Liposuction treatment – Moein Surgical Arts Cosmetic Surgery Los Angeles Mon, 30 Sep 2024 05:26:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Liposuction treatment – Moein Surgical Arts 32 32 Liposuction After Four Weeks What To Expect Tue, 25 Apr 2023 20:36:04 +0000 Introduction: What to expect 4 weeks after Liposuction What to expect 4 weeks after liposuction? Liposuction is a common and effective cosmetic procedure used to reduce areas of fat accumulation and improve body contours. Patients need to understand what to expect when undergoing liposuction in terms of the healing process and long-term results. This article …

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Introduction: What to expect 4 weeks after Liposuction

What to expect 4 weeks after liposuction? Liposuction is a common and effective cosmetic procedure used to reduce areas of fat accumulation and improve body contours. Patients need to understand what to expect when undergoing liposuction in terms of the healing process and long-term results. This article will summarize what we can expect four weeks after a liposuction procedure and tips on how best to manage any discomfort or risks during this time.

The healing process following liposuction differs for everyone, depending on age, health status, and lifestyle habits. Most patients experience certain milestones in the first four weeks post-surgery, which you should consider before pondering additional treatments. At this stage of recovery, swelling may still be present but should have diminished significantly from its peak immediately after surgery. Bruising may remain visible, and it could take several more days or weeks to disappear completely.

It is essential for anyone who has recently undergone liposuction to follow their doctor’s instructions closely to ensure a safe and successful recovery. Some activities, such as strenuous exercise, should be avoided until all symptoms associated with the procedure have subsided fully. Besides following these guidelines carefully, close monitoring of one’s overall health by both the patient and medical professional is advised throughout the entire duration of postoperative care.

What To Expect Liposuction After 4 Weeks

Liposuction is an artful procedure that achieves spectacular results in sculpting the body. It involves removing fat from areas of the body where it has become stubbornly resistant to diet and exercise, creating a more contoured silhouette. Liposuction results week by week will evolve. After liposuction, liposuction recovery time will vary depending on several factors. Swelling after liposuction, After four weeks post-procedure, most patients can expect significant improvements in their appearance.

The recovery period after liposuction typically lasts between three and six weeks. During this time, swelling and bruising will gradually fade as the newly reshaped area heals. Some people may experience numbness or tingling due to nerve damage caused by the surgical process; however, these sensations usually resolve within two months of surgery. Compression garments should be worn for at least four to six weeks following the operation to reduce bleeding and inflammation while aiding healing. Compression garments also help maintain smooth skin texture during recovery.

What to Expect Immediately After Surgery

Following liposuction surgery, it is normal to feel discomfort and soreness in the treated area. Swelling and bruising are common side effects of this procedure, which may take up to four weeks to subside. Immediately after the operation, a compression garment must be worn for approximately two weeks or more, depending on your circumstances. Compression will help reduce swelling and support the newly contoured areas during recovery.

Your surgeon will probably recommend that you avoid strenuous activities for at least one week after the surgery but can continue with light walking as tolerated. During this period, you may experience fluid drainage from the incision sites; if so, special pads must absorb the fluid and protect your skin. It’s important to keep these clean and dry until they heal completely. Your physician may also prescribe antibiotics or pain medications if needed. Proper rest is essential while recovering from liposuction surgery to promote healing and prevent complications, such as infection or excessive bleeding.

Recovery Process Liposuction What to Expect

Recovery Process Liposuction What to Expect

Patients who have undergone liposuction can expect to experience some swelling and bruising during the first four weeks after their procedure. This bruising is a normal part of recovery and usually subsides within 4-6 weeks. Pain levels should remain relatively low, but patients may require over-the-counter or prescription medication for more intense discomfort.

Dressings placed during surgery must be changed regularly to keep wounds clean and dry. Patients need to follow postoperative instructions from their surgeon regarding activity restrictions, wound care, and other special instructions. After about four weeks, most patients can gradually return to physical activities as directed by their surgeon. Patients should consult with their doctor before beginning any exercise program following liposuction. Proper rest and care can speed up healing and significantly reduce recovery time.

Pain and Discomfort after Liposuction

After four weeks of liposuction recovery, it is normal to feel pain and discomfort still. The intensity of these symptoms should have decreased significantly since the initial procedure. Thus, one may wonder – How much pain and discomfort can be expected after four weeks?

Most people will experience a gradual decrease in postoperative pain over this period. Manage any residual soreness or tenderness during the healing process; patients are encouraged to follow their doctor’s instructions regarding medications, rest periods, and physical activity levels. It is also important to note that there may be areas around incision sites where swelling persists for up to several months. Patients should contact their healthcare provider if they notice unusual redness or swelling throughout recovery.

Recovering from liposuction surgery requires patience and adherence to prescribed protocols; however, with proper care and attention, individuals should expect relief from pain and other discomforts within four weeks following the procedure.

Healing Time

The healing process after liposuction can vary from person to person. Four weeks post-procedure is considered a significant milestone in the recovery process. Most patients will have seen a noticeable improvement in their body shape and feel much better overall.

