cosmetic surgeon – Moein Surgical Arts Cosmetic Surgery Los Angeles Sat, 01 Feb 2025 05:22:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 cosmetic surgeon – Moein Surgical Arts 32 32 Where Can Liposuction Permanent Fat Removal Be Used on the Body? Mon, 12 Sep 2022 21:00:23 +0000 Introduction to Can Liposuction Permanent Fat Removal Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure that permanently removes fat from specific areas of the body. By removing the fat cells in these areas, a cosmetic surgeon can shape these areas to the patient’s specifications. This makes liposuction an effective body contouring procedure. Liposuction has been one of …

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Introduction to Can Liposuction Permanent Fat Removal

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure that permanently removes fat from specific areas of the body. By removing the fat cells in these areas, a cosmetic surgeon can shape these areas to the patient’s specifications. This makes liposuction an effective body contouring procedure. Liposuction has been one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries for many years.

You should not think of liposuction as a weight loss method. Liposuction is best used when you are at a healthy weight but have stubborn pockets of fat that won’t let go. As in, no amount of diet or exercise will enable these pockets to melt away. If you have pockets of fat like that, liposuction allows you to contour your body in specific places. Here are the various locations around the body where liposuction can be used.

Ideal Liposuction Treatment Sites


Facial liposuction is most commonly performed on the cheeks. Removing excess fat cells from the cheeks allows the surgeon to contour these areas on the upper portion of your face. As you heal, the skin of the cheeks will mold around this newly shaped area. This gives you a slimmer face, leading to a more pronounced jawline.

Cheek liposuction is sometimes performed alongside other cosmetic procedures such as a facelift.


Chin liposuction is also referred to as submental suction-assisted lipectomy. During this surgical procedure, unwanted deposits of fat are removed from under the chin. This helps to eradicate the double chin and produces a more defined jawline.

Then there is the extended submental liposuction that is aimed at removing a horizontal band of excess fat that extends beyond the jawline, which provides a reduction in the appearance of neck heaviness.


Neck liposuction is aimed at eliminating fat from around the neck. This lipo can also eradicate the appearance of a double chin while giving you a more defined jaw. Both men and women also use neck liposuction to address a “buffalo” hump, which is characterized by the appearance of extra fat on the back of the neck and upper shoulders. Lipo can remove this fat to prevent it from expanding.

Chest (Breasts)

Liposuction Permanent Fat Removal LA, CA

Liposuction is used on the chest by both men and women. Women with larger breasts undergo liposuction as part of a breast reduction. By removing excess fat from the breasts, the woman is able to attain shapelier and younger-looking breasts. Breast liposuction is also sometimes added to breast augmentation and breast lift surgery to give women optimal results.

Male cosmetic surgery patients undergo liposuction on the chest during gynecomastia surgery. Gynecomastia is a condition that leads to the excess growth of breasts in men due to a hormone imbalance, steroid use, obesity, and certain medications. Male liposuction removes the excess fatty tissue in the breasts to restore a more masculine appearance to the chest area.

Read our article: Are You a Good Candidate for Male Breast Reduction Surgery?


Liposuction can be used on the upper or lower back. Many women complain about back rolls or bra strap fat. Liposuction can remove fat along these areas to create a more contoured back. The upper back is also where people tend to form a buffalo hump, which is where fat accumulates behind the shoulder. The lower back is also ideal for lipo, which creates a slimmer silhouette. While back liposuction is popular, the procedure can lead to an increased risk of hyperpigmentation of the skin, which is a permanent discoloration if too much fat is removed.


Waist liposuction is one of the most requested areas for lipo, which gives patients a slimmer waist. That is because the area around the waist is one of the hardest areas to lose stubborn body fat using diet and exercise alone. By undergoing waist liposuction, patients can dramatically reduce their waist size by several centimeters, which creates a markedly slimmer waistline.


Liposuction on the abdomen is another popular treatment as many people are insecure about their excess belly fat which is difficult to lose naturally. Lipo along this area tends to create a flatter and more contoured midsection. Liposuction is sometimes performed alongside the tummy tuck to remove excess fat and saggy skin.

Flank (Love Handles)

The flanks, commonly known as love handles, are the areas between the ribs and hips. It is this location where many people have concerns over rolls or bulges of fat accumulating. Flank liposuction creates a slimmer shape and can be used as a preventative measure to maintain a slimmer physique.

Upper Arms

For many women, the upper arms become a repository for fat. This can cause the area under the arm to hang down. This condition is colloquially referred to as bingo wings or bat wings. Liposuction along this area can remove the excess fat from under the arms. In extreme cases, excess skin is also cut away to create firm and toned arms by way of an arm lift.


The hips are another popular area for liposuction as the hips tend to deposit along the hip area. When fat builds in this area, a banana-shaped bulge of fat can form between the bottom of the buttock and the top of the thighs. This fatty tissue is usually resistant to diet and exercise. Liposuction can eradicate hip fat, which not only contours the body but also helps clothes fit better.


For most of us, the buttocks area is an acceptable place to accumulate a moderate amount of subcutaneous fat. When the fat is well-proportioned, the buttocks can be aesthetically pleasing and fit clothing more comfortably. When too much fat accumulates on the butt, liposuction can reduce the size and create smoother, more symmetrical results.


Thighs Liposuction

Fatty tissue can build on both the inner and outer thighs. When fat accumulates on the outer thighs, we call that condition saddle bags. If you want more toned and smoother-shaped legs, liposuction can be used on both sides of the thighs to create the desired results. Liposuction is sometimes used alongside the thigh lift to remove fatty tissue and eradicate saggy skin.


Excess fat can accumulate around the knees as a result of weight gain or genetics. Having an excess amount of weight along the knees can create concerns regarding the appearance of the legs. Knee liposuction helps to contour the legs by making them appear slimmer.

Ankles and Calves

Fatty ankles and calves can make the calf area indistinguishable from the ankles. This condition is sometimes crudely referred to as cankles. Excess fat and swelling in the calves can sometimes reduce movement. Calf and ankle liposuction can reduce calf size, reshape the lower leg, and improve issues of mobility.

What are the Risks of Liposuction?

All procedures come with risks. The risks of liposuction will be discussed with you during your consultation with the cosmetic surgeon. Examples of risks include bruising, swelling, fluid accumulation, injection, nerve damage, asymmetry, heat injury, and deep vein thrombosis (blood clot).

How Do You Prepare for Liposuction Permanent Fat Removal?

Before the liposuction procedure, you and your cosmetic surgeon will discuss what to expect from the surgical session. Your surgeon will review your medical history and ask about medications and herbal supplements you might be taking. Your surgeon may recommend that you stop taking some medications for at least three weeks prior to surgery, such as blood thinners. He may also order lab tests to be performed prior to undergoing liposuction for your safety.

Other Precautions Before Undergoing Lipo Permanent Fat Removal

If liposuction requires the removal of only a minuscule amount of fat, the procedure may be performed in an office setting. For larger amounts of fat, or if you plan to have other procedures performed at the same time, such as the tummy tuck, the surgery may take place in a hospital followed by an overnight stay.

In either case, you should arrange to have someone drive you home and stay with you for at least the initial night following your procedure.

Before the Liposuction Procedure

When you arrive at the surgical center for the liposuction procedure, the surgeon may mark lines and circles along the treatment area. The surgeon may also take before photos so that after images can be compared.

Your surgeon will choose the appropriate liposuction technique depending on your treatment goals and the area to be treated.

Which Type of Liposuction is Right for You?

Tumescent Liposuction

Tumescent liposuction is the most common type of liposuction. To begin, the surgeon injects a sterile solution, which is a mixture of salt water and lidocaine, which numbs the area and aids permanent fat removal. The fluid mixture causes blood vessels to contract, which leads to swelling and stiffening.

The surgeon then makes small cuts in the skin, which function as insertion points for a thin tube called a cannula. The cannula is connected to a vacuum that allows the fat to be suctioned from the body. Body fluids removed by the cannula are replenished intravenously.

HD Lipo

HD Lipo in Los Angeles, CA
HD Lipo in Los Angeles, CA

HD Lipo (VASER) is an ultrasound liposuction procedure that takes traditional liposuction to the next level. Using a beam of radiofrequency energy, the fat is liquefied under the skin. This allows the fat to be flushed from the body to reveal the musculature underneath all that annoying unwanted fat.

Read our article: Liposuction vs. HD Lipo – What’s the Difference?

After Liposuction

Following lipo, you should expect some swelling, bruising, and slight discomfort. Your surgeon can prescribe medication to control the pain. Antibiotics can help to control the risk of infection.

In some cases, temporary drainage tubes can be installed at the incision points to promote fluid drainage. You will likely be asked to wear tight compression garments to reduce swelling and aid healing.

It will take a few weeks before you can return to your normal activities, but most are able to return to work after only a few days.

What Results Can You Expect from Liposuction Permanent Fat Removal?

After undergoing liposuction, you should expect swelling to subside within a few weeks. The treatment area will appear less bulky over time. The treatment area will take on a leaner appearance after a few months.

The results of liposuction are long-lasting as long as you stick to a healthy weight. Gaining weight after liposuction can cause your body’s fat distribution to change. This can create a bulky appearance in places you may not expect. By maintaining your weight, the effects of liposuction can be permanent, though it is natural for the skin to lose some firmness with age.

Get the Permanent Fat Removal You Want by Choosing a Board-Certified Cosmetic Surgeon

Choosing a board-certified cosmetic surgeon with a reputable surgical facility can improve your chances of attaining the results you want with liposuction. When you take the time to find a board-certified cosmetic surgeon, you can feel confident you are receiving top-quality care from the consultation to the surgery and beyond. Your surgeon will discuss treatment options and the results of liposuction depending on your situation and aesthetic goals.

Ready to Achieve Your Aesthetic Goals with Liposuction?

Liposuction is a customizable and versatile cosmetic surgery treatment option that can help you attain a sleeker physique. Liposuction can also help your self-esteem soar. Because it can be applied to a number of areas from head to toe, you have quite a few ways to reach the goals you have for your body.

If you are self-conscious about your pockets of stubborn body fat and would like a more toned appearance, board-certified cosmetic surgeon Doctor Babak Moein can help. With several decades of experience, he has performed liposuction permanent fat removal on countless patients such as yourself, helping them achieve their aesthetic goals while improving their confidence. To learn if liposuction is right for you, schedule a consultation today by calling us in Los Angeles at (310)694-4486.

The post Where Can Liposuction Permanent Fat Removal Be Used on the Body? appeared first on Moein Surgical Arts.

Top Questions to Ask During a Cosmetic Surgery Consultation in Los Angeles, CA Mon, 08 Aug 2022 20:08:55 +0000 Top Questions to Ask During a Cosmetic Surgery Consultation A cosmetic surgery consultation is the first step to correcting those defects that make you insecure. This discrete meeting with a cosmetic surgeon allows you to determine if you have a rapport with the doctor. You can gauge the orderliness and cleanliness of the office or …

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Top Questions to Ask During a Cosmetic Surgery Consultation

A cosmetic surgery consultation is the first step to correcting those defects that make you insecure. This discrete meeting with a cosmetic surgeon allows you to determine if you have a rapport with the doctor. You can gauge the orderliness and cleanliness of the office or surgical center and undergo a physical exam to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure you want. But there’s more!

This one-on-one meeting lets you learn as much as possible about the cosmetic surgeon, the procedure in question, and the benefits, risks, and fees associated with the cosmetic surgical procedure. To get as much out of this all-important sit-down session as possible, and to alleviate your concerns, it is essential to ask a number of questions only your cosmetic surgeon can answer. Here is a list of questions you should ask. By the end of your appointment, you will be more knowledgeable of the surgeon’s qualifications, processes, and much more.

