Liposuction Surgeries Growing in Popularity – 10 Reasons Why

Introduction to Liposuction Surgeries Growing in Popularity

When you want to lose stubborn belly fat, and you want it gone fast, a liposuction procedure is just what the doctor ordered.

Liposuction is the second most popular cosmetic surgery treatment being performed today. With tiny incisions and a plastic tube known as a cannula, entire pockets of fat can be removed from strategic areas of your body.

Yet lipo is only one of many cosmetic procedures that are available at surgical centers all over the country. Why is this particular surgical technique so sought-after by men and women everywhere?

The answers may surprise you.

Here are ten reasons why liposuction is the go-to procedure for so many. By the end, you might just find yourself scheduling a consultation with a liposuction surgeon near you.

If you live in Los Angeles, schedule a consultation with liposuction surgeon Dr. Babak Moein of Moein Surgical Arts, where improving your aesthetics is our priority.

1- Liposuction Surgeries Helps You Lose Weight

Liposuction Surgeries Growing in Popularity in LA, CA
Liposuction Surgeries Growing in Popularity

Liposuction should never be thought of as a weight loss procedure, per se. If you are overweight, diet and exercise, or bariatric surgery, can help you lose a significant amount of weight.

Liposuction Surgeries are more suitable for those who are within 30% of their ideal weight, and who have localized pockets of fat they would like to reduce.

If this describes you, in addition to looking slimmer, you stand to lose around two to five pounds of fat with the Liposuction Surgeries. Who wouldn’t love to be a few pounds lighter on the scale?

2- Liposuction Surgeries are Permanent

When you lose weight, your fat cells shrink; they don’t go away. Gaining weight is a matter of getting those fat cells to swell back up again. With liposuction, the fat cells are extracted for good from targeted areas of your body. They can’t swell up again because they will have been eradicated on account of this amazing cosmetic procedure.

3- Liposuction is Affordable

weight-loss at MSA in LA, CA
weight-loss at MSA in LA, CA

Liposuction isn’t as expensive as you might think. The average cost for lipo is around $3,500. And that’s for permanent, life-long results. If you think you might have trouble paying for the lipo procedure you want, financing is available. Companies like CareCredit and Prosper HealthCare Lending can cover your procedure, allowing you to pay for the procedure later. You get a range of payment options with low monthly payments that are sure to give you invaluable peace of mind.

4- Liposuction Can Be Performed (Nearly) All Over

Liposuction Surgeries can be performed anywhere there is excess fat on the body. That includes your chin, neck, calves, ankles, chest, back, abdomen, flanks, buttocks, upper arms, and thighs. Surgeons can also use lipo for male breast reduction as a treatment for gynecomastia.

5- Lipo Gives You Amazing Body-Slimming Results

If you’ve struggled to get a slimmer waist, lipo can do the work for you. While you may experience swelling at the treatment area immediately following the treatment, the true results of the procedure will reveal themselves within the first few months. When that happens, you are sure to love your new slimmer [insert the name of your favorite body part here].

6- Liposuction Procedure is Easy to Recover From

Liposuction surgery recovery consists of a few days of rest and a couple months of taking it easy. During the first few days after the surgery, expect moderate discomfort and soreness. Your cosmetic surgeon can give you pain medication to manage any pain you feel. You should be back to your regular routine in just a few weeks, which includes exercise. You can resume heavy lifting after six to eight weeks, whereby you should see the full scope of the liposuction results.

Surgeons may ask you to wear a compression garment for around ten days, which constricts the area, improves blood flow, and aids in healing.

Your surgeon will give you tips for an easy recovery, such as:

  • Eat Healthy Foods
  • Drink Lots of Water
  • Get Plenty of Rest
  • Walk When You Are Able
  • Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Your surgeon offers follow-up care as part of your liposuction treatment. Never be afraid to call to speak to your surgeon if you experience difficulties or wonder about a symptom of healing. Before long, the area will heal, and amazing results will be yours!

7- Liposuction Procedure can Boost Your Confidence!

Liposuction Procedure can Boost Your Confidence in LA, CA
Liposuction Procedure can Boost Your Confidence

Liposuction results can be life changing. A slimmer midsection, arms, thighs, or buttock can boost your confidence and help you feel more satisfied with your appearance. A more contoured body looks better in clothes, and naked. Knowing you look so darned good can help you walk a little taller with your chin held high.

8- Lipo is Great for a Variety of Ages

If you think you are the wrong age for lipo, you might be shocked to learn that teenagers, twenty-somethings, and even fifty and sixty somethings are getting lipo.

While the most popular age range for liposuction is 35-50, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), it turns out that 1 out of 6 lipo patients is under 30 years old.

If you think you’re too old for liposuction, you couldn’t be more wrong. If you are in good health with no uncontrolled medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, or similar chronic conditions, and you don’t smoke or have a history of deep venous thrombosis, and you have good skin elasticity, you may be a good candidate for liposuction. Schedule a consultation with a liposuction surgeon near you to know for sure.

9- Liposuction Procedure is Safe

Every surgery carries some element of risk. Liposuction as a cosmetic procedure has become increasingly sophisticated. You can do your part by searching for an experienced cosmetic surgeon. You can also contribute to your safety by following all post-surgery instructions given to you by your surgeon. If you meet these conditions, lipo can be a safe and successful way to improve your body contours.

10- Available at a Surgical Center Near You

Liposuction is more accessible than ever thanks to the many surgical centers opening up around the country. Moein Surgical Arts is one such center. Operated by Dr. Babak Moein, a world-renowned Los Angeles liposuction surgeon, you are sure to find fantastic results by scheduling a consultation.

Start your journey now and experience all ten of these amazing benefits by calling Dr. Moein and his surgical staff at your earliest convenience. What body part do you wish to slim down? Call (310) 694-4486.

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Babak Moein

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