It is normal for some swelling to remain at this stage of recovery; however, it should subside over the next few weeks as long as proper postoperative care instructions are followed. Patients may also experience tenderness or soreness around the incision sites and areas treated with liposuction. This discomfort usually resolves within two to three weeks but can take up to six months before subsiding completely. Patients must follow their healthcare provider’s advice regarding activity level during this period so they do not put undue strain on the affected area, which could delay healing time.

Post-Surgery Care Liposuction Instructions

At four weeks post-surgery, patients undergoing liposuction should expect to heal. After their initial recovery period, they will need to follow instructions for proper care and management of their surgical site to ensure optimal results.

Patients should monitor any signs of infection or inflammation, such as redness, swelling, tenderness, and discharge. These symptoms show an infection that could worsen if left unchecked. The patient’s doctor may prescribe antibiotics or other medications for these infectious conditions. The patient must refrain from smoking and engaging in heavy lifting or straining activities during this time frame.

Regular moisturizing with quality products is strongly recommended to minimize scarring after surgery and keep skin healthy. In addition, the use of compression garments is highly encouraged for both comfort and support while providing adequate pressure on incision sites; wearing them 24 hours per day helps reduce swelling and encourages quicker healing. Sun exposure must be minimized since tanning speeds up aging and damages already sensitive skin even further. Remembering these simple steps can help maximize the outcome of your liposuction procedure!

Activity Restrictions After Liposuction

Activity restrictions after liposuction should be followed for four weeks. It is important to refrain from strenuous physical activity such as running, weight lifting, and sports requiring high-intensity movements during this time frame. Activities that involve bending or stretching need to be avoided to minimize the risk of complications. Patients may experience discomfort because of swelling or bruising during this period, so light exercises such as walking are encouraged; however, only if they do not cause pain. The patient can resume their daily routine after four weeks, but should still avoid heavy exertion and seek medical advice if necessary. Patients must adhere strictly to these activity restrictions for successful recovery without further risks or damage.

Long-Term Results

What to expect 4 weeks after liposuction? Dramatic results of liposuction after just four weeks can be nothing short of astounding. It seems too good to be true; the surgical removal of fat cells results in a more contoured body shape and improved self-esteem for patients with stubborn fatty deposits resistant to diet and exercise. But what about long-term effects? After all, one must consider the potential risks of cosmetic surgery.

Fortunately, liposuction is considered a safe procedure when performed by an experienced physician under proper medical conditions. Studies show that long-term results are maintained over time as long as the patient maintains their weight within 10% of preoperative levels and physical activity remains consistent. Any new or recurring fat accumulation can be treated again if necessary. There may also be some minor skin irregularities, such as unevenness or dimpling. Still, these typically improve over time, given regular massage therapy, topical creams, and gels prescribed by your doctor.

Liposuction effectively achieves a desired aesthetic goal while minimizing risk factors for those who meet certain criteria. When ensuring success, it’s important to remember realistic expectations and discuss them thoroughly with your cosmetic surgeon before undergoing treatment. – this will help maximize your chances of satisfaction with the outcome.

Risks of Liposuction

Risks of Liposuction

Liposuction is a safe procedure; however, there are some associated risks. These include infection, excessive bleeding, bruising, nerve damage or numbness in treatment, an asymmetry between treated areas, skin discoloration, and contour irregularities. Most of these complications can be avoided by having the surgery by an experienced professional with proper technique.

Patients may also experience temporary swelling, pain, tenderness, and soreness for several weeks after the procedure. The anesthetic used during liposuction can cause reactions ranging from mild to severe, such as nausea, dizziness, and headaches. Patients should always consult their doctor if they develop any unusual symptoms post-procedure. In rare cases, serious complications such as fat embolism or deep vein thrombosis have been reported following liposuction. Still, they can usually be prevented through thorough preoperative assessment and close monitoring of patients during recovery.

Benefits of Liposuction

The benefits of liposuction are many. It is a safe, minimally invasive procedure that can provide dramatic results in only one session. The fat cells removed during the procedure do not regenerate, so patients enjoy long-lasting improvements to their body shape, which they may have thought impossible before. Many individuals find increased self-confidence and improved physical well-being by removing excess fat from areas such as the abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, and arms.

Recovery time varies between patients, but after four weeks, most people can resume normal activities with minor discomfort or downtime. During this period, individuals must follow their doctor’s advice on managing postoperative pain and ensure minimal scarring. With proper care, see gradual improvement over subsequent months, with your ultimate result becoming more noticeable around six months following surgery.

Conclusion: What to expect 4 weeks after Liposuction

Understanding the risks and benefits of liposuction before undergoing the procedure is important. Liposuction can be a very effective way to contour your body, but it also carries potential risks and requires some downtime for recovery. After four weeks, most patients have recovered from their surgery and can resume normal activities with minimal discomfort or pain. There will probably still be swelling in treated areas; however, any noticeable changes should appear as healing progresses.

Liposuction can provide excellent results when performed correctly by an experienced surgeon. It’s paramount for individuals considering this procedure to do extensive research on their doctor before committing to having the operation done. By taking these precautions, you can ensure positive outcomes and peace of mind, knowing you receive quality care in a safe environment.

Ultimately, it cannot be overstated how beneficial liposuction has been for countless people worldwide who seek aesthetic improvements, making them feel more confident and content with their appearance -a boon they may not have achieved otherwise.

