Introduction to Look Dramatically Younger with a Neck Lift
When you want to know how old someone is, you typically look at their facial features.
However, you might have better luck judging someone’s longevity by the state of their neck.
The neck is one of those body parts that acts as a biological clock face. The more wrinkled it gets, the older you look.
The skin of the neck is thin and delicate. As we age, our skin gets even thinner, and muscle mass shrinks. This gives the neck a droopy appearance. Other unfortunate souls may form jowls or a double chin.
You don’t have to be that old to show age on your neck.
Stress, lifestyle habits like smoking, lack of sleep, too much sun, and genetics all play a part in how rudely our necks will tattle to others about our age.
Some start getting a wrinkled neck by the end of their twenties while others are fortunate enough to retain a youthful neck until their forties or well into their fifties.
Age comes for us all. Your neck will show you age whether you like it or not. Unless you do something about it.
No, you’re not doomed to wear a scarf wherever you go. We’re talking about neck lift surgery, which can add dramatic improvement to your facial appearance.
The neck lift is a popular cosmetic technique that infuses youthfulness to the area below your chin.
Jiggle or turkey neck and saggy skin can be utterly transformed into smooth and healthy skin that should belong to a much younger person.
Neck lift surgery is one of the least expensive cosmetic surgeries ($4,000 to $8,000) and has long-lasting, age-defying effects.
What are the Effects of a Neck Lift?
The results of a neck lift give you a much more youthful appearance.
Your jawline will appear more defined.
If you had jowls before the procedure, those will be corrected.
There are other benefits to a neck lift aside from a younger appearance and the removal of loose skin. There is minimal scarring, a short recovery period, and an incredible boost to your self-esteem.
How Long Do Neck Lift Results Last?

Even cosmetic surgery cannot stop the powerful effects of age. A neck lift won’t keep wrinkles at bay forever. You can look years younger for up to ten years or longer with this cosmetic surgery.
This makes the neck lift an invaluable, life-changing technique for anyone intent on holding onto their youth.
Your lifestyle will contribute to how long your neck lift results last. Staying hydrated, being a non-smoker, and keeping your skin moisturized all contribute to long-lasting youthfulness.
How Does a Neck Lift Work?
A neck lift is aimed at tightening the neck muscles while removing excess skin.
During the procedure, the cosmetic surgeon makes incisions behind your ears. Some surgeons place supplemental incisions under the chin.
The cuts give your surgeon access to the muscles within the neck, which are tightened and held in place using sutures.
Any excess skin that exists along the neck is cut away at this time.
Combining Liposuction with the Neck Lift
Many patients include additional cosmetic treatments along with their neck lifts.
Other cosmetic techniques that go with this surgery include facelift, brow surgery, eyelid surgery, Kybella double chin treatment, and Renuvion.
Is Neck Lift a Major Surgery?

The short answer is yes. Any surgery that involves a critical body part such as your neck (which acts as a conduit for your brain stem, airway, and sensory nervous system) is considered a serious surgery.
That being said, Platysmaplasty (the scientific name for a neck lift) is a safe cosmetic surgery that offers excellent results.
Platysmaplasty is performed by both plastic surgeons and cosmetic surgeons all over the world.
How Long is Recovery from a Platysmaplasty Neck Lift?
You use your neck throughout the day to turn and manipulate your head. Only when you’ve had surgery on your neck do you realize how much your neck comes into play in everything you do.
Keeping your neck stabilized to protect your results and avoid discomfort can be challenging. But your cosmetic surgeon will offer tips to make yours a quick and comfortable recovery.
You will have swelling around the area for several weeks to a couple of months following surgery. The final results are revealed when the swelling subsides. That is when you will notice the smoother skin and absence of loose neck skin and loose neck muscles. The effects can give you an improved appearance with more refined facial contours.
You should expect to rest at home for a full week when you arrive home from the surgical center. Your surgeon will give you a timeframe of when you can resume normal activities.
Many neck lift patients use paid time off, such as vacation pay, to accommodate their cosmetic surgery recovery.
Are You a Good Neck Lift Candidate?

The neck lift is one of those procedures where the patient must be selected carefully. Only ideal patients will get the most dramatically age-defying results.
Ideal neck lift patients:
Don’t Smoke: Nicotine and cigarette smoking make for a slower recovery. Smoking also increases your risk of complications. Your doctor will advise you to quit smoking for up to six months before scheduling you for neck lift surgery.
Are Mentally Healthy: Cosmetic surgeons are trained to look out for people suffering from body dysmorphia or OCD. People can become addicted to cosmetic surgery, and yet no amount of surgical correction can satisfy an ill mind. To be a viable candidate for surgery, you must be mentally healthy and understand that surgery can only do so much.
Have Realistic Expectations: As far as the results are concerned, cosmetic surgery can do wonders. Your neck showing wrinkles and deep valleys today may be completely smooth once your swelling subsides.
Without a wrinkled neck, it’ll be much more difficult for people to judge your natural age.
A neck lift cannot make you look like a model or your favorite movie star. What a neck lift can give you is a newfound confidence in yourself, and an assuredness that you look more youthful to others around you.
Ready to See What the Neck Lift Can Do for You?
The thin skin of the neck is among the first body parts to show age.
A saggy chin and wrinkled neck can diminish your appearance. A neck lift can help.
This cosmetic procedure gives you a smoother, more youthful neck, turning back the clock on how you look.
A neck lift can also have a dramatic outcome on how you feel about yourself.
To discuss a neck lift or a combination of procedures, schedule a personal consultation with the board-certified cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Babak Moein. The private and one-on-one consultation can help you learn the benefits, risks, and results you can expect with the amazing neck lift. Get started now by calling (310)694-4486.