Ask These Questions the Next Time You Sit Down with a Cosmetic Surgeon

Are You a Board-Certified Cosmetic Surgeon?

Don’t feel bad about putting a cosmetic surgeon on the spot by asking about his or her qualifications. This is one of the very reasons you booked the appointment. You want to know if the professional has the experience, training, and skill to give you the beautiful results you expect.

It is important to ask about board certification. A board-certified cosmetic surgeon has completed extensive post-secondary education. This might include a bachelor’s degree in biology of chemistry in addition to a three-year residency.

The surgeon confirming board certification infers that the surgeon has taken all the necessary steps to become a reputable cosmetic surgeon. It also confirms that the surgeon has the skill and knowledge to perform the procedure you want safely with favorable results.

Am I a Suitable Candidate for the Procedure I Want?

 Cosmetic Surgery Consultation in Los Angeles, CA
Cosmetic Surgery Consultation in Los Angeles, CA

When scheduling a cosmetic surgery consultation, many people have pre-planned for a specific surgery. For aging on the face, you might go into the meeting with expectations of asking about the facelift, for example. Or the tummy tuck for sagging along the abdomen.

A cosmetic surgery consultation typically includes a short physical exam, in addition to questions about the state of your health and health history. The results of the examination and answers to the surgeon’s questions can determine your candidacy for cosmetic surgery.

To qualify for cosmetic surgery, you must be generally healthy, with good lifestyle habits (no smoking, for example).

This question can help you determine if the procedure you want is right for you.

If Not, Why Am I Not a Good Candidate?

The cosmetic surgeon may end up telling you that you are not a suitable candidate for cosmetic surgery. An example might be the mommy makeover if you are not yet finished having children. Or liposuction if you are not as close to your ideal weight as possible.

Read our article: Mommy Makeover After Childbirth – How Long Do You Have to Wait?

This question can let you know what you may need to work on to become a suitable candidate for the aesthetic procedure you have in mind.

Do You Recommend Another Procedure Instead? If So, Why?

You may have a specific procedure in mind – the facelift, tummy tuck, or breast augmentation – but the surgeon may present a recommendation that differs from your expectation.

For example, instead of a facelift, the surgeon may recommend Morpheus8, which is a non-surgical alternative to the facelift. Instead of the tummy tuck, the surgeon may recommend Renuvion with liposuction, which offers fat removal and skin tightening.

Read our article: Morpheus8 – The Non-Surgical Alternative to the Facelift

Instead of simply breast augmentation, the surgeon may recommend the breast lift along with augmentation and the fat transfer technique. The latter uses your own fat taken from a donor site on your body before it’s injected into your breasts for greater volume and shape and natural-looking results.

Read our article: How to Choose the Ideal Breast Surgery for Your Body Contouring Goals

How Often Do You Perform the Procedure I Want?

Here you expect to receive an actual number of procedures the surgeon may have performed before you. You don’t want to undergo a procedure the cosmetic surgeon has little experience in. Conversely, you will feel better about choosing the cosmetic surgeon if performing the procedure you want is a regular occurrence.

Do You Have Before and After from Patients with Similar Qualities and Concerns?

You don’t have to take the surgeon’s word for it that he or she has performed the surgery you want in the past. Ask to see proof. Cosmetic surgeons often take before and after photographs. This is done for marketing purposes. These pictures are typically placed on the surgeon’s website to highlight examples of the surgeon’s experience and skill. The before and after photos also let the patients themselves see the contrast between their previous condition and how they look after the surgery.

What are the Benefits of the Procedure I Want?

This question may seem redundant at first. A facelift makes you look younger. A tummy tuck gives you a flat and firm abdomen. But it’s important to understand that some procedures offer benefits that go beyond mere looks.

The tummy tuck, for example, offers stronger abdominal muscles in addition to the removal of saggy and excess skin along the abdomen.

A breast lift and breast reduction can help with back pain caused by heavy strain.

Rhinoplasty often improves breathing in addition to making your entire face more attractive.

The answers your surgeon gives to this question may surprise you and will probably make you more excited than ever to undergo your upcoming procedure.

Are There Any Risks to Cosmetic Surgery?

Every surgery comes with some semblance of risk. Anesthesia alone comes with several risks, such as nausea and embolism. The surgeon wants to ensure you are well aware of all the risks of surgery before you sign on the dotted line.

What Will a Favorable or Unfavorable Result Look Like?

Risks to Cosmetic Surgery

Some patients bring photographs of models, singers, and actors to their cosmetic surgery consultations. These help the surgeon understand the results they hope to get. A cosmetic surgeon’s job is to manage your expectations. This is accomplished by informing you what the results will look like after surgery.

By asking about unfavorable results, you will be able to identify if a follow-up surgery is necessary. Keep in mind that swelling and bruising are likely as you are rolled into the recovery area. It may take time for your results to fully show through. The answers to this question will help you anticipate delayed results and give you an idea of what to expect once the side effects of surgery subside.

How Long Do the Results of Surgery Last? Are Touch-Up Treatments Needed?

No amount of cosmetic surgery can stop the effects of aging. They can only slow aging down. The facelift, tummy tuck, and liposuction are considered permanent procedures. The effects last for many years as long as you maintain your results. You can maintain your results by controlling your weight, practicing healthy life habits, and staying hydrated, in addition to getting adequate sleep.

Some procedures, both surgical and non-surgical, may require additional treatments or follow-up treatments in order to experience optimal results or maintain results. Breast augmentation, for example, may require a follow-up surgery after ten years or so. Skin rejuvenation may require additional treatments to experience young, blemish-free skin.

Will I Need Revision Surgery Later? If So, Why, and How Likely Will I Need It?

This question lets you anticipate if you need to schedule surgery later, such as breast augmentation, which should be repeated after a decade or so. Revision surgery may also be required if the original surgery failed to produce favorable results. Gynecomastia surgery for the reduction of male breasts may require a follow-up if the excess breast growth returns following the original procedure.

Where Will the Surgery Take Place?

Some cosmetic surgeons operate at a dedicated surgical center while others work out of a hospital. Asking this question lets you know where to show up on the day of surgery. You can also tell a friend or family member, who may be required to drive you home afterward.

Should I Wear Any Particular Clothing When Arriving for Surgery?

Most cosmetic surgeons will tell you to wear comfortable clothing that can be easily removed before surgery and slipped on after surgery.

Is the Surgical Center Accredited?

If the cosmetic surgeon performs surgery at a dedicated surgical center, ask if the center has received accreditation. That means the center is approved according to local and national laws and regulations, and that all safety protocols have been followed.

What Happens if an Emergency Occurs During My Cosmetic Surgery?

All surgical procedures put you at some sort of risk. Complications can occur due to infection or anesthesia, for example. If an emergency occurs, the surgeon may have to transport you to the local hospital unless the surgical center is equipped for emergency situations. The answer to this question lets you know what to expect in case anything goes wrong during your procedure (though you hope it never happens).

Will I Stay Overnight or Will the Procedure Be Outpatient?

Many procedures allow you to go home after a short recovery, such as gynecomastia surgery and abdominoplasty. Breast augmentation can involve an overnight stay, but not always. The answer to this question lets you know if you should get a ride home the day of surgery or if you should pack a bag in anticipation of a hospital sleepover.

What Type of Anesthesia Will Be Used During My Procedure?

Cosmetic surgery can involve general anesthesia, which renders you unconscious. A local anesthetic is used in some cases, which only numbs the affected area. Some procedures use a local in addition to sedation, which makes you relaxed and numbs you simultaneously.

What Can I Expect During My Recovery?

The answer to this question lets you know if you can expect pain, discomfort, sleepiness, soreness, bruising, loss of mobility, difficulty sleeping, and other side effects while you heal.

What Activities Can I Engage in While Recovering from Cosmetic Surgery?

 Cosmetic Surgery Consultation in Los Angeles, CA
Cosmetic Surgery Consultation in Los Angeles, CA

Most cosmetic surgeries require you to rest for at least a few days, and maybe up to a few weeks. You will want to ask about exercise, heavy lifting, and engaging in work activities, particularly if your work is strenuous in nature.

When Can I Return to Work?

If you work at a desk, you may be able to return to work within a couple of weeks with most procedures. Some surgeries may have you back to work within a matter of days. For strenuous jobs, such as construction, you may be required to stay home from work for at least a few weeks.

Will I Have Scarring? Will the Scars be Visible? How Can I Minimize Scarring?

Anytime the skin is injured, a scar can result. Incisions made on the abdomen, along the chest, and behind the ears for a facelift can leave visible scars. Cosmetic surgeons strive to hide incisions – and the resulting scars – within the natural folds of your body. Any scars that do result will typically fade with time. The cosmetic surgeon may offer tips for lightening scars, such as creams and other treatments.

What is the Total Cost of My Procedure?

During a cosmetic surgery consultation, once a procedure is agreed upon, you will receive a free quote for the surgical session. The fee may include the cost of the procedure itself, prosthetic devices such as breast implants, anesthesia fees, surgical assistant fees (such as the anesthesiologist), the surgeon’s fees, surgical center fees, and others.

Are There Options for Medical Financing?

Many surgeons partner with companies like Care Credit that allow you to finance cosmetic surgery. You can have surgery now and worry about paying the full price of the procedure later. Having payment options makes cosmetic surgery accessible, even if you don’t have the full amount available for the procedure you have in mind.

Be Prepared to Ask Doctor Moein Your Question During a Discrete Consultation

Now that you have a full script of questions to ask, book an appointment with a board-certified cosmetic surgeon, Doctor Babak Moein. Doctor Moein operates out of the accredited surgical center known as Moein Surgical Arts in Los Angeles, California. With decades of experience, a community of happy patients, and a surgical staff that is attentive to all your needs, you will feel right at home during your cosmetic surgery consultation appointment.

When you are ready to meet with a surgeon to correct your aesthetic defects, for a surge of self-esteem, call (310)694-4486 to book your appointment with Doctor Moein.

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How to Afford Cosmetic Surgery in Los Angeles, CA Mon, 18 Jul 2022 22:29:13 +0000 How to Afford Cosmetic Surgery? Celebrities are known for getting cosmetic enhancements on their lips, faces, necks, and bodies. The phenomenon is so common that many assume that if a celebrity looks flawless, they have had work done. In the past, cosmetic surgery was so expensive that only celebrities and the uber-rich could afford facelifts, …

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How to Afford Cosmetic Surgery?

Celebrities are known for getting cosmetic enhancements on their lips, faces, necks, and bodies. The phenomenon is so common that many assume that if a celebrity looks flawless, they have had work done. In the past, cosmetic surgery was so expensive that only celebrities and the uber-rich could afford facelifts, tummy tucks, and nose jobs.

Those days are long gone. Today, cosmetic surgery is more accessible than ever for the common person. The following information will help to illustrate that point. This is a non-celebrity guide to affordable cosmetic surgery.

Included are tips that will help you save both in and out of the operating room and other affordable options for various cosmetic procedures. As you continue reading, start deciding what work you may want to have done. A slight tweak here and there could do wonders for your appearance and self-esteem.

How Much Does Cosmetic Surgery Cost?

When we refer to the accessibility of affordable cosmetic surgery, we mean that fees have fallen across the board.

Here is a list of fees regarding the most popular cosmetic surgeries available today.

Breast Augmentation

The procedure aimed at helping women improve the shape and size of their breasts tends to cost between $5,000 and $10,000, depending on the type of implants used. The fees can increase if a breast lift is also included.

Read our article: How to Choose the Ideal Breast Surgery for Your Body Contouring Goals.

Nose Job

Men and women use rhinoplasty to reshape the nose’s shape, size, and curvature. This cosmetic procedure costs around $5,500.