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Liposuction vs. HD-Lipo – What’s the Difference? Mon, 15 Nov 2021 20:47:57 +0000 Cosmetically trimming down your body in the past meant going to the surgeon’s office for liposuction. We don’t need to tell you about liposuction. The procedure has steadily gained popularity ever since it was first introduced back in the 1920s. It’s almost common knowledge that the safe and effective cosmetic technique removes stubborn pockets of …

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Cosmetically trimming down your body in the past meant going to the surgeon’s office for liposuction. We don’t need to tell you about liposuction. The procedure has steadily gained popularity ever since it was first introduced back in the 1920s.

It’s almost common knowledge that the safe and effective cosmetic technique removes stubborn pockets of fat from various areas of the body.

Liposuction can be used on the face, neck, chest, back, abdomen, arms, thighs, and even ankles.

The result is a slimmer profile and more attractive contours, all without slaving away in the gym.

There is another technology you should know about called Hi-Definition Liposuction, otherwise referred to as HD-lipo.

Hi-Def lipo is a body contouring procedure that removes fat and tones and tightens your body. The procedure leaves your body parts looking athletic and defined.

HD-lipo is like traditional liposuction, but there are some distinct differences. Let’s look at those now.

What is Hi-Definition Liposuction?

Liposuction vs. HD-Lipo

You might hear this technology called Hi-definitely liposuction, VASER (Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance), or 4D lipo. The technique uses ultrasound energy to break up unwanted fat.

During the procedure, a small incision is made near the treatment site. This allows for the insertion of the HD-lipo device. The device uses ultrasound to liquefy the fat, which makes it easier to remove. The fat is then removed gently via suction, allowing room for additional augmentation procedures.

As a side note, the fat that is removed with HD-liposuction can be put back into your body for popular procedures like natural breast augmentation and the Brazilian butt lift. We call it the fat transfer technique. The fat is sterilized before it is reinjected into the body parts, where you want subtle and natural-looking results.

Ask Dr. Moein about the fat transfer technique during your consultation.

What Can You Expect from HD-Liposuction?

HD-liposuction tones muscle and tightens skin. You can trim your arms, thighs, waist, and abdomen, and you can even rid yourself of your double chin. Some men may want chiseled abs, while women want slimmer and firmer contours. You can have these results with HD-liposuction.

You will enjoy these amazing results without excessive dieting or grueling exercise programs.

The ultrasound mechanism employed makes fat removal a smooth process. It means you should be back to your usual routine within four to seven days.

How Does HD-Liposuction Differ from Traditional Liposuction?

Attractive Body Contours

When compared side by side, the results from HD-lipo tend to be more significant than those of tried-and-true lipo.

With traditional liposuction, the surgeon uses the cannula to break up unwanted fat. This requires the surgeon to use tugging and pulling motions for clinging and stubborn connective tissue.

With HD-lipo, ultrasound energy melts the fat, making it easier to suction out. This is a major reason HD-Liposuction is given the nickname 4-D lipo because it can safely be used all over the body for impressive results. Anywhere you want more tone or definition so you can turn heads wherever you go, HD-lipo is the cosmetic surgery to request.

Faster Recovery Period

Recovery Period

After undergoing traditional liposuction, most patients require at least 24 hours of inpatient care. You can expect to return to work after ten days in most cases.

With HD liposuction, you should be back to work in as little as three or four days. Some patients need seven days of recovery to fully heal. If you feel discomfort or pain, stop whatever activity you are engaging in until after you have fully healed.

However, unlike traditional liposuction, which is inpatient, HD-lipo is an outpatient procedure. It means you will return home the same day after undergoing the procedure.

Lowered Risk

Traditional liposuction typically uses general anesthesia when substantial amounts of fat are removed. This ensures your comfort and safety, as you will be unconscious for the entirety of the surgical procedure. When you wake, you will undergo observation for a day, and then you can go home to heal.

Because general anesthesia is used, risks to your health can become slightly elevated.

HD-liposuction, on the other, doesn’t require the use of general anesthesia. A localized tumescent anesthetic is used instead, which means you will be awake for the procedure. You will also be well enough to go home afterward.

And since a single incision is made that is one or two centimeters in length, you will find HD-lipo gentle on the body indeed.

Remove Fat from Anywhere on the Body

Liposuction is meant for large pockets of fat that don’t respond to diet and exercise. The back, flanks, and thighs are common lipo surgery treatment sites.

Hi-definition liposuction can be used to remove fat from almost any place on the body. Even sensitive areas of the body, like the inner knee and ankles or the face, can be treated with the gentle fat removal process.

Want fat removed from a more typical area, such as the abdomen or the hips? HD-lipo can liquefy the fat all over for a slimmer, more contoured result.

A bonus is that the skin around the treatment area won’t need to be lifted or cut on account of HD-lipo’s skin tightening benefits.

How Long Does the HD-Liposuction Procedure Take?

In most cases, an HD-lipo session at Moein Surgical Arts takes around seven hours to perform. It all depends on how much fat is being removed and the area being worked on.

