Introduction: Cosmetic Surgery vs Plastic Surgery – Which is Right for You?
The confusion between the terms “Cosmetic Surgery” and “Plastic Surgery” continues. Many people use the terms interchangeably, but that is not correct. It’s easy to confuse the two. Some plastic surgeons even go through training to specialize in cosmetic surgery. And it is true that the two are closely related, but cosmetic and plastic surgery are not exactly the same. Let’s explore the differences between the two surgical disciplines.
What is Cosmetic Surgery?

Cosmetic surgeries are elective in nature and are chosen by patients for purely aesthetic reasons. That means the surgery is not necessary; the patient volunteers to go under the knife in the hopes of changing something about their physical appearance.
Scheduling a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon is the first step to having surgery. When a patient seeks a cosmetic surgeon, they hope to improve their appearance. They might have a part of themselves that causes them stress, and that they become embarrassed about while out in public. A bigger-than-average nose, male breasts, and hanging skin following extreme weight loss are common complaints of patients who wish to undergo one or more cosmetic surgical procedures.
Common surgeries for correcting self-conscious defects include tummy tucks, nose jobs (rhinoplasty), breast augmentations, laser hair removal, arm/neck/brow lifts, breast implants, natural breast augmentation, facial fillers, and facelifts.
Cosmetic patients may also want to halt the signs of aging or otherwise feel good in their own skin.
What is Plastic Surgery?

Plastic surgery may also be voluntary, but instead of being for aesthetic purposes, the surgeries are aimed at reconstructing body and facial defects. These can be caused by accidents like burns, trauma, birth defects, disease, and deformities. You can use plastic surgery to restore function to a person or particular body part. While the plastic surgeon will always take the patient’s appearance into account, it’s not the primary concern.
Examples of plastic surgery procedures include scar revision, skin grafts, burn repair, breast reconstruction after mastectomy, carpal tunnel syndrome, congenital defect repair, and lower extremity reconstruction.
What are the Benefits of Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery?
Cosmetic surgery gives you immense physical and emotional benefits. Many of these procedures are non-invasive, which means patients are left with tiny scars (some of them nearly hidden when healed) and there is little downtime as you heal from surgery. Cosmetic surgery can significantly enhance your self-esteem, leaving you more confident about the way you look.
The benefits of plastic surgery can be just as profound. Patients get to experience restored tissue and greater functionality. Plastic surgeons can also cover up injuries and disfiguring scars. By restoring the body to its original form, as a patient of plastic surgery, you also can experience a drastic boost in your self-esteem.
How Are Cosmetic Surgeons Certified?

Cosmetic surgeons must meet certain requirements to acquire certification. The surgeon needs to complete residency training in a related field before they can begin training as a cosmetic surgeon. The surgeon must also complete 300 surgery cases, which is twice as many as the average plastic surgeon.
Cosmetic surgeons are more skilled at their work because of their aesthetic specialization, and because they have undergone more clinical hours.
How are Plastic Surgeons Certified?
Training for plastic surgeons isn’t focused on aesthetics but plastic surgeons are exposed to a wider variety of clinical situations. In addition to their standard medical education, many plastic surgeons complete training in six main categories. These include disorders, hand surgery, reconstructive surgery, trauma surgery, congenital defect repair, and cosmetic surgery. Along with being certified by the ABPS (American Board of Plastic Surgery), plastic surgeons need to complete 150 surgical cases and pass a board-mandated exam.
Which is Right for You?
Plastic surgery is for those who require constructive surgery. Things like cleft lips, breast reconstruction following a mastectomy after a breast surgery scare, and tissue reconstruction following a severe burn are some possibilities.
If you want to look better and feel better about the way you look, you’ll want to seek the services of the best cosmetic surgeon.
Dr. Babak Moein of Moein Surgical Arts is a cosmetic surgeon who also specializes in minimally-invasive weight loss surgery. At Moein Surgical Arts, Dr. Moein can employ his artistic hand to reverse the aging process and help you feel better about the body you’re in. From facelifts and tummy tucks to gynecomastia surgery and Brazilian butt lifts, Dr. Moein can help you achieve your aesthetic ideal.
Schedule a consultation with Dr. Moein in Los Angeles to discuss facial rejuvenation, body contouring, skin rejuvenation, or breast enhancement. Call in L.A., Encino, or Glendale –(310)597-4976