Tummy Tuck

Affordable Cosmetic Surgery

Abdominoplasty is a procedure that removes excess and saggy skin along with pockets of fat from the abdominal area. There are two types of tummy tucks, the traditional and the mini. Traditional tummy tucks cost around $6,000, while the mini tuck may only set you back between $3,500 and $8,000.


Liposuction aims to improve problem areas on the body that carry too much stubborn fat that won’t budge with diet and exercise alone. The average cost of a lipo procedure is around $3,500.


This affordable cosmetic surgery reduces visible signs of aging on the face, including loose skin and wrinkles. The facelift procedure costs around $8,000.

Affordable Cosmetic Surgery Near Me That You Want

Take Out a Personal Loan

A personal loan from a bank is one easy way to afford the cosmetic surgery you have your mind on. The bank loan officer will assess your financial information, history, and credit score with a hard credit inquiry. If approved, you could have enough to finance your procedure with the ability to repay the loan over a series of months or years.

Apply for a Medical Loan

Ask the cosmetic surgeon about medical loans. Many surgeons work with medical lenders that allow you to take out a loan similar to a personal loan from your bank. While a bank loan can be used for various expenses, a medical loan must be used for therapeutic procedures.

Finance the Procedure with a Medical Credit Card

CareCredit is an example of a medical credit card that can only be used for medical procedures. This is a solid option if you have no other choice, such as if you have a poor credit score.

Like a bank or medical loan, these credit cards will allow you to finance your procedure while worrying about paying the money back over the long term. Keep in mind that medical cards can come with a high-interest rate. If you get approved for one, make sure you plan to pay back the balance as soon as possible.

Budget and Save Up for the Affordable Cosmetic Surgery You Want

Borrowing money from a bank or signing up with a credit card can cost you big in interest fees and penalties if you pay late. Since cosmetic surgery is an elective procedure and is not covered by insurance, it is best to pay out of pocket rather than rely on cosmetic surgery financing. Using the money you save up over time, you can save hundreds or thousands of dollars overall.

If you don’t currently have money saved up, start now. There is no better time than the present to start a savings plan. The best way to do it is to develop a budget to help you save up for the procedure quickly.

For example, if the procedure you want is $10,000, you could stash away $600 monthly for two years to pay for the surgery with cold, hard cash. Creating a budget and sticking to it can help you achieve your financial goals and get the cosmetic procedure you have your eye on without worrying about financial consequences.

How to Save When Getting Affordable Cosmetic Surgery (Without Sacrificing Safety)

Choose Your Surgeon Wisely

To save money on affordable cosmetic surgery, you might be tempted to travel overseas to have a procedure performed cheaply. This is not a good idea. Other countries may not have the same safety laws as the United States. And while you may save some money on having a procedure performed cheaper, you might spend more, in the long run, having follow-up surgery to fix what the original surgeon did.

It is worth it for the results you will achieve to choose a qualified, experienced cosmetic surgeon who is board-certified and operates an accredited surgical facility. When you work with one of these surgeons, you can bet the facility will be fully equipped for emergencies. You can also guarantee that the surgeon will have a trained and qualified support team, including a board-certified anesthesiologist.

Ask About Specials

When you find a qualified cosmetic surgeon, ask if the surgical practice runs monthly specials on cosmetic surgery and med-spa techniques like injectables and skin care. Staying in the loop regarding upcoming specials can help save you hundreds of dollars or more. Sign up with the practice’s newsletter and follow any social accounts the practice maintains to get notified of these specials when they become available.

Read our article: Med-Spa Services Rejuvenate Skin and Reverse Age

Look for Ways to Save Outside of the Operating Room

Procedure and surgeon’s fees are not the only costs to contend with when you have cosmetic surgery. There are peripheral costs that can also add up. Since you control these associated costs, try to cut spending as best you can. Here are a few examples.

Be Strategic When Booking Your Procedure

Consider having your procedure around the holidays. If your family trades gifts, consider asking for donations for your procedure instead of getting a traditional present. A holiday procedure also gives you the benefit of taking advantage of any vacation time you might have. Recovering while taking off work will prevent questions at the office and allow you to avoid taking more time off work than is necessary.

Read our article: Getting Cosmetic Surgery in Secret: Is it Possible?

Plan What You Will Eat During Recovery

Diet during Recovery

Most cosmetic procedures come with at least a short amount of downtime. The last thing you’ll want to do during this time is slave away in the kitchen. Plan a menu during this time and cook bulk menu items you can portion out in easy-to-grab plastic containers. Think soups, chili, and other dishes that can even be frozen until you’re ready to enjoy them.

Get Friends and Family to Help with Child Care

If you have young children, you might be faced with hiring a babysitter or signing them up for daycare during your recovery period. Instead of facing those high expenses, see if family or friends can help watch your kids until you feel more capable of taking over.

Talk to Dr. Moein About Affordable Cosmetic Surgery Near Me

The improved accessibility of cosmetic surgery is largely due to surgeons knowing that non-celebrities need appearance and self-esteem boosts. Dr. Babak Moein has served patients in Southern California for several decades and has earned a reputation for being kind, relatable, and understanding. Dr. Moein wants to make cosmetic surgery accessible, so schedule your consultation today.

Read our article:

Tips for Scheduling Your First Cosmetic Procedure with a Cosmetic Surgeon.

During the initial consultation, Dr. Moein will provide you with an estimate for the total cost of the cosmetic procedures that interest you. If a procedure is outside your budget, Dr. Moein and his staff will discuss cosmetic surgery financing options that are best suited for you. If you want to learn more or schedule a consultation with Dr. Moein, call (310)694-4486 to speak to his esteemed and compassionate staff.

The post How to Afford Cosmetic Surgery in Los Angeles, CA appeared first on Moein Surgical Arts.

Best Cosmetic Surgeon near me Los Angeles, CA Mon, 25 Apr 2022 23:38:14 +0000 Find the Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Los Angeles, CA, by Using This Checklist for Stellar Results Cosmetic surgery is a major decision that is not to be taken lightly. You might think it’s the type of surgery you need to be most concerned about. However, your choice of the best cosmetic surgeon near me is …

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Find the Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Los Angeles, CA, by Using This Checklist for Stellar Results

Cosmetic surgery is a major decision that is not to be taken lightly. You might think it’s the type of surgery you need to be most concerned about. However, your choice of the best cosmetic surgeon near me is paramount, at least if you hope to experience stellar results.

If you search Google for “Cosmetic Surgeon near me,” you will find hundreds of thousands if not millions of results. That’s not exactly useful when you’re attempting to narrow down your decision to a single professional.

Instead of focusing on all those results, look at the 3-pack, which is the section of the search engine results pages (SERP) that focuses on the top professionals in your area. The listings you see at the top of the page when you conduct a search for nearby cosmetic surgeons include the cosmetic practice’s name, address, and the number of online patient reviews. You can also find links to the surgeon’s website and a map of their location, which is useful for obtaining GPS directions right to the professional’s door.

You can also search for the procedure you’re interested in, such as “liposuction in Los Angeles,” for example.

Best Cosmetic Surgeon near me Los Angeles, CA

The listings you see in these detailed search results originate from each practice’s Google My Business (GMB) page. The GMB allows you to find general information about the practice, but the true value comes from reading the practice’s online patient reviews.

To begin your search for the top professional in your area, start with Google. Conduct a search and start making a list of all the cosmetic surgeons that stand out to you. Pay attention to the proximity of the office, the number, and quality of their online reviews, and make sure the professional specializes in the type of cosmetic surgery you might be interested in.

Quick note. When making your list, decide if you need a plastic surgeon or a cosmetic surgeon near me in Los Angeles, CA. There is a difference.

Read our article: Cosmetic Surgery Vs. Plastic Surgery – Which is Right for You?

What is the difference between plastic and cosmetic surgery?

A plastic surgeon is tasked with correcting irregularities and restoring function due to accidents, trauma, burns, diseases, and birth defects. Breast reconstruction following a mastectomy due to a breast cancer diagnosis is a plastic surgeon’s job, for example.

A cosmetic surgeon specializes in correcting irregularities for purely aesthetic purposes. Cosmetic surgeons perform facelifts, breast augmentations, tummy tucks, and Brazilian butt lifts to help you feel better about your body. Although, some cosmetic procedures can also help with function, such as how a breast lift can help with back pain.

If you want to improve how you look and you have a minor irregularity like a crooked nose or a saggy tummy, a cosmetic surgeon is the right professional for you.

Once you have a list of cosmetic surgeons near you, it’s time to whittle down your list. Use the following checklist to determine which is the best cosmetic surgeon near me in Los Angeles, CA for your needs.


Is the Cosmetic Surgeon Board Certified?

The most dependable way to determine if your surgeon is professionally trained and experienced in aesthetic procedures is to ask about their board certification. You can’t always rely on state medical boards to ensure that your surgeon is qualified to perform the surgery you want. Even if the surgeon advertises the surgery you’re looking for, that doesn’t necessarily mean they specialize in that service.

The government doesn’t require a surgeon to be trained in the procedures they offer, unfortunately. Many doctors take a weekend course and suddenly advertise cosmetic surgery services in hopes of earning more profit.

Go through your list and look for the words “board-certification” either on their GMB profiles or on their practice websites.

Board-Certified Cosmetic Surgeon

Is the Cosmetic Surgeon Adequately Trained?

Board certification only tells you part of the story. The science of cosmetic surgery is constantly evolving. There are always new technologies, innovative techniques, and ongoing research that cosmetic surgeons need to keep abreast of.

Aside from being board certified, you should visit each doctor’s GMB and website on your list to gauge their level of training.

The surgeon should have completed a residency program in:

  • General surgery
  • Plastic surgery
  • Neurological Surgery
  • Orthopedic surgery
  • Thoracic surgery
  • Urology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology

The candidate should be board certified in one or more of these specialties. The surgeon should also have completed a full-time training program known as a fellowship lasting at least one or two years.

Look for the term “Fellowship trained” as that will indicate that the professional has completed the proper training to give you symmetry, beauty, and balance, which are the hallmarks of a skilled cosmetic surgeon.

Cosmetic Surgery Education

Source: Cosmetic Surgeon


The Overall Experience – Read Online Reviews

A good way to separate the wheat from the chaff when narrowing down your list of cosmetic surgeons is to go through each professional’s online reviews. Read the reviews and pay attention to the experiences others have had when visiting that particular the best cosmetic surgeon near me in Los Angeles, CA.

You want to know that people are happy with the surgeon’s bedside manner, professionalism, cleanliness of the office, and the results they have achieved.

Start with Google reviews, which can be accessed directly from each surgeon’s GMB profile.

Google Reviews

When looking at reviews, pay attention to the responses from the cosmetic surgeon’s office. Responses show the cosmetic surgeon cares. It also shows that the cosmetic surgeon is going through the reviews to determine which patients had the best experience, and which patients’ experiences could be improved. No one is perfect, but surgeons that respond tend to improve over time, because they learn what patients want, and that, in turn, helps them give patients the best experience possible.

Surgeon's Response

In addition to Google, visit other review sites, like Yelp.

Pay special attention to reviews that pertain to the type of cosmetic surgeon you’re hoping to get, whether it’s liposuction, a tummy tuck, facelift, breast augmentation, or any other. You want to know that the surgeon is skilled, trained, and experienced in your type of surgery. Reading online reviews is the best way to assess that the surgeon is the best one for you.

Yelp Reviews

Yelp Reviews

Source: Yelp


What if the Cosmetic Surgeon has Negative Reviews?

Negative reviews should not necessarily be a dealbreaker. If the surgeon has a majority of 4- and 5-star reviews, that should be enough to keep the surgeon on your shortlist of professionals to visit.