You will be awake for the duration of the procedure, but you won’t feel a thing. The procedure isn’t as invasive as traditional liposuction, so you’ll feel relaxed and safe while Dr. Moein slims your body with this revolutionary cosmetic technique.

When Can You See the Results of HD-Lipo?

Results of HD-Lipo

Hi-definition liposuction gives you immediately noticeable improvements. The area will appear sleeker with the fatty areas missing and with toned skin left behind. However, those are only the initial results.

The true results of the procedure won’t manifest for another twelve weeks following treatment. That means you will get to witness your skin getting tighter the longer time goes on. When those twelve weeks have expired, you’ll notice dramatically greater muscle tone and firmer skin at the treatment site.

Are HD-Lipo Results Permanent?

Both traditional liposuction and HD-lipo offer permanent fat removal. The fat cells are extracted from your body entirely and will not regenerate. That means that even if you gain weight, fat growth in the treatment area will be significantly reduced as there will be fewer fat cells left behind.

You will still need to watch your weight and exercise. If you can manage to live a healthy lifestyle, you can experience long-term results and the best appearance thanks to HD liposuction.

Keep in mind that untreated areas of the body will still experience fat growth.

As far as the tightness of your skin, those results are not permanent. The skin tightening effects of HD-lipo do improve for months. Then, after about a year, you may see your results fade. The rate of fading depends on your lifestyle and age. You can retain the results longer by taking care of your skin. Avoid excessive sun exposure and keep your skin moisturized and healthy.

You can always return to Moein Surgical Arts for skin tightening treatments if you wish to prolong your results.

How Should You Prepare for Liposuction or HD-Liposuction?

Before you are scheduled for lipo or high-definition lipo, you will need to schedule a consultation with Dr. Moein. During this private, one-on-one meeting, Dr. Moein will ask you about your current state of health, medical history, and the results you hope to achieve. Dr. Moein wants to ensure you understand every aspect of liposuction or HD-lipo before recommending you for surgery.

Once you are recommended for surgery, the date will be scheduled. Before surgery, make sure you have a ride home from our accredited cosmetic surgical center. With liposuction, you’ll want to plan to spend a day in recovery at Moein Surgical Arts, whereby you will return home the following day.

With HD-lipo, you can expect to be home and in recovery on the same day.

After the Procedure

After liposuction and HD-lipo, you should plan to take it easy for a few days. Even if a local anesthetic was used, your body needs time to heal. If possible, have someone nearby who can prepare meals and engage in light cleaning so you can rest.

After HD-lipo, you should expect to experience a lymphatic drainage massage. The purpose of this technique is to stimulate your lymphatic system, which aids in the removal of waste from your body.

The surgeon will ask you to wear a compression garment after both types of procedures for up to four weeks following your procedure. We may ask you to return to Moein Surgical Arts for follow-up visits to ensure long-term results and assess for rare potential complications.

Who is an Ideal Candidate for HD-Lipo?

Candidate for HD-Lipo

Hi-definition liposuction is suitable for people seeking to remove stubborn pockets of fat from certain areas of their bodies. The aesthetic technique is safe and effective for all types of bodies and skin tones if you are in good general health.

To be considered for surgery, your BMI needs to be in the normal range (around 32). If you have recently undergone significant loss, your doctor may want your weight to stabilize for a few months before recommending you for surgery.

The effects of HD-lipo work best when your weight is stable and close to your ideal based on your height.

Who is Not a Good Candidate for Lipo or HD-Lipo?

You will not be a good candidate for liposuction or high-definition liposuction if you have a high BMI.

With HD lipo, you would be denied surgery if your skin elasticity doesn’t have the bounce-back effect to make skin tightening possible.

Then some are at higher risk for complications, such as pregnant and nursing women. Dr. Moein would ask that you wait until after childbirth to consider a technique like liposuction or HD lipo.

Other factors that may get you denied for both surgeries include taking anti-inflammatory or blood-thinning drugs and if you have health conditions like immunodeficiency disorders that require medications that could interfere with these procedures.

How Much Does Liposuction vs. HD-Lipo Cost?

Traditional liposuction costs around $4,000 on average. Meanwhile, hi-definition lipo costs $6,500 on average.

While HD-lipo is slightly more expensive, it gives you that extra skin-tightening effect you don’t get with traditional liposuction.

Will Insurance Cover Liposuction or HD Liposuction?

Your health insurance plan is unlikely to cover a procedure like lipo or HD lipo. These are elective procedures that don’t benefit your health. Your insurance provider can give you further details regarding the specifics of your coverage policy.

If insurance doesn’t cover the costs of your liposuction procedure, there are other ways to help you afford improved contours and tighter skin. Medical financing is one option, as is crowdsourcing, where you can get your friends and family to pitch in and help you out.

Ready to Experience the Life-Changing Benefits of Liposuction or HD-Lipo?

You already know about liposuction. Now you know more about hi-definition lipo, otherwise known as 4D lipo or VASER lipo. Contact Moein Surgical Arts throughout Los Angeles, Encino, or Glendale, and schedule a consultation with Dr. Moein to ask about lipo or HD lipo today. (310)694-4486.

