One of the most common cosmetic procedures to date is a breast augmentation. If you’re unhappy with the size, shape, or lift of your breasts, you can resolve your insecurities by opting for breast implants or a fat transfer. This procedure remains popular due to the immediate results and self-esteem boost patients incur when they choose to make their chest as they’ve always wished it would be.
Breast Augmentation Results Los Angeles, CA


Breast augmentation is a standard procedure among women who want to increase the size and shape of their breasts. Dr. Babak Moein has completed more than 1,500 successful plastic surgical procedures in the Los Angeles area, including breast augmentation. At Moein Surgical Arts, our focus is excellent service and offering a customized plan based on your personal goals.
- Dr. Babak Moein is double board-certified in cosmetic surgery and general surgery. He is the only cosmetic surgeon in Southern California with a dual fellowship and is trained in minimally invasive surgery and cosmetic aesthetic body contouring surgery.
- Dr. Moein has over 10 years of surgical experience and over 100 five-star reviews.
- Our primary focus is to provide excellent service and optimal results for every patient. Dr. Moein and his team will provide you with individualized care to ensure you get the results you want.
- Dr. Moein’s expertise in cosmetic, minimally invasive, and general surgery offers his patients a significant advantage during assessment and surgical planning and makes Dr. Babak Moein uniquely qualified to meet their cosmetic needs.
To learn more about Dr. Babak Moein and how he can help you meet your body goals, we recommend that you request a consultation online or call our office to schedule an appointment.

Breast augmentation adds volume and curves to the breasts. It may be appropriate for you if you want to go up one or more cup sizes to enhance your proportions.
Breast implants in Los Angeles are available in a variety of types, textures, shapes, and sizes. The two main types are saline and silicone. Each has pros and cons, and your choice of saline or silicone impacts the weight and firmness of the breasts, along with key aspects of your surgical procedure. Other considerations include smooth versus textured implants and spherical versus oval implants.
During your consultation with Dr. Moein, he will discuss the breast augmentation procedure and other techniques that you may benefit from to help you meet your body goals. Sometimes, a breast augmentation alone doesn't address all the concerns you may have. For example, if sagging is a concern, Dr. Moein may recommend a breast augmentation and a mommy makeover. Breast augmentation can also be combined with many other body contouring procedures.

Ideal candidates for breast augmentation procedures share the following qualities:
- Someone who is physically healthy.
- Is not currently pregnant or breastfeeding.
- Desires enhancement in the size and/or shape of their breasts.
- Breast size or shape is not symmetrical or even.
Breast augmentation can help women achieve several concerns and goals. Breast augmentation may be the procedure for you if you want to increase fullness or volume, improve balance or symmetry, or enhance your self-confidence.
To find out more about DR BABAK MOEIN. We advise you to request a consultation online. If you prefer, you are more than welcome to call our office
to schedule your appointment.

Before this procedure takes place, there will be a personalized consultation to discuss the best treatment plan for your body goals. During this time, Dr. Moein will go over your health history, perform a medical evaluation, discuss your options and outcomes of your breast augmentation. Your concerns will be discussed and your individual treatment plan created.
Your breast augmentation surgery will be unique to your specific needs. However, you can expect your breast augmentation procedure to include the following:
- General anesthesia will be used during the surgery.
- An incision is created in one of several areas. Options include in the armpit, around the areola, and in the fold beneath the breast.
- Once the incision has been made, a pocket is created in the breast tissue and this is where the implant will be placed. Dr. Moein and you will decide whether placing the breast implant over or under the muscle is best for you.
- The implants are inserted and positioned correctly and symmetrically.
- The incisions are closed with medical stitches.
Look at our breast augmentation before and after photos to see what kind of results you can achieve with Dr. Moein.
Dr. Moein will give you instructions on how to prepare for your breast augmentation surgery. In general, you will be asked to refrain from taking medication such as Aspirin, Motrin, or Ibuprofen the week before the surgery. Dr. Moein will prepare a pain management plan and go over it with you before your surgery. Pain management plans are based on your past experience with pain medications, your risk factors for opioid addiction, the anticipated discomfort after surgery, and your individual pain tolerance and goals.
Depending on the procedure type, Dr. Moein may ask you to get a blood test and take or adjust certain medication. Dr. Moein requires each of his patients to quit smoking at least four weeks before their surgery. To better support you, we offer smoking cessation resources.
You will likely be advised to not intake any food or fluids after midnight the night prior to your surgery. You will also need to arrange for someone to drive you to and from surgery as well as help around the house for at least the first 48 hours after surgery.
After surgery, you’ll briefly recover in our recovery room. Dr. Moein may prescribe pain medication to help keep you comfortable for the first few days after your procedure. He will also provide detailed instructions post-surgery, so you have the best chance of recovering without complications.
While you’re experiencing breast augmentation recovery, it’s best to be very gentle with the tissues in the area. Engaging in any physically taxing or stressful activities is not recommended. Bruising and swelling resulting from the breast augmentation surgery can be reduced in a number of ways, such as the use of cold compresses and surgical support garments. You’ll have a follow-up appointment with Dr. Moein to make sure your healing is underway, and advise you on when you can return to more strenuous activities.
As with most cosmetic procedures, breast augmentation results vary from person to person. Many women find that breast augmentation improves their body satisfaction, and helps them feel more comfortable with their appearance.
It may be a few weeks before the swelling subsides and you start seeing results. Incision scars can take a few months to even years, to fade away.
According to 2018 data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of breast augmentation is $3,824, not including anesthesia and other related costs. Talk to Dr. Moein about your financing options during your consultation to help make your procedure as affordable as possible. Dr. Moein takes special care to ensure patients know the entire cost of the procedure (including the post-operative visit) up front, and that patients do not incur any unexpected expenses.
To find out more about breast augmentation procedures, request a consultation online today. If you prefer, you are more than welcome to call our office to schedule your appointment at 310-455-8020.