It is important to understand that cosmetic surgery is not miracle work. Some people have unrealistic expectations; others may have a bone to pick for whatever reason. If there are only a couple of negative reviews and each one shows that the person wants something cosmetic surgery could not achieve, disregard them, and pay attention to the positive reviews, as that is a better indicator of the experience you are likely to have by choosing that surgeon for your needs.


Does the Cosmetic Surgeon Offer the Services You Want?

Some cosmetic surgeons specialize in one or two procedures while others offer a gamut of aesthetic procedures. Make sure the surgeon you’re considering is skilled, trained, and experienced in the type of surgery you want.

Due to advancements in cosmetic surgery, you now have access to a wide range of procedures, letting you improve every aspect of your body from head to toe.

Body Cosmetic Surgeries

  • Liposuction: Stubborn pockets of fat could be yesterday’s news with this popular cosmetic procedure that suctions fat from your face, neck, body, arms, thighs, and even your ankles.
  • HD-Lipo: This high-tech version of traditional liposuction lets you get rid of deeper pockets of fat, allowing your body’s musculature to show through.

Read our article: Liposuction vs. HD-Lipo: What’s the Difference?

  • VASER Lipo: This version of liposuction uses sound energy to break up the fat, allowing for easier removal.
  • Tummy Tuck: When you have too much belly fat, a saggy tummy, or hanging skin along your abdomen, a tummy tuck can tighten and flatten your stomach region.

Read our article: When Can You Resume Exercise After a Tummy Tuck? (It’s Sooner Than You Might Think)

  • Mommy Makeover: This all-in-one procedure lets you combine surgeries like breast augmentation, a tummy tuck, and liposuction for a total body transformation.
  • Daddy Do-Over: Dads deserve to turn back the clock on their bodies too! This procedure can combine surgeries like gynecomastia surgery, a tummy tuck, and a facelift. Imagine the possibilities!

Read our article: Dads Deserve Makeovers, Too! Introducing the Daddy Do-Over

  • Butt Implants: When you were born with a flat or saggy bottom, butt implants can give more oomph to your backside.
  • Brazilian Butt Lift: Instead of butt implants, the BBL uses your own body fat to add volume and size to your buttocks.
  • Sculptra Butt Lift: This procedure uses cosmetic filler to add volume, size, and symmetry where it counts.
  • Arm Lift: Get rid of those ‘bingo wings’ by tightening up your upper arms.
  • Abdominal Etching: Want to show off your hard work in the gym? Abdominal etching will help you do just that.
  • Body Lift: Get rid of stubborn fat and saggy skin along your lower or upper body with a transformative body lift.
  • Thigh Lift: This procedure gets rid of your jiggly thighs by making your legs thinner, tighter, and more attractive.

Breast Surgeries

  • Breast Augmentation: Breast implants are used during this cosmetic surgery to add volume, symmetry, and beauty to your bust.
  • Natural Breast Augmentation: Use implants and fat transfer or the fat transfer technique by itself to give your breasts a subtle volume and size enhancement.

Read our article: What is Natural Fat Grafting? And How Long Does it Last?

  • Breast Lift: Breasts that sag after childbirth can be placed higher and given a symmetrical makeover. This cosmetic surgery can also alleviate back pain.
  • Breast Augmentation and Lift: Get breast implants, and a breast lift all in the same procedure to add youth and beauty to your chest region.
  • Breast Reduction: A breast reduction can restore your breasts to a smaller size, giving you a perkier chest. This procedure can also sometimes help with back pain.
  • Inverted Nipple Correction: Inverted nipples can occur on one or both breasts, but this procedure can have your nipples looking symmetrical, youthful, and amazing.


Face Cosmetic Surgeries

  • Facelift: Rid your face of fine lines and wrinkles with this popular cosmetic facial surgery.
  • Neck lift: Your neck tends to show your age before any other body part. Restore youthfulness to your neck with neck lift surgery.
  • Eyelid Surgery: Your eyelids tend to show your age earlier than other body parts. An upper or lower eyelid procedure can make you look younger, more alert, and well-rested.
  • Kybella Double Chin Treatment: Turkey necks and double chins can be a thing of the past with this popular filler treatment that goes to work right away to eliminate stubborn facial fat cells.
  • Browlift: You can reverse the age from your upper face with amazing brow lift surgery.
  • Fat Grafting: Use your own fat cells to restore lost volume to various areas around your face.
  • Rhinoplasty: If you don’t like something about your nose, why not change it? A nose job can improve facial symmetry and beauty.
  • Facial Implants: Facial implants can be used to make your jaw more defined. It will also add symmetry to your cheeks and chin.
  • Chin Augmentation: This chin treatment can give weak chins a makeover for a transformative experience.

Weight Loss Options

Many cosmetic surgeons offer non-surgical gastric balloon and laparoscopic gastric sleeve surgery to help you reverse morbid obesity on your terms.

Transgender Surgery (MTF)

When you don’t feel quite at home in your own body, transgender surgery can give you a new lease on life.

Cosmetic Surgery for Men

Gynecomastia surgery (male breast removal) and male liposuction are game-changers when you feel too embarrassed to remove your shirt for fear of being judged.

Read our article: Are You a Good Candidate for Male Breast Reduction Surgery?

Revision Surgeries

Did you have an unpleasant experience with another cosmetic surgeon in Los Angeles, CA? Many professionals now offer revision cosmetic surgeries to get your symmetry and beauty back on track.

Med-Spa Services

In addition to cosmetic surgeries, many cosmetic professionals now offer med-spa services like cellulite treatment, non-surgical body contouring, varicose vein treatments, injectable fillers, and more.

Read our article: Can Injectable Fillers Prevent Facial Aging?

Now You’re Ready to Schedule a Consultation

Once you have found a cosmetic surgeon that has the education and training and that offers the experience and services you’re looking for, the next step is to schedule a consultation.

During a consultation, you can talk to the professional about your aesthetic goals and the results you hope to achieve.

Remember, you must have realistic expectations for what cosmetic surgery can deliver. The surgeon can help you form those expectations during your first meeting.

The consultation also lets you gauge the level of rapport between you and the surgeon. Having rapport between the two of you is critical if you want the best experience possible.

Read our article: Tips for Scheduling Your First Cosmetic Procedure with a Cosmetic Surgeon


Who is the Best Cosmetic Surgeon Near You?

Your choice of cosmetic surgeon is one that may affect you for many years to come, if not for the rest of your life. Successful aesthetic surgery can make you feel more at home in your body. The surge of self-esteem that follows could aid you in all areas of your life, including your professional career, personal relationships, and general life ambitions.

However, make the wrong choice in surgeon, and you could end up with a botched cosmetic job that could cause your self-esteem to take a hit.

The lesson here is to take your time finding a board-certified cosmetic surgeon who possesses the experience, training, and a friendly bedside manner. Most importantly, find a surgeon who can produce examples of before and after photographs that match the results you aspire to achieve. Then, schedule a consultation so that you can be sure your health and beauty are in the best of hands.

Are you ready to take the next step to improve your appearance? You can find an educated, trained, skilled, and compassionate cosmetic surgeon by calling Dr. Babak Moein of Moein Surgical Arts. Located in Los Angeles, California, Dr. Moein and his professional staff are ready to treat you with care while helping you achieve your aesthetic goals. Don’t forget to ask about cosmetic surgery financing during your appointment! Dial now to get started 310-455-8020.

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Redefine Beautiful With Precision, Safety And The Wow Factor!


The post Best Cosmetic Surgeon near me Los Angeles, CA appeared first on Moein Surgical Arts.

How Does Cosmetic Surgery Build Self-Esteem and Confidence?in LA Mon, 11 Apr 2022 20:40:31 +0000 How Does Cosmetic Surgery Build Self-Esteem and Confidence? Tech advances like social media have made both men and women increasingly concerned about the way they look. If this describes you, cosmetic surgery aims to make you feel better about yourself. But what does that mean? Studies show that those who undergo cosmetic surgical procedures like …

How Does Cosmetic Surgery Build Self-Esteem and Confidence?in LA Read More »

The post How Does Cosmetic Surgery Build Self-Esteem and Confidence?in LA appeared first on Moein Surgical Arts.

How Does Cosmetic Surgery Build Self-Esteem and Confidence?

Tech advances like social media have made both men and women increasingly concerned about the way they look. If this describes you, cosmetic surgery aims to make you feel better about yourself. But what does that mean?

Studies show that those who undergo cosmetic surgical procedures like tummy tuck, breast augmentation, gynecomastia surgery (for men), and rhinoplasty are generally pleased with their results.

Those same studies show that cosmetic surgery can improve one’s self-worth. More specifically, cosmetic enhancement can help with both self-esteem and confidence. Most people use these terms interchangeably, but that’s not quite correct.

There are differences between the two terms, and cosmetic surgery can help with both as long as you maintain realistic expectations.

Let’s dive into the true meaning of the terms self-esteem and confidence and how cosmetic surgery could give you a new lease on life.

Read our article: Cosmetic Surgery Vs. Plastic Surgery – Which Is Right For You?

What is the Difference Between Self-Esteem and Confidence?

Self-esteem is the amount of value you place on yourself. You develop self-esteem based on your interactions with others and life experiences.

You need healthy self-esteem to have the confidence to meet life’s challenges head-on.

When you have healthy self-esteem, even if life hands you lemons, you’re ready to whip up a batch of lemonade.

Low self-esteem can develop into a harsh inner critic. You might find yourself trashing yourself when you’re stressed or being negatively judged by others.

Confidence is about knowing and trusting in your own abilities. Self-confidence can change depending on the situation you find yourself in. You might be confident at playing chess, but you might lack confidence when playing sports, for example.

With low confidence, when life throws you obstacles, you might feel as though you deserve it for being so worthless.

Does that clear things up a bit?

To develop both healthy self-esteem and confidence, it is important to practice self-acceptance and to get to know yourself.

And if there is a body part that you feel could look better, cosmetic surgery can often be a terrific way of loving yourself. Once again, healthy expectations are key to achieving favorable results with cosmetic enhancement.

How Does Cosmetic Surgery Improve Your Appearance?

Cosmetic Surgery Build Self-Esteem

Having one or more body parts you dislike can make you feel insecure. You might then have low confidence when it comes to things like applying for a better job, getting a date, or striving to be your best.

With countless cosmetic procedures available, nearly any body part can be altered, improved, and corrected.

Whether you have loose skin, excess fat, facial aging, loss of breast volume, sagging breasts, excess breast growth (if you are male), or nose shape or size concerns, cosmetic enhancement can help.

Read our article: 20 Cosmetic Surgery & Non-Surgical Treatments For Revitalizing Your Appearance

Will Cosmetic Surgery Make You More Confident?

Everyone is different, but most people feel a surge of confidence when they are pleased with their appearance. When you are embarrassed or unhappy about a portion of your body, your self-esteem can take a hit. Depression can follow. You might even socially withdraw, exacerbating your inability to feel confident about yourself.

Women with saggy breasts may struggle with intimacy in the bedroom. The same with men with gynecomastia. This can affect your relationship with your partner, not to mention negatively affecting your social well-being.

Cosmetic surgery can lead to a greater sense of satisfaction with your appearance. People who undergo popular cosmetic procedures like breast augmentation, tummy tuck, gynecomastia surgery, facelift, and Brazilian Butt Lift tend to carry themselves more confidently. As a result, their relationships improve, and they’re more likely to achieve their professional and life goals.

On the other side of the coin is someone who is constantly worried people can see their stubborn fat, large nose, small breasts, or flat buttocks, and judge them harshly for “not being good enough.” Of course, most of this negative self-talk is most likely all in the person’s head. But if cosmetic surgery will help you hold your head up a bit higher, then undergoing one or more procedures can help you feel more confident, allowing you to get the most out of life.

Can Cosmetic Surgery Boost Your Self-Esteem?