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Is Liposuction Belly Fat Removal Permanent? Mon, 15 Feb 2021 19:24:52 +0000 Introduction : Belly Fat Liposuction: Is This Method a Permanent Solution? Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed in the United States. With lipo, you can have fat extracted from your belly and virtually everywhere else on your body. You can even have your ankles and cheeks lipo’d, if fat accumulates there. …

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Introduction : Belly Fat Liposuction: Is This Method a Permanent Solution?

Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed in the United States. With lipo, you can have fat extracted from your belly and virtually everywhere else on your body. You can even have your ankles and cheeks lipo’d, if fat accumulates there. Many people, men and women alike, use liposuction to achieve their ideal body shape goals.

What isn’t well known is the permanence of a procedure such as liposuction. Does the belly fat stay gone forever, or will it return?

To better understand how long the fat stays gone, it helps to understand how liposuction targets and removes the fat from your body. The fact is, yes, liposuction is permanent, but that’s not the end of the story. Fat can return but the situation is not as clear cut as you may think. Here is the full “skinny” on lipo so that you can become a better informed consumer and patient.

How Does Liposuction Work Exactly to Remove Fat?

The goal of liposuction is to remove fat cells from targeted areas of the body. There are several liposuction techniques commonly used today. All of them use a combination of an aspirator and cannula. An aspirator is a suction device that extracts the fat while a cannula is a hollow tube that acts as the extraction instrument. Together, the tools of the cosmetic surgeon’s trade can make you thinner on your waist, flanks, chest, arms, legs, and even your butt.

How Can Fat Return After Liposuction?

Fat Return after Lip Surgery- Los Angeles Ca

Fat doesn’t “return” after lipo. Those fat cells you had extracted do stay gone forever. However, it is possible to grow new fat cells. That’s why it is important to try and maintain your post-lipo weight to avoid skewing your results.

A weight gain of even five to seven pounds could lead to less dramatic body contours. A boost in weight to that degree could easily happen over the holidays and could lead to new fat cells growing on the treatment areas.

A significant weight gain (10% of your body weight or more) could lead to even more skewed results. The good news is that the human body is designed to gain weight all over. That means that, even with a slight to significant weight gain, your treatment areas will still have less fat than non-treatment areas. That means that your body will still look “improved”, even as the scale climbs.

You can avoid any skewed results by maintaining your weight. If you can manage that, the fat will never return, and you’ll continue to look great, whether you’re in clothes or in your birthday suit.

How to Maintain Your Post-Lipo Weight

The best way to sustain your liposuction results over the long-term is to adopt the right habits. Here are six lifestyle changes to consider.

1- Eat to Live, Don’t Live to Eat

Food today tastes out of this world. Many of the foods we enjoy are also packed with calories, many of which our bodies don’t need. Consider tracking your food with a smartphone app. That way, you can determine how many calories you are eating for your body type and lifestyle. Even if you don’t record all your meals in an app, be cognizant of how many calories you take in. Be sure to adjust for your level of activity, whether you are athletic, moderately active, or sedentary.

2- Stay Properly Hydrated

Drinking water is the best way to keep your body running efficiently. Staying hydrated can also keep excess pounds at bay. Do your best to drink your weight or half of your weight in liquid ounces each day. A 150-pound woman would drink 150 ounces or 75 ounces of water. A 220-pound man would drink 220 ounces or 110 ounces, or somewhere in between. Carry water bottles with you whenever possible to remind yourself to always drink your H2O.

3- Break Your Meals into Smaller Options

Diet after Lip Surgery- Los Angeles Ca

Instead of eating three big meals, consider eating six smaller meals throughout the day. You can break your meals in half or plan smaller and healthier choices accordingly. Eating lighter and more frequently has been shown to give you more energy throughout the day. Anyone who has ever consumed a heavy meal in one sitting knows the lethargy that follows. You don’t get that when you eat a bit, wait, then eat a bit more, throughout the day. Making all of your meals ahead of time can ensure you have healthy choices to turn to whenever you need. Planning will also keep you from reaching for unhealthy foods whenever tempted.

4- Do Not Skip Meals

It may seem counterproductive to eat all day long when trying to maintain your weight. However, skipping meals can have the opposite effect. When you skip a meal, you may find yourself starving. That’s when you are likely to reach for a high-sugar and high-fat snack in a pinch. Once again, plan your meals. Choose a Sunday or another day out of the week and cook all of your healthy meals, storing them in Tupperware and other easy-serve containers. While you’re at it, get junk food out of your house so you can eat without feeling guilty.

5- Get Enough Exercise

Exercise after Liposuction (Lip Surgery)- Los Angeles Ca

You don’t have to be a fitness fanatic to maintain your weight. A walk for 20 to 30 minutes a day, a few times a week, is all it takes to maintain your fitness. That is, if you maintain a healthy diet. It’s said that abs are made in the kitchen and you can’t outrun a bad diet.

If you eat healthily, you can maintain your weight with moderate exercise. Try something fun – like a fitness class or an intramural sport – something that will get you excited about moving your body.

6- Follow Your Doctor’s Post-Lipo Instructions

Your cosmetic surgeon will likely give you tips for achieving the best results with your liposuction procedure. These include the right foods to eat and the best ways to exercise. These tips can be applied as you are healing and afterward, once your results are realized. Deviating from these instructions can lead to unfavorable results. Making your doctor’s advice part of your newly adopted habits is the best way to enjoy enviable liposuction results long into the future.

