VelaShape is an effective method of reducing the volume of the upper thighs, arms, love handles, abdomen, and various other areas of the body. With the help of this procedure, the stubborn fat cells are shrunk in size, reducing the areaโs overall circumference.
VelaShape is quite convenient. It is a non-surgical and non-invasive procedure, meaning that it does not involve scalpels and will not create any scars or result in weeks or months of recovery time. It is FDA-approved and extremely safe for all skin types.
This treatment is best for those with a BMI (Body Mass Index) of below 30. If your BMI is higher than this, VelaShape may still be helpful for you.
VelaShape features four mechanisms of contouring and skin revitalization: mechanical massage, infrared light energy, vacuum suction, and radiofrequency energy. Over the course of around 30 to 40 minutes, this comfortable treatment will use all of these mechanisms to reduce the circumference of the treated area and tighten the skin.
Vacuum treatment and mechanical massage smooth out the skin in order to aid in removing toxins and the byproducts of fat cells, encourage better blood circulation, and cause an increase in lymphatic drainage.
Once the skin is smoothed, it will be easier to effectively treat the region with elลsโข technology. This technology delivers radiofrequency waves and infrared light to the area, heating the dermal and hypodermal skin layers. This heat increases the metabolism of the fat cells and makes them much smaller. The precision of this technique makes it so tissues in the area stay free from harm during treatment.
After your VelaShape treatment, you will be able to immediately return to your typical daily schedule without downtime. This stands in contrast to surgeries, which require patients to rest and heal afterward for a time.
Multiple treatments will be needed in order to achieve effective body contouring. Typically, six treatments are recommended, but this number may vary according to factors such as the body type and aesthetic goals of the patient.
After one to two months, patients typically notice a circumferential reduction of anywhere from a half-inch to three inches in the treated area. The skin will also be smoother and tighter. The results of a VelaShape treatment can be best preserved with the help of lifestyle changes such as a consistent exercise regimen and a proper diet.
Dr. Moein has years of experience and is skilled in a wide variety of aesthetic procedures. To find out more about VelaShapeโs uses for body contouring and cellulite reduction, contact our office and schedule a helpful consultation. Dr. Moein will answer any questions you may have.