Cosmetic Surgery Boosts Your Self-Esteem

Studies show that people who undergo cosmetic surgery and who also possess realistic expectations tend to feel healthier and less anxious following their procedures. They also developed higher self-esteem, which helped to improve other areas of their life, such as intelligence, physical activity, and shyness, to give some examples.

Can Cosmetic Surgery Improve Your Quality of Life?

Cosmetic surgery doesn’t just improve your appearance. A tummy tuck can give you the confidence to be yourself when wearing a bathing suit at the beach. Rhinoplasty can give your confidence a boost when applying for a job where you have to interact with a lot of people. Breast augmentation can help your favorite clothes fit better, reducing any self-consciousness you may have felt before. All of these procedures can lead to better social confidence. They make it easier to meet new people, engage in public speaking, and date.

Read our article: Tummy Tuck Surgery Provides 10 Life Benefits

Can Cosmetic Surgery Affect Your Relationships?

A study published in Clinical Psychological Science reported that people who underwent cosmetic surgery experienced greater joy in life, a better mood, and a higher sense of satisfaction. These attributes can help with all your relationships with co-workers, your significant other, family members, friends, and even acquaintances.

Can Cosmetic Surgery Affect Your Job?

A study completed by the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine showed that patients who underwent cosmetic surgery had improved body image and self-image in social settings and their work environments. Feeling better about yourself at work can help you speak up during meetings, ask for raises and promotions, and lead to better job performance.

What Does it Mean to Have Realistic Expectations Before Cosmetic Surgery?

Being realistic with your expectations means that you understand that cosmetic surgery can improve your looks, but not perfect them. If you can accept this concept, you are more likely to be happy with the results cosmetic enhancement can bring you.

What are Examples of Unrealistic Cosmetic Surgery Expectations?

Many cosmetic surgery patients bring photographs of celebrities with them to their cosmetic surgery consultations. When meeting with the surgeon for the first time, these people want the professional performing the surgery to know just how much improvement they want. However, no amount of cosmetic surgery can make you look like a particular movie star or model. You can use those images as guides but be realistic in what cosmetic surgery can deliver.

Cosmetic surgeons are careful to only operate on those individuals who do possess realistic expectations. If you have a mental health issue, such as body dysmorphic disorder, no amount of cosmetic surgery will bring you body satisfaction, unfortunately.

Is Cosmetic Surgery Becoming More or Less Popular?

The known increase in self-esteem following cosmetic surgery experiences could explain the growing trend of people signing up for the 15 million cosmetic procedures performed in this country each year.

The most popular surgeries performed by cosmetic surgeons include liposuction, breast augmentation surgery, tummy tuck, rhinoplasty, and eyelid surgery.

Read our article: 2022’s Hottest Cosmetic Surgery Trends

As technology and surgical techniques become more advanced, the results of cosmetic enhancement will only continue to get better with less invasive procedures required.

What Cosmetic Surgery Should You Choose?

What Cosmetic Surgery Should You Choose?

There is no one right answer to this question. If you have a body part you feel self-conscious about, cosmetic surgery can help you feel more at peace with your appearance. Most of us have that one body part that drives us a little crazy. We often say to ourselves, if only my love handles weren’t so big (liposuction), or I wish my tummy wasn’t so flabby (tummy tuck), or why can’t my breasts be rounder and more lifted on my chest (breast augmentation)?

Of course, in some cases, two or more cosmetic procedures can be performed at the same time. These include popular procedures like the mommy makeover and daddy do-over surgeries.

With a mommy makeover, you can return your body to pre-pregnancy conditions with a tummy tuck, breast augmentation, liposuction, and Renuvion for skin tightening.

The daddy do-over can include gynecomastia surgery, tummy tuck, eyelid surgery, and facelift. These are just some of the possibilities open to you. It depends on what you feel you need to improve about yourself.

Read our article: Combining Multiple Cosmetic Plastic Surgeries for Superior Results

How Long Does Cosmetic Surgery Last?

Many cosmetic procedures can last a decade or longer, depending on how well you maintain your skin and weight. Some procedures, like injectable neurotoxins need to be repeated every few months to maintain your results.

No cosmetic improvement can hold age at bay, and gravity also plays a part. But if you choose the right surgeon and do your best to maintain your results according to your surgeon’s recommendations, you can enjoy boosted self-esteem and confidence for many, many years to come.

In closing, the effects of cosmetic surgery on self-esteem and self-confidence are well-documented. By improving the parts of yourself you dislike, you can improve your quality of life, relationships, working life, sex life, and many other areas. That is, as long as you maintain realistic expectations.

Ready to learn more? You can open up an entirely new world of possibilities by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Babak Moein of Moein Surgical Arts in Los Angeles, California.

The post How Does Cosmetic Surgery Build Self-Esteem and Confidence?in LA appeared first on Moein Surgical Arts.

How Cosmetic Procedures Can Reverse Signs of Facial Aging Mon, 10 Jan 2022 20:17:36 +0000 Are you looking for effective anti-aging facial treatments in L.A.? Look no further! Our guide highlights the best options to help you look and feel your best. Everyone knows wrinkles, fine lines, and saggy skin are common parts of life. We know these signs as symptoms of aging, and nowhere are they more apparent than …

How Cosmetic Procedures Can Reverse Signs of Facial Aging Read More »

The post How Cosmetic Procedures Can Reverse Signs of Facial Aging appeared first on Moein Surgical Arts.

Are you looking for effective anti-aging facial treatments in L.A.? Look no further! Our guide highlights the best options to help you look and feel your best.

Everyone knows wrinkles, fine lines, and saggy skin are common parts of life.

We know these signs as symptoms of aging, and nowhere are they more apparent than on your face.

As we grow older, our faces begin to change.

Facial Changes

These changes follow a predictable pattern, which goes as follows.

Loss of Volume:

Age causes the face to lose fat and the bones to become restructured. To anyone looking at us, our face appears hollowed out. The skin also looks less supple.

Diminished Skin Laxity:

The muscles and fascia (supportive tissue) that hold our face in place begin to weaken. This leads to saggy skin and a loss of skin definition.

Dermal Alterations:

The above changes are only the ones we can see. Deep down at the cellular level, biological processes begin slowing down, which can change your skin’s color and level of elasticity.

Scientists aren’t quite sure why our faces change as we age.

Though, they do have theories.

Some experts think facial changes related to skin, muscle, and bone are caused by the pull of gravity over time.

Others attribute the descent of tissues to be based on the natural phenomenon of bone resorption.

We do know that genetics, lifestyle habits like cigarette smoking, and excess sun damage can accelerate facial aging.

At any rate, and whatever may cause your face to become wrinkled, lined, and aquatic over time, cosmetic surgery seeks to correct those changes.

Cosmetic surgeons can reverse the signs of aging using various procedures like the popular facelift, skin resurfacing, and non-surgical techniques like the non-surgical facelift. How many years they can reverse is subjective, but dramatic improvements are possible.

Let’s look at all we know about facial aging and how it’s possible to help you look younger using one or more aesthetic techniques.

What Factors Contribute to Facial Aging?

Factors Contributing to Facial Aging

Sun Damage

Sunlight is one of the major contributors to facial aging.

Catch too many rays, and you leave yourself open to developing sunspots, wrinkles, dilated capillaries, and skin cancer.


Smoking is bad for your health and can cause premature aging. The ingredients in the average cigarette permeate your skin, causing a loss of collagen and, eventually, skin wrinkling.

Smoking also slows blood flow to the skin. This keeps nutrients from nourishing your skin cells and removing toxins.

Staying Dehydrated

Not drinking enough fresh water daily can keep your skin from achieving a healthy glow. You will also fail to lubricate your joints, muscles, and organs properly.

When you are in constant dehydration, you leave yourself open to ruddy skin and various skin conditions, including eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, and psoriasis.

Dehydration also makes fine lines and wrinkled skin more apparent.

Repetitive Facial Expressions

Believe it or not, always making the same face can lead to facial lines.

It makes sense. When you make a facial expression, you contract certain muscles, which can cause the skin to crease.

Repeating the same expression over several years can make these lines in your facial skin permanent.

Drinking Alcohol

To retain a youthful look, you might think twice about imbibing with alcohol.

Drinking wine, spirits, and beer dehydrates your skin. Over time, dehydration can lead to skin damage.

Drink too much and too often, and you can begin to look older than your chronological years.

Sitting Around

Being a couch potato is bad for your health and skin.

Not using your muscles causes them to atrophy.

Being lazy also causes a decline in cellular health, contributing to your face looking much older than you would prefer.

Poor Diet

Poor Diet Cause Facial Wrinkles in LA

Processed foods, sweets, and sugary sodas offer little in the way of nutrition.

These foods can cause inflammation, leading to a host of ailments and contributing to greater aging of the face.

Inadequate Sleep

Your body does most of its healing while you are asleep.

Not getting enough sleep can leave you feeling worn out and looking the same.

Your body won’t run as efficiently with inferior quality sleep, and that includes down at the cellular level.

Drinking too much caffeine, especially later in the day, can further destroy your natural sleep patterns, leading to uneven facial skin.

Chronic Stress

When life becomes too much, the body tends to react.

Being stressed out causes your muscles to contract and your adrenal system to work overtime.

This can have horrible effects on the quality of your skin, including on your face.

What are the Signs of Facial Aging?

Dull Skin

When we are young, our complexion practically glows with youthful vigor.

Age tends to create another, less pleasing effect.

Growing older can leave your skin looking uneven with dark spots and flaky skin.

Wrinkles and Fine Lines

At some point, the skin of the face begins to produce less collagen and retains less moisture. This is part of the natural aging process.

These effects can cause permanent lines and wrinkles on the forehead, around the corners of the eyes (crow’s feet), and around the mouth.

Saggy Skin

Once the skin has lost collagen and elastin, sagginess tends to occur.

Sagginess that reaches the jawline and under the chin is commonly called jowls.

When the sag occurs around the eyes and forehead, you begin to look at others like an older, more exhausted version of yourself.

Volume Loss

Growing older (and wiser) causes your facial anatomy to go through a number of visible changes.

A loss of collagen and a decrease in bone density can cause your facial proportions to shift.

This is why older faces tend to appear thinner.

The loss of tissues can also cause the face to appear sunken.

Cosmetic Surgery for Anti-Aging Facial Treatments

Anti-Aging Facial Treatments in LA

Anti-aging advancements have paved the way for several cosmetic enhancements meant to give you smoother, younger skin.

Anti-Aging Facial Treatments in L.A.

Injectable Neurotoxin for Crow’s Feet and Expression Lines

You may have heard of Botox, but this is only one brand name in an entire line of neurotoxins. Dysport is another brand you may have heard about.

These painless injections can be administered in mere minutes.

The anti-aging effects take about three to five days to manifest.

Once you see the results, you’ll experience fewer creases and fine lines in the treatment area.

Eyelid Lift and Brow Lift for Saggy Facial Skin

When you notice droopy skin around your eyes and on your forehead, there are two procedures you might consider.

The eyelid lift and brow lift are ideal for severe skin elasticity issues.

The results of surgery will not only make you look younger but also well-rested and refreshed.

Facelift Surgery Can Reverse Years from Your Face

Facelift surgery was one of the top five cosmetic surgeries in 2020 for anti-aging facial treatments.

Advancements in what doctors refer to as the rhytidectomy procedure allow an expert cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Babak Moeinolmolki (Dr. Moein) to correct aging on the face.

During the surgery, excess fat is removed from the face while underlying tissues are tightened.

The sutures are placed in camouflaged locations to hide scarring once fully healed.

Results from facelift surgery allow for natural-looking results that last longer than they did in past decades.

The ideal time for a facelift is the moment you notice deposits forming on your face or fine lines becoming deeper entrenched, especially around your eyes and mouth.

Facelift surgeries come with high patient satisfaction rates and cost around $8,500.