Schedule a Consultation for Liposuction to Remove Fat with World-Renowned Surgeon Dr. Babak Moein

Liposuction is permanent. Imagine looking in the mirror and seeing the flat tummy you have always wanted. Imagine walking down the beach with your slimmer arms and legs. These results can be yours. And you are more likely to achieve stellar results by working with the best cosmetic surgeon in the Los Angeles area. That surgeon is Dr. Babak Moeinolmolki (Dr. Moein for short).

Dr. Moein has an excellent track record for helping his patients reach their goals with lipo. Dr. Moein is also skilled and experienced at other liposuction procedures, such as VASER Hi-Def Lipo, which uses sound energy to extract fat for toned or “ripped” results.

Learn more by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Moein at Moein Surgical Arts. The process is easy. Simply call (310)694-4486.

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10 Liposuction & VASER Liposuction Preparation Tips for the Most Eye-Popping Results! Mon, 12 Oct 2020 15:46:15 +0000 Liposuction and VASER Liposuction are two procedures that can help you lose belly fat and other stubborn pockets of fatty tissue in a single procedure. One of the most important factors that plays an important role in the results of this procedure is Liposuction Preparation Many people are familiar with liposuction, which is one of …

10 Liposuction & VASER Liposuction Preparation Tips for the Most Eye-Popping Results! Read More »

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Liposuction and VASER Liposuction are two procedures that can help you lose belly fat and other stubborn pockets of fatty tissue in a single procedure. One of the most important factors that plays an important role in the results of this procedure is Liposuction Preparation

Many people are familiar with liposuction, which is one of the most common cosmetic surgical procedures in use today. Lipo can suck out the fat from your arms, upper thighs, midsection, buttocks, and chest.

You may not be so familiar with VASER Lipo, which uses sound energy to break up fat before it is removed. While liposuction can help you lose significant portions of fat quickly, VASER is perfect for etching out your musculature. Lipo can help you look fantastic, while VASER can give you that “shredded” look.

10 Liposuction & VASER Liposuction Preparation Tips

Both procedures can give you a great figure, particularly when you prepare adequately. What follows are the ten liposuction and Liposuction preparation steps to follow for the most aesthetic success.

1. Be Honest About Your Health During the Consultation

Any reputable cosmetic surgeon is going to require you to schedule a consultation before allowing you to book a lipo procedure. During this consult, you will discuss your past health history, current health, and expectations for the liposuction surgery.

When your surgeon asks about your health and weight, do yourself a favor and be honest. Lying to your surgeon about an underlying health condition or an eating disorder that can affect your weight before or after the procedure is an act that only serves to harm yourself.

Omitting important details from your surgeon is never a good idea. Instead, be honest and give your cosmetic specialist your complete medical history, and do your best to practice honesty, which is always the best policy.

2. Stop Smoking Before Lipo & VASER Lipo

Liposuction Preparation
Liposuction Preparation

Smoking is bad for any surgery, and liposuction is no different. Liposuction patients who smoke have been shown to suffer from delayed healing, infection, and other problems.

Speak with your cosmetic surgeon about his or her recommendations regarding smoking. If you cannot quit smoking, you may find that your surgeon elects not to operate. Stop smoking now if you want to have the best lipo or VASER Lipo session.

3. Avoid Unsafe Medications & Supplements

Your surgeon will provide instructions on what you can and cannot ingest for the two weeks preceding surgery. This list includes medications. You will need to refrain from taking some medications before undergoing liposuction, including aspirin, ibuprofen, herbal supplements, Vitamin E, anti-inflammatory drugs, and even some birth control medications.

Discuss any medications you may be taking with your surgeon during your first consultation.

4. Lipo Requires That You Maintain a Stable Weight

Losing any amount of weight in the weeks before receiving liposuction can cause problems, especially if you go on to lose a significant amount.

Your surgeon will recommend that you stay away from any type of diets, such as crash diets or elimination diets, and that you stay at a stable weight to experience the best liposuction results.

5. You May Need to Lose Weight Before Lipo or VASER Lipo

If your surgeon deems that you are too heavy for a liposuction or VASER Lipo procedure, you may be advised to lose weight before scheduling the procedure. You should be as close to your goal weight as possible. Keep in mind that while liposuction can help you lose fat, it should never be substituted for a healthy lifestyle.

The procedure is designed to help you get rid of fat that is resistant to diet and exercise. This means that you should be within 30% of your goal weight before undergoing lipo. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

6. Plan to Reduce Stress During Recovery

vaser Liposuction Preparation
vaser Liposuction Preparation

Make sure everything on your list is taken care of before you undergo surgery. That includes completing any pressing household or office assignments that could stress you out as you are attempting to recover.

Part of reducing stress is to make payment arrangements beforehand so that you are not worrying about paying surgical fees while undergoing recovery. Your cosmetic surgeon can give you a breakdown of liposuction surgical costs so that there are no surprises following surgery. While insurance is unlikely to pay for lipo because it is considered aesthetic surgery in nature, financing is available.

