Introduction: 25 Amazing Uses for Injectable Neurotoxin Injections
If you’ve never had Injectable neurotoxin, you’ve at least likely heard about it.
These shots that go by several names (Botox, Dysport and Xeomin) have been used as wrinkle releasers for years, ever since the FDA approved Injectable neurotoxin Botox on April 15, 2002. FDA approved this injections as a “temporary aesthetic treatment for moderate to severe frown lines in adults.”
What you might not know is that Injectable neurotoxin can do much more than smooth away crow’s feet and mouth wrinkles.
Injectable neurotoxin injections have powerful muscle relaxing capabilities. In the hands of a skilled cosmetic surgeon, you have many opportunities to look younger and feel more confident thanks to this amazing aesthetic treatment.
1- Smooth Away Under Eye “Bags”
As we age, the areas under the eyes can begin to atrophy. Skin and fatty tissue can begin to form bags, which make us look tired and unhealthy. Injectable neurotoxin injections can smooth and tighten the under-eye area. It will also make your face look brighter and healthier.
2- Wipe Away Wrinkles (Not Just on the Face)
Injectable neurotoxin injections work like magic at erasing fine lines and wrinkles that result from repetitive muscle movements around the eyes and face. However, you may not realize that Injectable neurotoxin can also be used on wrinkles caused by repetitive movements along the neck, between the breasts, under the arms, and on the backs of your hands.
3- Perk-Up Sagging Jowls
Jowls occur when fatty tissue and lax skin collect along your jawline. Instead of having a chiseled jaw, the protruding tissue is all people see, which can take away from your appearance.
Injecting injectable neurotoxin into your jawline area can tighten and lift the fatty tissue, making you look years younger.
4- Grow Plumper Lips

If you were born with thin lips, Injectable neurotoxin injections can give you the pouty lips you’ve always wanted. The serum relaxes the muscles around the mouth, i.e. the orbicularis oris, giving you that larger pout.
5- Reshape Your Nose
You might know about rhinoplasty, which is a delicate surgery for changing the shape of your nose. A drawback of nose job surgery is the lengthy recovery time. Injectable neurotoxin can lift and smooth the tissue around your nose. This will give it a more attractive shape and improving your appearance without the need for surgery.
6- Get a More Youthful Neck
When it comes to facial rejuvenation, you must include the neck. Aging can cause the tissue below the chin to sag. Eventually, vertical lines develop, and bulges, and thin tissue, which only compounds the years on our appearance. Injectable neurotoxin eases the muscles along the neck, known as the Platysma muscle bands, creating age-defying results.
7- Shrink Your Calves
If you’ve ever tried to reduce your calf size with exercise, you know it’s downright impossible. Here is another area of the body where Injectable neurotoxin saves the day. An injection of the Injectable neurotoxin Cosmetic can sculpt your calves by softening the gastrocnemius muscle. You will need to repeat the injections every year or so, if you want to keep your legs always looking their best.
8- Reveal a Softer Jawline
If you have a square jaw, you might want to soften that area of your face with Injectable neurotoxin. A tight masseter muscle typically causes the square jaw effect. Injectable neurotoxin can relax that muscle to create a softer, more feminine jawline.
9- Lift Your Brows

Your cosmetic surgeon can use the same injectable neurotoxin method for smoothing crow’s feet. They can also use it for frown lines to lift and shape your eyebrows. The forehead muscles relax once the injection is given. That elevates the eyebrows and makes your eyes appear more open, awake, and aware.
10- Raise Droopy Lids
The effects of aging can cause the eyelids to droop. Injectable neurotoxin relaxes the muscles around the eye, which naturally lifts the forehead. The eyelids, in return, are lifted, making your eyes shine.
11- Stop Chronic Migraines
Injectable neurotoxin was approved for chronic migraines in 2010. However, use of this cosmetic for frequent headaches was actually discovered in 1992, quite by accident. A Beverly Hills plastic surgeon found that when he gave patients Injectable neurotoxin injections for wrinkles, they reported fewer migraines. Today, Injectable neurotoxin injections are seen as a migraine treatment, with the effects lasting as long as three months after each treatment.
12- Help with Strabismus (Crossed-Eyes)
Believe it or not, one of the first FDA approvals for Injectable neurotoxin Cosmetic was for a disorder that affects 4% of Americans. Otherwise known as strabismus, where the eyes fail to line up in the same direction, Injectable neurotoxin injections can give these individuals a more normalized appearance.
13- Treat Bladder Dysfunction
The FDA has also approved Injectable neurotoxin for overactive bladder. Dr. Linda Brubaker, Dean and Chief Diversity Officer of Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, said that Injectable neurotoxin was one of the most impactful treatments she had ever seen for overactive bladder in her 30 years of practicing medicine. One study conducted by Braker found that 70% of women treated with Injectable neurotoxin had three leaks per day instead of the average of five when the study began.
14- Treat a Gummy Smile