The anti-aging procedure is popular with both men and women.

Are There Non-Surgical Methods to Correct Facial Aging?

When you’re not ready to commit to cosmetic surgery, there is still hope for your aging facial skin.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers in Los Angeles, CA

Injectable fillers go by names like Restylane and Juvederm, to name only two.

A series of injections in strategic areas can restore your facial shape and add volume to your skin.

The simple and effective anti-aging facial treatment is ideal for treating fine lines, acne scars, and issues of facial asymmetry.

Renuvion for Skin Tightening and Anti-Aging Facial Treatment

Renuvion is known as a subdermal skin tightening procedure.

The procedure and recovery are quick, and the procedure is known to leave you with immediately tighter skin.

Renuvion resurfaces and rejuvenates the facial skin and can help reverse the jowl effect.

Small incisions are made, which function as entry points for the reunion device.

A lidocaine solution is inserted beforehand to aid with discomfort.

This is the procedure to choose when you want firmer and smoother-looking skin.

Insta-Lift Non-Surgical Facelift

This technique (also referred to as the Silhouette InstaLift) is an FDA-approved facelift procedure that aims to contour the face and reverse the signs of aging.

The cosmetic procedure is non-surgical and non-invasive.

The InstaLift is ideal when you want your face lifted and the contours realigned to appear more youthful.

The technique uses an innovative thread technology that targets the underlying layers of facial skin. This stimulates collagen production, leaving your skin refreshed.

Skin Resurfacing for Anti-Aging on the Face

CO2 Fractional Laser Resurfacing

Carbon dioxide (CO2) laser resurfacing is a powerful laser technology that helps to reverse the aging process.

When used on the face, the cosmetic procedure makes your skin tighter, causing wrinkles to disappear.

The downtime feels like you’ve just had a sunburn and diminishes over time.

You may require several sessions, which are spaced out at six-month intervals.

Lumecca IPL Skin Rejuvenation

This anti-aging facial treatment is excellent for correcting sun damage, redness, and skin pigment irregularities.

Lumecca can also help with acne scarring, vascular lesions, and dark spots.

The treatment can be completed in one or two sessions and involves cooling technology, making it safer than other cosmetic treatments.

Lumecca IPL is also painless. There are no incisions and, thus, no scarring.

The procedure uses a handheld wand that emits Intense Pulsed Light (IPL).

After just one anti-aging facial treatment, your skin becomes smoother, clearer, and more radiant.

Fractora Skin Renovation and Scar Treatment

This resurfacing and subdermal coagulation treatment can boost your complexion while correcting skin irregularities.

The technique uses bipolar radiofrequency at various depths under the skin via a series of pin electrodes attached to a handheld wand.

When applied to the facial skin, the treatment areas become heated, leading to rejuvenation and ski contraction. The results will leave you wrinkle-free with radiantly youthful skin.

Make Skin Care Part of Your Daily Routine

Skin Care in Los Angeles, CA

Age will eventually come for us all.

While we think you look terrific just the way you are, you can take steps to ensure your skin always looks its best.

The first step is to cease any behaviors contributing to advanced facial aging.

Review the factors we discussed earlier that may cause you to look older and do the opposite.

You don’t have to quit them all today but take baby steps. Over time, you may find yourself:

  • Avoiding too much sun
  • Ceasing smoking cigarettes
  • Drinking more water
  • Easing your facial expressions
  • Eliminating or reducing alcohol consumption
  • Getting more exercise
  • Eating better
  • Sleeping more soundly
  • Reducing your stress

If you can make the above habits, you’ll be well on your way to looking younger and more refreshed.

You can take the next steps by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Moein for one or more anti-aging facial treatments.

Are You Ready to Look Younger? Schedule a Private Consultation Today

At Moein Surgical Arts, we have various surgical and non-surgical cosmetic options to help people for anti-aging facial treatment throughout Southern California look younger. Dr. Moein and his professional team take an integrated approach to your satisfaction and wellness.

Schedule your consultation with Dr. Moein by calling us at (310)694-4486. Ask about our medical tourism program for those living outside the L.A. area.

The post How Cosmetic Procedures Can Reverse Signs of Facial Aging appeared first on Moein Surgical Arts.

Getting Cosmetic Surgery in Secret: Is it Possible Mon, 03 Jan 2022 20:43:52 +0000 Cosmetic Surgery in Secret in Los Angeles Getting cosmetic surgery is one of the best ways to feel more confident about your appearance. But what if you don’t want everyone to know you’ve had surgery? Is it possible to keep a tummy tuck, liposuction, breast augmentation, or other types of cosmetic surgeries secret? The answer …

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Cosmetic Surgery in Secret in Los Angeles

Getting cosmetic surgery is one of the best ways to feel more confident about your appearance.

But what if you don’t want everyone to know you’ve had surgery? Is it possible to keep a tummy tuck, liposuction, breast augmentation, or other types of cosmetic surgeries secret?

The answer is yes, you can experience slight alterations of your face and/or body without letting the world in on the fact you’ve had work done.

Cosmetic procedures run the gamut from simple dermal fillers to more complex mommy makeovers. No matter which surgery you opt for, you should be able to keep your surgery concealed. You can do so by following a few simple steps, which we’ll delve into in a moment.

Cosmetic surgery can do wonders for the way you look. And it can help you feel much better about yourself.

Here are some things to think about if you’re considering having surgery and keeping it a secret, along with a glimpse at the other side of the coin, where you confidently shout to the world you’ve undergone your procedure of choice.

Should You Tell Anyone About Your Cosmetic Surgery?

Cosmetic Surgery in Secret in Los Angeles,

The fact is, having a cosmetic procedure is solely your business. If you don’t want to tell anyone, that is entirely up to you.

There are some cosmetic surgery patients who are so secretive about their procedures they don’t even tell their spouses. You don’t have to go to that extreme. In fact, it might benefit you to let a few select people in on your clandestine operation.

Aside from you and your doctor, it might help to let your boss know so that you can get time off for recovery. Then again, your recovery could always be disguised by telling your boss you’re going on ‘vacation.’

If you have a best friend, that person can help you during your recovery period. It also helps to have a confidant you can rely on when in recovery. Someone you can lean on if your mood gets too low or who can take care of you as the anesthesia wears off after you return home from the surgical center.

Other than a few people, it is entirely possible to keep cosmetic surgery under wraps.

Or you can go with the incognito method and try not telling anyone at all.

How to Keep Cosmetic Surgery a Secret

The best way to hide the fact you’ve had cosmetic surgery is to follow three simple rules.

Form a Plan

Aside from scheduling the day of the procedure, you’ll want to plan adequately for your cosmetic surgery recovery period. Depending on the procedure you want, you should expect at least a few days of downtime. Some surgeries like the facelift and tummy tuck might require a week or more in recovery. This means you’ll want to schedule one to two weeks off work far in advance.

Once again, you don’t have to tell anyone the reason you are taking time off. Just make sure you give yourself the necessary amount of healing time.

Part of healing is making sure any swelling you experience during surgery is subsidies. It’s that swelling that will give away the fact that you’ve had surgery. Without so much swelling, you’ll have an easier time keeping your procedure close to the vest.

Inform Your Doctor

Your doctor may be able to help retain your secrecy. For facial surgery, for instance, the best cosmetic surgeons can safely reduce swelling and bruising, which makes the surgery easier to cover up.

Your doctor may also have tips for wearing makeup, using ice packs, and applying special creams and lotions to help with swelling, bruising, and scarring, respectively.

Wear the Right Clothes

Some cosmetic surgeries can be covered up with the strategic use of your wardrobe. Breast augmentation can be disguised with frilly tops, for instance, while the Brazilian butt lift can be hidden with baggier pants.

What is Your Cosmetic Surgery Cover Story?

Cosmetic Surgery Cover Story

What happens if you return to work after recovering from cosmetic surgery only for people to start asking you, “Did you have work done?”

They can’t quite put their fingers on it, but people around you suspect that something is different.

If you don’t want to divulge that you underwent a cosmetic procedure, you should at least have some sort of cover story in mind.

For any “slimming” surgeries like liposuction, the tummy tuck, the arm lift, and the thigh lift, you can simply tell everyone who asks that you’ve started a new diet and are already seeing fantastic results.

For facial surgeries that aren’t as easy to mask, consider wearing new makeup and going with a new hairstyle immediately after returning to work following your procedure.

You can then chalk up your newly altered appearance to a few distinct changes instead of calling attention to your nose (rhinoplasty), eyelids (eyelid surgery), forehead (Botox cosmetic or brow lift), or your entire face (facelift).

Choose the Best Cosmetic Surgeon

The best way to hide cosmetic surgery is to ensure you do your homework when choosing your cosmetic surgeon. A good surgeon can deliver results that look as natural as possible. These surgeons are able to give you an altered appearance that is subtle yet dramatic for a better version of yourself.

Why Do You Want to Keep Cosmetic Surgery a Secret?

There are several good reasons for wanting to hide your cosmetic surgery from the world.


You might feel that cosmetic surgery is your business and nobody else’s. That statement is 100% correct. You are entitled to your privacy, and don’t let anyone tell you differently.

Fear of Judgment

There used to be a stigma against getting cosmetic surgery, but that was in the past. Today, cosmetic surgery is much more commonplace. You are less likely to be judged for having surgery than just five years ago.

Still, you might want to keep your surgery a secret to keep from being gossiped about around the water cooler at work, for instance. That’s perfectly understandable and, again, you have a right to your privacy.

Reasons to Tell Others About Your Cosmetic Surgery

On the other hand, there are two excellent reasons you might want to tell others you’ve had cosmetic surgery.

You Might Inspire Others

You can tell everyone you’ve gone on a diet or that you’ve tried a new lifestyle, or you can be proud of your decision to undergo a cosmetic surgical procedure.

Once you have made the decision to have cosmetic surgery, you have already spent hours researching the procedure and learning all you can about the technique in question.

All that knowledge you gained could come of use to someone who is just now thinking about surgery. One of your friends, family members, or co-workers might be considering the same surgery you opted for. Wouldn’t you like to help if you could?

Even if the surgery they want is different than the one you chose, your insight could help the person learn more about the various stages involved with cosmetic surgery, including the consultation with the cosmetic surgeon, scheduling the procedure, undergoing surgery, and the recovery period afterward.

You Have Permission to Let Your Confidence Soar

Let Your Confidence Soar

Most people undergo cosmetic surgery because they want to feel better about the way they look. They might have a defect they’ve been wanting to correct for years, such as a flabby tummy or excess breast growth for men.

By having cosmetic surgery, your confidence can experience a major boost once your results are achieved.

As a result of surgery, you’re suddenly holding your head up a little higher. You feel as though you want to show your face instead of hiding it away. That’s the power of cosmetic improvement, and you should never feel as though you have to hide from that major surge of self-esteem. Nor should you feel shameful for doing something as important as this for yourself.

So, instead of keeping things a secret, don’t be afraid to show off your cosmetic surgery results. Feel free to shout to the world that you’ve had work done, and feel confident that you made the best decision for yourself.

Regardless of your reasons for having surgery, whether or not to tell others is completely up to you. By now you have a fair and balanced approach to both scenarios. You can keep your surgery a secret and no one has to know with the proper planning and cover story.

Or you can tell others and be proud of your decision and confident in your new appearance, while potentially helping others who are thinking along the same lines.

And if you’re just now considering surgery and this is all part of your discovery phase, the next step is to schedule a consultation with a skilled and highly trained cosmetic surgeon.

Ready to Discuss Cosmetic Surgery and the New You in 2022?

Since we are headed into a New Year, now is the best time to revamp your appearance. You can do so with cosmetic surgery. And, as if we’ve demonstrated, you don’t have to tell a soul about it.

