural folds of your body. These incisions, once healed, will hardly be noticeable.
Reunion can be used from nearly head to toe and we expect more people to opt for this procedure to tighten and rejuvenate their skin.
9- Gynecomastia Surgery

Male breast growth is a problem that can affect males of nearly any age. Young boys can begin forming male breast tissue in puberty and some older men experience “man boobs” when their testosterone starts to decline and they lose muscle mass. Gynecomastia surgery can restore a man’s chest to a more masculine appearance. The procedure has also been shown to have a drastic effect on the man’s self-esteem.
For men who have trouble removing their shirts at the beach or in the locker room, gynecomastia surgery could be the life enhancer they’ve been waiting for. Now that more men are discovering that treatment is possible, we expect to see the number of gynecomastia patients to grow even higher in the future.
10- Laparoscopic Gastric Sleeve

You may not think of bariatric (weight loss) surgery as a cosmetic procedure. But for some, a surgery like the gastric sleeve can be of a cosmetic nature.
People suffering from obesity can face constant rejection and it doesn’t help that the media doesn’t paint obese people in a particularly good light.
We should mention that being obese raises your health risks and can result in early death.
Whether you want to slim down for health reasons or to look your best, weight loss surgeries like the sleeve gastrectomy (gastric sleeve) can help you achieve your health and body shape goals.
The laparoscopic gastric sleeve is minimally invasive and performed under general anesthesia. Your surgeon will use laparoscopic tools to remove 80% of your stomach, which leaves behind a small pouch or “sleeve”. Your newly configured stomach forces you to eat smaller portions, thereby restricting the nutrients your body can consume. Gastric sleeve surgery also affects the hormone ghrelin, which regulates hunger and fullness. You won’t have as many cravings for bad foods and you will feel fuller while eating, helping you lose weight quickly.
Gastric sleeve patients end up losing 50%, 60% or more of their excess weight in the first two years. The bulk of the weight loss happens within the first year, with the weight loss tapering off after year two.
Call to Inquire About the Most Popular Cosmetic Procedures in 2021
Not all cosmetic surgeons perform weight loss surgery, but some do. A good example is Dr. Babak Moeinolmolki (Dr. Moein to his patients) of Moein Surgical Arts. Located in Los Angeles, California, Dr. Moein is dually trained in bariatrics and cosmetic body contouring surgery. This makes the doctor qualified to perform weight loss surgery. Dr. Moein can even help you achieve the perfect contours with one or more of the above cosmetic treatments after the weight has come off.
If constant Zoom calls have you questioning those lines around your eyes, or you would prefer a more voluminous backside to fill out your pants, or you have any other insecurities you would like to correct, there’s only one thing to do.
Call the best cosmetic surgeon in Los Angeles, Dr. Moein of Moein Surgical Arts, and inquire about the procedures that are perfect for you – (310) 694 4486.