You can expect to pay around $2,500 to $3,500 for one liposuction session. VASER Lipo can run around $6,500 for each session. Cosmetic surgery financing is available to help offset the costs of the procedure.

7. Prepare Your Liposuction Recovery Environment

You are going to spend a few days and possibly a week or more in cosmetic surgery recovery. Make sure you have everything you might want to have close at hand beforehand. These items should be within easy reach of your bed or ouch, or whatever your recovery nest happens to be.

Examples of items to pick up include ready-to-eat snacks, water and other non-alcoholic beverages, the remote control, laptop, books, tablet, cell phone, old towels and blankets you don’t mind getting stained (from drains near the surgical sites), and Kleenex.

You may also want to invest in a heating pad for your back, which can be a godsend during recovery.

8. Stock Up on Lipo Recovery Supplies

Your body contouring surgeon will give you a list of other supplies you might need as you prepare for surgery. These include gauze, cold packs, pain medications, thermometer, laxatives (which can counteract the constipation that some painkillers cause), and moisturizer or scar reduction cream for your incision sites.

9. Get a Support System to Ensure an Easier Recovery

vaser Liposuction Preparation LA
vaser Liposuction Preparation LA

Get a friend or relative who can help you the day of surgery and afterwards, when you need it the most. The person you choose can drive you to and from the surgical center or hospital, pick up prescriptions, and any other assistance you may need.

10. Develop a Liposuction or VASER Lipo Treatment Plan with a Board-Certified Surgeon

Your first step to having a successful liposuction procedure is to schedule a consultation with a qualified cosmetic body contouring surgeon. You may have to pay a consultation fee, but many surgeons will put this cost toward the liposuction procedure.

This meeting gives you an excellent opportunity to discuss your expectations going into cosmetic surgery. Your surgeon will assess you for surgery and determine if you are a good candidate for a procedure like liposuction or VASER Liposuction.

If you are cleared for surgery, you will be given a treatment plan by your surgeon that includes instructions to follow the night before surgery, aftercare instructions, and tips to follow for the most successful procedure.

You can schedule a consultation for liposuction or VASER Lipo today by calling Dr. Moeinolmolki (Dr. Moein) and his surgical staff at Moein Surgical Arts in Los Angeles, California. Working together with Dr. Moein, you are assured to have a successful lipo procedure, helping you shed the fat where you want it gone the most!

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Is VelaShape® or Liposuction Right for your Goals? Thu, 06 Jun 2019 19:59:36 +0000 Velashape or Liposuction for your Goals Once you’ve decided to go after your goals, there’s not much that can stop you. But when you’re deciding the best way to achieve your ideal body, you have a few options to consider. What’s the best method of body contouring to get you to your goals? Nonsurgical options …

Is VelaShape® or Liposuction Right for your Goals? Read More »

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Velashape or Liposuction for your Goals
Laser liposuction Geo City A woman in a bikini with arrows on her stomach undergoing liposuction in Geo City.
velashape or liposuction

Once you’ve decided to go after your goals, there’s not much that can stop you. But when you’re deciding the best way to achieve your ideal body, you have a few options to consider. What’s the best method of body contouring to get you to your goals? Nonsurgical options like VelaShape®? Or is traditional liposuction the best route?

VelaShape® Explained

VelaShape is a non-invasive option for body contouring and cellulite reduction. It uses a combination of infrared light, bipolar radiofrequency energy and a vacuum to heat fat cells, surrounding connective tissue and collagen fibers in the skin. This is designed to stimulate collagen and elastin production to help you achieve a more taught, toned figure. VelaShape can be used on the neck, arms, thighs, backside, flanks and abdomen.

You should be able to gradually see the results of your treatments, but most clients opt for 3 sessions for best results.

A woman undergoes Vaser Lipo and confidently poses on the beach in her red bikini.

Nonsurgical Body Contouring velashape or liposuction

Where liposuction and VelaShape differ is largely in their invasiveness and their recovery time. With VelaShape, each treatment takes about 30 to 40 minutes and you can resume your normal activity right after. Liposuction, on the other hand, is an invasive surgery with significant recovery time.

The best way to determine which is right for you — nonsurgical body contouring vs. lipo — is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Moein. In your consultation, you’ll discuss your goals, what you can expect to achieve and ultimately which procedure is right for you.

The post Is VelaShape® or Liposuction Right for your Goals? appeared first on Moein Surgical Arts.

The Versatility of Liposuction Fri, 02 Dec 2016 21:21:17 +0000 Understanding Lipo Procedure is the first step to ridding your mind of negative connotations. You will also learn how cosmetic treatments can benefit one’s self-esteem. So many women – and men – forego the clothes they want to wear. They don’t even go to the events they want to attend due to body image issues. With …

The Versatility of Liposuction Read More »

The post The Versatility of Liposuction appeared first on Moein Surgical Arts.

Understanding Lipo Procedure is the first step to ridding your mind of negative connotations. You will also learn how cosmetic treatments can benefit one’s self-esteem.

So many women – and men – forego the clothes they want to wear. They don’t even go to the events they want to attend due to body image issues. With the technology and practices we have now, there’s no reason that anyone should go their entire lives not feeling comfortable in their own skin.