You can find the procedures you’re most interested in by calling Moein Surgical Arts to schedule a consultation with the world-renowned aesthetic surgeon, Dr. Babak Moein.

At Moein Surgical Arts, we are committed to providing you with a safe and comfortable experience. Board-certified cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Moein, has helped thousands of patients achieve their aesthetic goals using popular procedures like breast lift, facelift, eyelid lift, and Brazilian Butt Lift. And now, he looks forward to helping you. To learn more or to schedule your consultation, call us today throughout Southern California at (310)694-4486.

The post Getting Cosmetic Surgery in Secret: Is it Possible appeared first on Moein Surgical Arts.

Tips for Scheduling Your First Cosmetic Procedure with a Cosmetic Surgeon in LA Mon, 28 Jun 2021 19:50:35 +0000 Introduction: Scheduling Your First Consultation With Cosmetic Surgeon in Los Angeles, CA Do you have certain aesthetic defects that stand out every time you look in the mirror? Do you wish your nose was a tad smaller? That your jaw was more contoured? Is there more meat around your midsection than you’d prefer, and you …

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Introduction: Scheduling Your First Consultation With Cosmetic Surgeon in Los Angeles, CA

Do you have certain aesthetic defects that stand out every time you look in the mirror?

Do you wish your nose was a tad smaller?

That your jaw was more contoured?

Is there more meat around your midsection than you’d prefer, and you wonder if a surgery like liposuction might be for you?

It sounds like you’re prepared to schedule your first cosmetic procedure!

Unlike plastic surgery, which is meant to correct things like birth defects, burns, and cleft palates, cosmetic surgery is aimed at improving your appearance through aesthetic means. This allows the cosmetic surgeon to make you look younger, more refreshed, and knock-out beautiful.

Before you pick up the phone and contact a cosmetic surgeon’s clinic or office, it pays to do your homework. Here are some tips to remember before you schedule your first cosmetic surgery. Doing so can ensure you have the best experience and achieve the most aesthetically pleasing results.

Research Your Procedure Ahead of Time

 Scheduling first consultation with cosmetic surgeon in Los Angeles, CA

Depending on what you want to change about yourself, you likely have at least one procedure in mind.

Maybe you believe your crooked, misshapen, or oversized nose would benefit from rhinoplasty.

Stubborn pockets of fat can be eradicated with the help of liposuction or HD-lipo.

And then there is breast augmentation, breast lift, buttock enhancement, and arm lift. There’s even a scarless arm lift thanks to the amazing technology of Renuvion.

Use Google to learn more about the procedure in question and read from reputable sources like WebMD and Mayo Clinic. Seek out the benefits of each procedure, the risks, and the results you can expect. This can give you a general rundown of what you have to look forward to by following through with your plan to have cosmetic surgery. Your doctor will further explain the procedure and any other procedural options available to you during your initial consultation.

Write Down Questions You May Have

As you conduct your research, you are bound to have questions. Write these down so you can ask them of your doctor later. Examples include:

  • Am I a good candidate for this procedure?

Good candidates for cosmetic surgery are generally healthy, have good skin elasticity, and hold realistic expectations for the cosmetic procedure’s results.

  • What are the benefits and risks of the procedure?

Even though you may have come across the benefits and risks of the procedure during your initial research, it helps to ask this question of your surgeon. That’s because you are more likely to comprehend what the doctor tells you when you have a better understanding of the procedure and how it works.

During a consultation, you have a lot going on. You’re in a new environment, your doctor is a stranger who you’re meeting for the first time, and you may be anxious about undergoing surgery. Having a little compulsory knowledge can help to prepare you for the explanation in the doctor’s terms.

Asking this question also lets you develop realistic expectations compared to the results you may have read about online. Your doctor will tell it to you straight, informing you of the results you can expect.

As far as risks, all surgeries come with risks. But you can mitigate your risk by choosing an experienced cosmetic surgeon for your procedure. In Los Angeles, you can find the best cosmetic surgeon at Moein Surgical Arts, where Dr. Moein and staff can help you achieve your aesthetic ideal.

  • What type of anesthesia will be used?


Some cosmetic procedures are non-invasive and only require a local anesthetic to numb you. This means you’ll be awake the entire time. Others are more involved, such as liposuction, in which case IV sedation will be utilized to make you unconscious, meaning you won’t remember a thing. Then there is a type of anesthesia called twilight sedation, which will allow you to follow commands, but you also won’t recall the surgery or what happens during the procedure.

  • In case there are complications, what are your emergency procedures?

Your cosmetic surgeon will take every precaution to ensure risks to your health are kept to an absolute minimum. Your surgeon will always be prepared for complications, however, but the way your surgeon answers this question can help you feel more confident about signing up for the aesthetic procedure you hope to get.

  • Have you helped other patients with similar concerns?

The way your surgeon answers this question will also help you decide whether the surgeon is experienced in providing the surgery results you want. You can follow this question up by asking to see some before and after pictures and to read testimonials from patients just like you.

  • Are there payment options?

Fees for cosmetic procedures vary widely. You may pay a little over $4,000 for eyelid surgery while a facelift may set you back over twelve-thousand dollars. You can fund your cosmetic surgery in one of several ways. Health insurance is unlikely to cover the costs if your procedure is only cosmetic in nature. However, medical financing can help you pay for your surgery. Companies like CareCredit and Prosper Healthcare Lending can give you the funds you need to have surgery now while giving you the chance to pay the bill off later.

Schedule a Consultation

Consultation with Cosmetic Surgeon

Once you’ve done your homework and written down a list of questions, it’s time to meet with your cosmetic surgeon. When scheduling, you’ll want to mention any surgeries you have in mind. The person answering the phone may ask you a series of questions to get a better idea of who you are and why you’re calling. At Moein Surgical Arts, we offer telehealth consultations for your convenience. This lets you meet with your doctor virtually anywhere you happen to be using a computer, smartphone, or tablet.

Wear Comfortable Clothing to Your In-Person Appointment

Eventually, you will meet face-to-face with your cosmetic surgeon. During this meeting, the doctor will want to perform a physical examination. If you have a body surgery in mind, such as a breast augmentation or tummy tuck, be sure and wear comfortable clothes that allow the doctor access to the treatment sites.

The purpose of a physical exam is to qualify you as a viable candidate for the cosmetic procedure in question. Of course, there’s always a chance the doctor may recommend a different surgery based on the physical exam and doctor’s findings. These alternative surgeries will be discussed with you thoroughly throughout the consultation appointment. The idea is to give you all the options you need to make the best decision for the results you want.

Be Ready to Hand Over Your Medical History

During an in-person meeting, the cosmetic surgeon is going to ask about the current status of your health. The doctor wants to know how you are feeling and if you currently suffer from any chronic conditions. You may also be asked about conditions that run in the family, illnesses you may have had in the past, surgeries you’ve undergone, and anything else pertinent to your medical history. Have this information in hand and ready to go by the day of your appointment to save valuable time.

Have a List of Medications and Supplements Handy


Be honest and tell your cosmetic surgeon about all the medications and supplements you are taking. This question is asked for your safety as some medicines and even natural supplements can cause complications during surgery. They may interfere with anesthesia, for example, placing risk on your health. You may be asked to avoid taking some medications and supplements in the days or weeks prior to undergoing cosmetic surgery.

Be Hyper Vigilant When Arriving for Your Consultation

From the moment you pull into the parking lot of the cosmetic surgeon’s office, start paying attention to your surroundings. Here are some pointers for areas where you might want to direct your attention.

Gauge the Facility, Doctor & Staff

When you walk into the office, what does the ambiance feel like? How is the décor? Does the staff seem organized? Are you greeted with a courteous smile and helped with all that you need? Are you made to wait a long time? And finally, when meeting with the doctor, do you feel comfortable and like you are a priority? You can learn a lot about the facility, doctor, and staff merely by paying attention as you are guided to the waiting room and into the doctor’s office.

Does Your Doctor Make You Feel Welcome?

When meeting with the doctor over a mobile device or during an in-person meeting, do you feel a certain level of rapport? Most of all, do you feel comfortable and like you are in the best of hands? These feelings are important for letting you know you’re in exactly the right place to have your cosmetic procedure.

Does the Surgeon Understand Your Expectations?

Cosmetic Surgeon and Patient

It is very important that you and your surgeon are on the same page regarding the results you expect. If possible, bring photographs to your doctor so that you can both envision the aesthetic changes you desire. While your doctor may not be able to match photos exactly, at the very least you’ll be able to convey the results you envision. Your doctor, in turn, can let you know if your vision matches what reality can deliver. Cosmetic surgery is not miracle work. Your doctor can only do so much. However, many cosmetic procedures deliver very natural-looking results, especially in the hands of a skilled and experienced cosmetic surgeon.

Preparing for Your Surgery

By this point, you should know enough to know that surgery is not for you, or you might be ready to schedule your procedure in the near future. Here are ways to prepare to ensure few complications as you progress through surgery and beyond.

Get a Designated Driver

You might be groggy as you come out of anesthesia following your surgery. For that reason, plan to bring someone with you to the appointment who can then drive you home afterward. If you live alone, you might want to have that person stay with you the first night so that you have all your needs tended to as you recover at home.

Plan Your Recovery Space

If the cosmetic surgery requires bed rest, do some prep work around the house beforehand. Have the fridge stocked with ready-to-eat meals or protein shakes, have lots of water on hand, and have your bed fitted with all the amenities you need, from the remote control to good books to read, crosswords, or anything else you’re into.

Request Time Off from Work

It’s a common mistake to schedule a cosmetic procedure during a pre-planned time away from work, such as on spring break. However, keep in mind that you will need some recovery time afterward. For this reason, it’s best to speak with your employer about the surgery and any downtime you may need so that you can plan accordingly.

Arrange Childcare


During your recovery time, you may not be able to look after young children as you could normally. For this reason, you may want to arrange daycare or a babysitter who can watch over the kids while you heal.

Stop Smoking!

Your cosmetic surgeon is going to ask if you smoke at some point. It’s best to tell the truth and to commit to quitting in the weeks before surgery. This is due to the fact that cigarette smoking can hinder your ability to heal after surgery. The results of the procedure may be skewed and you could develop complications. It’s best to toss the habit, at least until you’re all healed up.

Follow Your Surgeon’s Instructions

Your cosmetic surgeon will give you explicit instructions on how to heal and recover on your own at home. Follow this list carefully if you hope to avoid problems and achieve the best results from the surgery you just had. You may receive instructions in proper wound care, when to contact the surgeon if complications manifest, and when to begin moving around after your initial bed rest. You’ll also receive advice on when it’s acceptable to return to your usual routine, which could be in a couple of days or weeks, depending on the invasiveness of the procedure in question.

In Closing

You have much to consider when scheduling your first cosmetic surgery. From the moment you first pick up the phone to the point where you arrive on property and meet with the surgeon, you now have a list of tasks to follow. One thing we didn’t mention is that this is the time to be excited. You can finally have that insecurity corrected that causes you so much distress. Or maybe you want your pre-pregnancy body back with a mommy makeover (or to get rid of your dad bod with a daddy makeover). Which cosmetic surgery is right for you?

To find out, contact Moein Surgical Arts, where esteemed Los Angeles cosmetic surgeon Dr. Babak Moein can help you achieve your aesthetic ideal. Call today in Los Angeles, Encino, or Glendale, California, and don’t forget to ask about our monthly specials(310)694-4486.

The post Tips for Scheduling Your First Cosmetic Procedure with a Cosmetic Surgeon in LA appeared first on Moein Surgical Arts.