When you smile, do you show a bit too much gum? Injectable neurotoxin can ease your dilemma by relaxing the muscles around your lips. When you smile now, your upper lip ends up lifting higher than you’d prefer. The injections help your lip remain in place as you smile, therefore, giving you improved oral aesthetics.
15- Tighten Pores
Injectable neurotoxin injections are the only treatment we have that directly targets pores. The injections reduce pore size and lesson oil production. Some patients experience less sweat production and a reduction in the appearance of red and brown scars resulting from acne.
16- Stop Embarrassing Underarm Sweating
The FDA approved injectable neurotoxin for severe primary axillary hyperhidrosis in 2004. Doctors began noticing that their patients began to sweat less after receiving Injectable neurotoxin for facial spasms. Injectable neurotoxin has been shown to treat underarm sweating and overly sweaty hands and feet.
17- Put Neck Spasms to Rest
The pharmaceutical company behind injectable neurotoxin, Allergen, got approval for its use in treating a disorder known as cervical dystonia, which leads to an abnormal head position, severe neck spasms, and pain. FDA has approved injectable neurotoxin, so doctors can give it to sufferers of these spasms for much needed relief.
18- Still Those Shaky Vocal Cords
Spasmodic dysphonia is a condition that causes a person’s vocal cords to sound shaky. Some sufferers experience hoarse or strained voices instead. Injectable neurotoxin injections weaken the muscles a tiny bit, which helps to smooth the voice out. Treatments of Injectable neurotoxin have shown promise in helping spasmodic dysphonia sufferers communicate, which can drastically improve their quality of life.
19- Stop Drooling
Some ear, nose, and throat doctors currently use injectable neurotoxin to treat hypersalivation. Overactive salivary glands is the cause of this. A few injections of Injectable neurotoxin paralyze the nerves and stops them from overproducing saliva.
20- Experience Fewer Depression Symptoms
Some experts remain skeptical, but early Injectable neurotoxin trials resulted in alleviated symptoms in some patients with depression. Scientists believe injectable neurotoxin affects the facial feedback hypothesis, which is the idea that a person’s facial expression influences their mood. Allergen is still in clinical trials to determine Injectable neurotoxin’s effectiveness as a depression treatment.
21- Have Less Painful Sex
For some women, sex is painful due to a disorder known as vaginismus. This disorder is an involuntary tensing of the muscles along the pelvic floor. Injectable neurotoxin injections relax the pelvic muscles, so they can’t contract. While the FDA has not approved Injectable neurotoxin for vaginismus, clinical trials are ongoing for the use of Injectable neurotoxin for painful sex.
22- Erase Cleft Lip Scars in Infants
Cleft palates and cleft lips affect thousands of children every year. Many undergo surgery to correct the facial deformity. Some doctors are finding that injecting Injectable neurotoxin into the child’s scars will hold the muscles around it still, allowing the area to heal. The result is a scar that appears less visible. While not FDA approved for this treatment, clinical trials for the use of Injectable neurotoxin to treat scarring in cleft lip repair are still ongoing.
23- Stop Premature Ejaculation
The FDA does not approve this treatment; however, Allergen is currently testing the use of Injectable neurotoxin to treat men who orgasm too quickly. Injectable neurotoxin injections into the penis could relax the muscle that controls ejaculation, delaying the man’s climax. Studies are showing that Injectable neurotoxin can help with life-long PE, though results are not definitive.
24- Steady Your Abnormal Heartbeat

Allergen is also looking into whether they can use injectable neurotoxin to prevent abnormal heartbeat patterns following open-heart surgery. This disorder is known as postoperative atrial fibrillation or AFib and is a common complication of heart surgery. Patients who experience the disorder are at increased risk for stroke and early death. Studies on animals have shown that Injectable neurotoxin suppresses abnormal heart rhythms. Data is still incoming on the effect of Injectable neurotoxin on humans with AFib; however, experts are encouraged by their findings.
25- Warm Your Cold Hands
The Cold Hand Clinic at the University of Chicago administers Injectable neurotoxin to treat people with extremely cold hands. Poor circulation is the main cause of this disorder. The surgeon injects injectable neurotoxin into the patient’s hand to relax the muscles around constricted blood vessels. This will allow the circulation to improve. With blood flowing through the hand and into the fingertips, the patient gets the required relief. Doctors who prescribe the treatment say it can last up to three months. Studies are still being conducted on the use of Injectable neurotoxin for the treatment of Raynaud’s phenomenon, which is the official name for severely cold hands.
Where Can You Get Injectable Neurotoxin in Los Angeles?
Injectable neurotoxin is a safe treatment. The FDA has approved it for eleven procedures. Some doctors also use injectable neurotoxin to treat a host of ailments, many of which we listed here. You can learn more about this amazing injectable wonder in a syringe by calling Moein Surgical Arts to schedule a consultation.
Dr. Moeinolmolki (many patients call him Dr. Moein) can help you look younger, ease migraines, and treat other conditions using Injectable neurotoxin injections. Get started today by calling Dr. Moein to schedule a virtual consultation at (310) 694-4486.