Liposuction is a great, minimally invasive treatment for anyone looking to “clean up” areas of their body they may feel are bogged down by never-diminishing fat pockets. When choosing to undergo liposuction for any number of insecurities, education is key.

Learn exactly how liposuction works, how surgeons perform it, recovery time, and where someone might get Lipo Procedurethroughout this article.

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a highly advanced fat sculpting technique designed to target hard-to-lose fat in areas of the body where diet and exercise just won’t do the trick. Think under the chin or your lower belly region.

While liposuction is designed to remove fat, it is NOT a weight-loss tool. Liposuction should be considered the last-ditch effort to get your body exactly where you want it to be. If you are overweight and would like to lose weight, Lipo Procedure can be combined with bariatric procedures like the gastric sleeve or the gastric balloon to help you reach your body goals.

Liposuction is also not a skin-tightening procedure. Your skin should be supple and tight. Otherwise, you should speak to your doctor about a procedure-combination to receive skin tightening and liposuction.

With over 250,000 Americans receiving lipo in 2018, the procedure is incredibly common and a proven tactic for achieving ideal body shaping results. Liposuction should be performed by an experienced plastic surgeon with Lipo Procedure and fat sculpting knowledge. This allows a plastic surgeon to provide you with the best results and the most optimal procedure experience.

After it’s been confirmed with your surgeon that lipo is indeed the appropriate cosmetic procedure for you, you can expect the procedure to be a one-day venture, involving local or general anesthesia, and about a two-week recovery period.

What Does a Lipo Procedure Look Like?

Lipo Procedure in LA

During your procedure, your surgeon may place you under local or general anesthesia, depending on where he/she is working on. After you are sufficiently numbed up or asleep, your surgeon will create a small incision on the operating site, where they will then go in with a small tool called a cannula. A cannula is a thin, hollow tube with a dull tip.

Once the surgeon inserts the cannula, an attached suction machine will begin to remove loosened fat pockets right from your body.

Throughout the procedure, your surgical team will be monitoring your vitals to prioritize your safety and ensure that everything is going as planned. While it is minimally invasive, preventative measures should always be in place to look out for any irregularities during the procedure.


Following the fat removal, you may experience soreness, swelling, or bruising – this is all perfectly normal. Your incision site(s) will need time to heal but this is not extensive. The surgeon will advise you to rest for a few days. You should expect to have a follow-up appointment with your surgeon to make sure that you are healing as planned.

The size and location of the treatment area will ultimately affect the duration of your recovery period, but you can expect to solidly rest up for a few days, with the ability to return to work in about a week’s time. By week two, you should see your swelling and bruising subside. However, you should still take it easy in the weeks following your procedure.

Following the full healing, you should expect to see dramatic results at the treatment sites. A good plastic surgeon should be able to manage your expectations before you begin Lipo Procedure so you do not find yourself disappointed following the procedure.

Now you know how they do it, but where can you get it?

 Where Can You Get Liposuction?

Lipo is an incredibly versatile procedure that allows a qualified surgeon to precisely target several areas of the body. The minimally invasive use of the cannula makes lipo ideal for small or hard-to-treat areas like the knees or under the chin. While many people think lipo is a tummy procedure, its uses extend far beyond your belly region.

Start by considering all of the places on your body where you may have frustrating, relentless pockets of fat. I’d gamble they will all be on this list.

The most obvious areas for liposuction include:

  • The Buttocks
  • The Hips
  • The Tummy
  • Love Handles
  • Thighs
  • Under the Chin

The lesser-known areas include:

  • The Face
  • The Back
  • The Chest
  • The Lower Legs
  • The Upper Arms
  • The Knees

Many people choose tummy or thigh lipo but smaller areas are often treated as well to resolve insecurities brought on by stubborn fat. Liposuction on the back, the face, or the upper arms can be a huge self-esteem booster for people that are prone to frustration by the ability to lose fat in these areas.

Depending on your body goals, your liposuction surgeon can recommend that you combine treatment areas to be completed at one time to limit recovery and cost due to standard treatment fees. You can even combine liposuction with other cosmetic treatments to maximize your procedure outcome and body goals. The Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) and various bariatric or skin tightening procedures are popular to combine with liposuction.

 Where to Get Liposuction in the Greater Los Angeles Area

If you’ve read through this article and decided that liposuction could be the cosmetic procedure for you, or if you simply have more questions, you need to call Moein Surgical Arts in Los Angeles. Dr. Babak Moein is a world-renowned surgeon with decades of experience in cosmetic and weight loss procedures.

The team at Moein Surgical Arts is highly professional in cosmetic body procedures. They will also take care of you throughout the entire process. By scheduling a consultation with Dr. Moein, you will begin your body sculpting journey. He and his team will monitor your progress every step of the way.

If you are sick of stubborn fat and you’ve found nothing else that will work, take a few moments to schedule an in-person or virtual consultation with Dr. Moein. He will gladly answer all of your questions. He will also get you well on your way to having the body you’ve always dreamed of – stubborn fat pocket-free. Call (310)455-8020 today to get started getting your body to where you want it to be.

The post The Versatility of Liposuction appeared first on Moein Surgical Arts.