15 Qualities of Best Body Contouring Surgeon in Los Angeles CA | Dr.Moein Mon, 16 Nov 2020 18:32:33 +0000 Dr. Babak Moeinolmolki – 15 Qualities That Make Him One Of L.A.’S Best Body Contouring Surgeons The best body contouring surgeon can mold your body like clay, transforming those parts about yourself you happen to dislike. From the top of your head to the tips of your toes, any body part is fair game. If …

15 Qualities of Best Body Contouring Surgeon in Los Angeles CA | Dr.Moein Read More »

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Dr. Babak Moeinolmolki – 15 Qualities That Make Him One Of L.A.’S Best Body Contouring Surgeons

The best body contouring surgeon can mold your body like clay, transforming those parts about yourself you happen to dislike.

From the top of your head to the tips of your toes, any body part is fair game. If you want better contours, and a more attractive frame, a body contouring surgeon can make your aesthetic goals come to life.

Before you can achieve improved contours and a more attractive face and body, you must find a cosmetic surgeon who is worthy of your time and money. You need to find a surgeon who is well-vetted and recommended by patients everywhere. That surgeon lives in Los Angeles, California, and he is known as Dr. Babak Moeinolmolki (Dr. Moein for short). Here are fifteen reasons you should call Dr. Moein if you have an aspect of yourself you don’t like, and want to see a totally new, more attractive you staring back at you in the mirror.

1- A Variety of Cosmetic Specialties

Dr. Moein is highly skilled and trained in the following cosmetic surgery techniques.

  • Vaser Liposuction: When troublesome areas of your body seem to be holding onto too much unwanted fat, VASER Lipo can remove that fat and tighten your skin when diet and exercise fail to work.
  • Tummy Tucks: A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is a popular cosmetic procedure designed to help you achieve your fitness goals, giving you a flatter abdominal area.
  • Breast Augmentations: Dr. Moein can alter the shape, size, and placement of your breasts, giving you impressive results that look natural.
  • Mommy Makeovers: Mothers who miss their pre-pregnancy bodies are encouraged to schedule a mommy makeover with Dr. Moein. This popular combination of surgical procedures is the ultimate way to achieve your aesthetic ideal.
  • Transgender Surgery (MTF): Dr. Moein provides male-to-female transition surgery with compassion and accommodation. Let the doctor help make your change easier with a complete focus on your total well-being.
  • Revisions: Patients who experienced less-than-stellar results with a previous tummy tuck or liposuction can find relief with Dr. Moein. Dr. Moein specializes in revision surgery so that your original body contouring goals can finally be attained.
  • Cosmetic Surgery for Men: Male breast reduction and male liposuction can help men attain their physical ideals when eating right and hard work in the gym have failed to pay off.

2- He Also Specializes in Weight Loss (Surgical & Non-Surgical)

Specializes in Weight Loss LA, CA
Specializes in Weight Loss LA, CA

Dr. Moein offers two primary types of weight loss procedures at Moein Surgical Arts. The laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (gastric sleeve), and intragastric balloon (gastric balloon), can both help you lose weight when obesity has threatened your health and life.

Obesity often brings with it associated illnesses like type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. Obesity can also make you susceptible to cancer and early death. Both the gastric sleeve (surgical) and the gastric balloon (non-surgical) can help you reverse obesity, attain your dream figure, and eliminate all those associated illnesses for a longer and healthier life.

The gastric balloon, on the other hand, offers a non-surgical and gentle approach to rapid weight loss. The procedure works by endoscopically placing an empty silicon balloon into your stomach through your esophagus. The balloon is filled with a saline solution and effectively fills up a large portion of your stomach so you feel fuller after eating less food.

Once you have reached your goal weight, the balloon can be easily removed to allow you to return to a completely normal lifestyle.

3- Travels Worldwide Doing Volunteer Work

Dr. Moein is often seen traveling to all four corners of the world, where he provides volunteer surgery for the unfortunate among us. He doesn’t do this out of obligation or acclaim. Dr. Moein loves what he does, and he loves meeting and helping people, so he goes out of his way to give back as best he can. By doing so, the doctor helps to improve the world with every new smile he helps to shape with his highly attuned surgical techniques.

4- Dr. Moein Offers Med Spa Services, Too


In addition to being an excerpt in cosmetic and minimally-invasive surgery, Dr. Moein also provides a number of med spa services that focus on your body, skin, and hair.

  • Body: Want firmer skin? Dr. Moein can help with a procedure known as Forma laser skin tightening. The doctor can also help you achieve a more attractive frame without surgery using non-surgical body contouring. And when it comes to giving you more attractive legs, ask Dr. Moein about his effective cellulite treatment. These med spa techniques are becoming more popular all the time, and now you can have them all done at Moein Surgical Arts.
  • Skin: Renuvion can give you more attractive skin while removing blemishes like redness and sunspots, even small scars. Botox and fillers can give your face and other body parts improved contours using Dr. Moein’s artistic touch. Or choose laser resurfacing to make your skin smoother and blemish-free the next time you schedule a med-spa appointment.
  • Hair: Dr. Moein encourages you to toss out your razor and choose laser hair removal instead. Get a smoother upper lip, bikini area, or hair-free underarms, or legs without having to shave for long-lasting results.

5- Dr. Moein Delivers Jaw-Dropping Results

body contouring procedure, a back lift in LA, CA

Dr. Moein’s cosmetic surgery results speak for themselves and look completely natural. Whether he is performing a body contouring procedure, a back lift, or a Brazilian Butt Lift, Dr. Moein can help you achieve the realistic results you envision.

6- Good Bedside Manner

The doctor’s patients refer to him as professional, kind & personable. This means that Dr. Moein’s demeanor is gentle from the moment you walk in the door. The doctor greets you with a smile and is ready to answer your every question, thoroughly, and to the best of his abilities. The doctor truly cares about his patients’ well-being and goes out of his way to keep up with everyone in his care well into the future, even after they have achieved impressive results with their respective cosmetic surgical procedures.

7- Dually Trained

Patients of Dr. Moein appreciate that he is dually trained in cosmetic surgery and minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery. This means the doctor could theoretically help you lose weight with the gastric sleeve-, then help you achieve your body contouring goals with a belt lipectomy. That’s the procedure that removes excess skin from around your hips and abdomen after experiencing extreme weight loss. Ask the doctor for other combinations of surgery to see what possibilities may await you.

8- Provides Compassionate Care

The best cosmetic surgeon is one who never compromises on his morals or obligation to treat his patients. This means that the doctor never takes on patients just for the money or to add another number to his yearly patient roster. When you choose Dr. Moeinolmolki as your body contouring surgeon, you know you are getting the best treatment from someone who cares.

First, the body contouring surgeon needs to know that you are a good candidate for cosmetic body contouring surgery. This is why Dr. Moein always starts his patients off with an initial consultation. This first meeting lets the doctor meet you face-to-face (virtually at first, because of the pandemic). The doctor will go through your medical history and ask you a few questions before approving you for surgery, or not. If you are approved, the doctor will prescribe a treatment plan that is unique to you, and that gives you the realistic results you expect.

9- Two Decades of Surgical Experience

For twenty years, Dr. Moein has been helping patients like you achieve their aesthetic ideals. The doctor is trusted worldwide for his state-of-the-art surgical techniques that give patients realistic results they love. Ask the cosmetic doctor the questions you have in mind and draw on his wealth of cosmetic surgical knowledge.

10- Top Cosmetic Surgery Reviews

Dr. Moein is highly reviewed by his patients on the internet’s top-tier review sites like RealSelf, Vitals, Healthy Grades, Doctor Base, and Yelp. Patients who are willing to go out of their way to post about their experiences with Dr. Moeinolmolki are worth listening to. Dr. Moein cares about his patients and it shows in every review listed on his behalf.

11- Trustworthy & Backed by Professional Affiliations

With so many online reviews, one thing is clear. Patients feel good when they put their aesthetic ideals in the hands of an artist like Dr. Moein. Dr. Moein is backed by several prestigious organizations, including the California Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, The American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, and the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery. Dr. Moein was also nominated one of the 10 Best Plastic Surgeons according to Patient Satisfaction by the American Institute of Plastic surgeons.

12- Unique Body Contouring Surgical Plans

When you first sit down with Dr. Moein, he’s going to ask you why you came to see him. In other words, what part of yourself are you looking to improve? The answer to that question, along with your unique medical history and background, will help the doctor formulate a one-of-a-kind treatment plan. The goal of his plan is to give you realistic results that most accurately reflect the results you see in your mind’s eye. The doctor will speak to you about the results you can expect and will ensure you that you are on the right path to finally feeling that boost of self-esteem you’ve been missing.

13- Dr. Moein Lives in Los Angeles but Is Available to Anyone, Anywhere

Dr. Babak Moeinolmolki is a Los Angeles native and operates Moein Surgical Arts for the benefit of the entire Los Angeles area. However, Dr. Moein has always accepted medical tourism patients. That means that you can choose Dr. Moein as your cosmetic or body contouring surgeon from anywhere you happen to be. Do you presently live in Florida, Hawaii, or the South of France? Call the office of Moein Surgical Arts to schedule an appointment virtually, and to discuss traveling to Dr. Moein for state-of-the-art and top-rated body contouring surgery.

14- Offers Pricing Options, Seasonal Specials & Financing

Dr. Moein invites all his patients to check his website regularly for seasonal specials meant to save you money while helping you look your best. Dr. Moein also offers discounts for patients who pay cash, making cosmetic surgery more affordable. And if you find you have difficulty paying for the procedures you want, Dr. Moein works with healthcare financing companies like CareCredit and Prosper Healthcare Lending. This lets you get the aesthetic procedures you want now, so you can worry about how you’ll pay for them later.

15- Now Accepting Virtual Consultations

Cosmetic Surgeon Doctor Moein at MSA in LA, CA

Since the start of the pandemic of 2020, Dr. Moein has been accepting virtual consultations at Moein Surgical Arts in Los Angeles, California. This means that you can contact Dr. Moein from anywhere, as long as you have a stable internet connection, so that you can discuss the cosmetic procedures you want from the comfort of your home or office. Dr. Moein can then recommend you schedule an in-person visit for one or more cosmetic procedures.

Ready to Achieve Your Aesthetic Ideal with the Best Body Contouring Surgeon in Los Angeles?

Dr. Moein is ready to hear from you if there are one or more aspects about yourself you do not like. Is your tummy too flabby? Are your arms too jiggly? Do you have dimples on the backs of your thighs or a flat behind? Let Dr. Moein give you aesthetic contours that make your clothes hug your curves and make your self-esteem soar. Contact us at

The post 15 Qualities of Best Body Contouring Surgeon in Los Angeles CA | Dr.Moein appeared first on Moein Surgical Arts.

A Minimally Invasive Approach to Wrinkle Elimination Thu, 02 Feb 2017 19:35:42 +0000 Best Approach to Wrinkle Elimination Wrinkles, fine lines, and folds that form on our faces can be an embarrassing aesthetic issue that may only get worse over time. When these wrinkles are in their early stages, they may only require mild treatment, making surgical facial rejuvenation options a bit excessive. Botox is one of the …

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The post A Minimally Invasive Approach to Wrinkle Elimination appeared first on Moein Surgical Arts.

Best Approach to Wrinkle Elimination

Wrinkles, fine lines, and folds that form on our faces can be an embarrassing aesthetic issue that may only get worse over time. When these wrinkles are in their early stages, they may only require mild treatment, making surgical facial rejuvenation options a bit excessive.

Botox is one of the best minimally invasive options for reducing the presence of fine lines and wrinkles that rob your face of its natural beauty and brilliance. The Botox is injected into the designated areas using a very fine needle. The injections leave no trace, and the results of your treatment will provide you with smooth and soft-looking skin.

Contact our office to schedule a consultation for your Botox injections with cosmetic surgeon Dr. Babak Moein. We will provide you with excellent care and results.

The post A Minimally Invasive Approach to Wrinkle Elimination appeared first on Moein Surgical Arts.
