Buttock Augmentation Procedures are On the Rise: Which Butt Surgery is Right for You?

Introiduction to Buttock Augmentation Procedures

Buttock augmentation is the best way to fill out your jeans when having a nice butt isn’t exactly in your genes.

Whether you have a flat, nonexistent, or misshapen butt, you can now have the backside of your dreams with a variety of buttock enhancement procedures. Studies show these surgeries are becoming more popular than ever, even during the COVID-19 pandemic. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reported that buttock augmentation surgery increased by 252% between 2000 and 2015. And that every thirty seconds, a butt surgery is performed in the U.S.

It’s no wonder why buttock augmentation is in such high demand. The surgeries are safe, they produce natural-looking results, and they let you emulate the rear end of your favorite model, musician, celebrity, or athlete. You can even turn back time with a more youthful derriere.

Here are the most common buttock augmentation procedures we offer at Moein Surgical Arts in Los Angeles, California.

Buttock Augmentation Procedures: Now Available

The most popular types of buttock enhancement surgeries include butt implants, butt lifts, and augmentation with fat grafting also referred to as the Brazilian Butt Lift.

Butt Implants

Buttock Augmentation Procedures

When you want more shape to your buttocks, silicone implants can give you the contours you crave. Everyone has heard of breast augmentation using breast implants. With the use of implantable devices, surgeons are able to give women larger, more rounded busts. Butt implants work the same way, except they are specially designed to be implanted into each butt cheek.

Like breast implants, butt implants are made of silicone, which is non-toxic and unlikely to be rejected by your body. The surgeon performs this operation by making incisions in each cheek, whereby the implants will be placed under the skin or muscle. The methods for placing butt implants differ depending on the size of the implant, patient’s body type, and surgeon’s preference. You will be able to choose the size of the implant together with your surgeon during your initial consultation.

Brazilian Butt Lift

The Brazilian Butt Lift has become so popular, many patients are beginning to ask for it by name. During the BBL procedure, your cosmetic surgeon will suction fat from another area of your body using liposuction. The fat will typically be taken from your thighs, flanks, or abdomen – anywhere you have excess fatty tissue. (Note: if you don’t have much fat to draw from, silicone implants may be the better option for achieving your body shape goals).

The fat is then injected into the buttocks to improve the overall shape and add volume. In some cases, your surgeon will opt to combine the BBL with silicone implants to accentuate your results.

Sculptra Butt Lift

Sculptra butt lift - Los Angeles CA

With this procedure, a specialized filler called Sculptra is injected into the soft tissue of the buttocks. The doctor will perform this surgery in his/her office with no downtime. The material adds some volume at the time of injection with greater results appearing over the span of a few weeks or months.

In most cases, a Sculptra butt lift requires a few sessions to see the most significant results.

Traditional Butt Lift

If your butt sags and droops, a traditional butt lift can help you fight gravity for a backside you can be proud of. During the procedure, your surgeon will make an incision along your backside, whereby the excess skin and fatty tissue will be cut away. The area is then lifted and secured in place using stitches or sutures. The result is a firmer-looking backside.

Are Buttock Augmentation Procedures Safe?

Butt surgery has a 95.6% satisfaction rate, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

Nevertheless, buttock enhancement surgery does come with some risk, as do all surgeries. The most common side effects are excessive bleeding, pain, scarring, infection, skin discoloration, fluid accumulation, allergic reactions, and skin loss. You may also experience nausea and vomiting from the anesthesia.

By choosing a buttock augmentation specialist you can trust, you can reduce your chances of experiencing complications. You should choose your body contouring surgeon based on the professional’s education, training, and certification, as well as their experience level when it comes to buttock enhancement. Finally, you should always choose your surgeon based on how comfortable you feel with that person.

Breast Lift Or Breast Augmentation, or Both? Your Cosmetic Surgery Guide
The back of a woman in a pink one piece swimsuit.

Schedule a Consultation with the Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Los Angeles

Sitting down with a cosmetic surgeon to inquire about butt surgery is a good first step. During this first meeting, you can ask questions and have them answered by the very professional who will be performing your surgery. If you live in Los Angeles, California, and want a backside that fills out your clothes and looks terrific in photos, call Dr. Babak Moein of Moein Surgical Arts.

Dr. Moein offers telemedicine consultations at first, during the COVID-19 pandemic, and for your ultimate safety. A consultation with Dr. Moein can give you answers to your most pressing questions and give you a chance to consider the various butt surgeries that might be right for you. Find out if you are a good candidate for surgery by calling (310)694-4486.

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Dr. Babak Moeinolmolki

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